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Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2018 8:34 pm
by FlightRN2go
I'm afraid to ask what happened here because it seems like many members I used to know are gone. I talked to Foil but Cuda has yet to answer and I don't see callmeslick, Kilarin, Sgt Thorne, etc. Anyone know where they went?

Re: Members

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 5:30 pm
by Tunnelcat
Yeah, I kind of miss all of them. Maybe their lives moved them on to bigger and better things. I know a couple of them left here because of the liberal slant to the E&C, like Cuda and Thorne, but that doesn't explain why callmeslick vanished.

Re: Members

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 9:43 pm
by TigerRaptor
Check around the official Overload and Descent: Underground forums. Never know who you might run into there.

Re: Members

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 9:05 pm
by FlightRN2go
Tunnelcat wrote: Tue Oct 09, 2018 5:30 pm Yeah, I kind of miss all of them. Maybe their lives moved them on to bigger and better things. I know a couple of them left here because of the liberal slant to the E&C, like Cuda and Thorne, but that doesn't explain why callmeslick vanished.
From my perspective, as a visiting outsider, I don't believe their reasons for leaving can be solely blamed on life issues or change in the political landscape. There's also the forum's social transformation that is so markedly different from what I remember. A "This has now become that" kind of thing. That's just an opinion so take it as that.

Although I've been busy for the last several years with education and work, I remember "callmeslick" was invited to the forum by "Cuda" who pulled him in from somewhere else and I'd just like to find where that somewhere else is. I miss civil discussions on religion and politics and want to share my new experiences with the one's who have left. I'll have to hunt them down when I have time.

@TigerRaptorFX .... Yep :) found a few there. Unfortunately, I don't play any kind of games anymore.

Re: Members

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 12:03 pm
I'm still alive.
In 2015 I had an widowmaker heart attack. I was under immense stress at work. And the lack of civility and reasonable discussion on this board wasnt helping that. And after scanning through a few threads I see some things haven't changed much.
My wife and I were on a Saturday hike a mile and a half up a trail on the side of mt. hood when it hit me. I had 100% blockage in my LAD and I went down. Hard part was my wife is 125lbs. I'm 6'6" 300. I looked at her while I was on the ground and said to myself, she isnt going to carry me out, so if I dont get up I'm going to die on this spot, so I got up had to hike back out. 1.5 miles Pounding on my chest the whole time. No one was around to help and there was no No phone coverage. After getting to an area with cell coverage we were able to get medical attention and get to the hospital. Dr said it was a stress clot. And that I should be dead he said the chances under normal conditions of survival was 2%. I did it while walking 1.5 miles on top of it. I guess God wasnt done with me yet. So here I am.
So I walked away from my job and this board. I'm 58. I'd like to spend a few more years with my wife of 37 years and watch my 9 grandkids grow up. 5 of which I would have never known if I had died. B. PM'd me so I thought I'd check in and say hello.

Re: Members

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 1:05 pm
by Top Gun
Jesus. Glad to hear everything turned out okay for you.

Re: Members

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 2:16 pm
by Krom

Not many people can tell a story about the time they walked off a major heart attack, that is seriously amazing.

Re: Members

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 5:16 pm
by TigerRaptor
Good to hear you pulled through.

Re: Members

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:58 pm
by FlightRN2go
It's awesome hearing from you. :) Although your doctor's LAD comment was blunt and statistically true, the fact that you were able to hike over a mile to get help was impressive to say the least which put you in a much more favorable category. By now you would have had a corrective procedure (if required) along with some nice new blood meds. I won't lecture you on weight, stimulants, food, exercise, etc because I'm sure your wife has become the informed nurse. Without knowing your history, but knowing the vascular procedures and medications of today I don't see why you wouldn't have a normal lifespan.

I recently showed up here for a different reason but since my career is established I have some time (not a lot) for discussions on religion and politics. I had hoped you and some of the others that used to be here didn't disappear but simply were at another forum. Anyway, I'm glad you responded and my email address is in my profile if you want to say hi again...

You made my day :)

Re: Members

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:31 pm
Thx all

Ya I have a stent.
My evac frac was 40% after my attack 9/12/15. 10:30am.
This last January they did an echo check up on me and it's back up to 55%. :)
And yes drill Sargent Ruth gives me two small bowls full of pills a day. They mess with me pretty good though :(
My cholesterol is 175 with my LDL 80. My BP is 118 / 72.
The doc said when he was putting in the stent that my arteries looked good. About a 15% blockage overall. Not bad for pushing 60.
I'm just old and fat. Kind of hard to go hiking again after that experience.

I'll tell you. An experience like that changes a man.

And if you want to talk religion I'm here :)

Re: Members

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 9:50 am
by Tunnelcat
WOW, sorry to hear about your health problems CUDA. I wondered what had happened to you. My father had to have a bypass nearly a decade ago because of an artery blockage. Then a few years after that, he had to get a pacemaker because his heart would randomly stop and he would pass out. But now, I and my 3 siblings have been having to decide what to do because he had a small stroke 3 weeks ago and now is no longer able to care for himself because of his bad memory. I've been up in Portland this weekend talking to my siblings about the whole thing. Right now, my dad doesn't think anything is wrong with him, so he's fighting any living arrangement changes, but change is going to be inevitable since the four of us can't be caregivers full time. I've got to go right back up to Portland yet again today to get his finances worked out to weather any inevitable future stock market crashes. He's too heavily into equities right now.

We also think he forgot to go to his doctor for regular Coumadin blood level monitoring. When he went to the hospital, they found his blood levels to be way too high and that he was bleeding slightly in his lungs, as well as in the brain. That's what probably caused his stroke because he'd been taking too much Coumadin. So CUDA, if you get put on any blood thinners because of your stent, be very careful to have your blood levels constantly monitored. And also remember that the newer blood thinners like Eliquis do NOT have an antidote if you have any bleeding issues happen, so any bleeding is fatal. At least a Coumadin overdose's effects can be reversed with taking vitamin K.

Re: Members

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:50 pm
by FlightRN2go
Still looking for some of the others but haven't got any hits yet. Hopefully, they'll bite so I'll keep checking in.

Re: Members

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 9:28 pm
by dissent
Impressive and moving story there Cuda.

Yeah, those little grand-relatives are something to live for, ain't they. Cheers man.

Re: Members

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 10:54 pm
by Jeff250
CUDA wrote: Sat Oct 13, 2018 12:03 pmAnd that I should be dead he said the chances under normal conditions of survival was 2%. I did it while walking 1.5 miles on top of it. I guess God wasnt done with me yet. So here I am.
Amazing story! Good to hear from you, and stay well!

Re: Members

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 11:36 pm
by Tunnelcat
Sometimes, scary life changing incidents like this do make us to stand back and seriously take stock of our lives. It makes us ponder the reasons for our existence, the reasons we survived something we shouldn't have and whether or not God is out there watching over all of us.

Re: Members

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 8:51 pm
by FlightRN2go
Cuda... Horrible scheduling this week. I will be emailing you shortly on why I'm on the other side of the religion thing and how my profession reinforces it. I also found a civil place for discussion but need to look at it more closely otherwise we can communicate via our personal emails instead. I just would have liked to get input from others too.

My outbox still shows that Thorne and callmeslick haven't read any messages but I don't know if it goes to their emails.


Re: Members

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 9:08 pm
by Tunnelcat
I'd like to communicate with CUDA as well. Think he'd talk to me if I emailed him? As for the religious thing, once you experience something like CUDA did, your mind has no choice but to begin to wonder about life and death and the circumstances of our existence on this one tiny spot of a planet sitting somewhere in the vast universe. My mother went through the same thing. She turned to religion when she was diagnosed with lung cancer and knew she had very little time left to live. I think it comforted her because she feared that there was nothing after death.

Re: Members

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 9:30 pm
TC I'm game. I dont want to have discussions in a forum setting anymore. They have too many people that dont want to add anything and just want to stir up ★■◆● with a quip. They dont care to listen to the other side. It's a microcosm out what our society is today. PM me and I'll give you my email.

Re: Members

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2018 6:50 pm
by FlightRN2go
TC... Unfortunately, the E&C here is morally unusable for me and since you and Cuda have agreed to share emails I feel comfortable enough to email both of you as a group. (Your email addresses will go to no one else.) So, I sent an email to Cuda and cc'd you onto it. Hope this works out. :)

Re: Members

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2018 9:27 pm
by Tunnelcat
I sent CUDA my email, so that's OK. :)