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Shards of Khaki Colored Glass

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 10:52 am
by woodchip
I am becoming more and more concerned with the far left controlled democratic party and the stooges who would use violence and intimidation to promote their cause. We can go all the way back to the Paul Wellstone funeral eulogy and how a rabid liberal speaker goes so far to point out certain republican attendee's for debasement and the beer hall crowd jeers these same attendee's to the point the republican's leave. Where was the sense of decorum and respect for the deceased?
Sandy Berger's in the pants attempt to remove damning papers is another example of how the far leftinista's have only contempt for the laws of this country. Have we heard of any indictment against Mr Berger to date? On the other hand the much reported prison scandal has already seen participants accused, convicted and sent to prison.
Senator Kerry himself has broken military law by secretly meeting with our countries enemy in time of war, a far more serious charge than the prison scandal participants, yet here he is blithely running for the nations highest office with nary a blemish on his record.
We now have the AFL/CIO union's brown shirted thugs attacking and disrupting republican campaign offices as though during a political year it is quite all right. It is not, yet we see no call for justice or Kerry speaking out against it. Of course the union jack boots have always been loyal liberal supporters so what would one expect from Kerry or his mainstream liberal allies in the press. Even the incident with the small child being man-handled by a union bully boy to the point of tears brought no more than a mild reprimand. Did anyone think about the childs civil right to freely express herself being violated? Guess not.
We have Mikey "Goebbels" Moore being acclaimed for his 9/11 docufarce and liberal run universitys paying him 30-40,000 a speech out of student funds (and we wonder why education is constantly needing more money) to promote his diatribe of political hatred. Yet when challenged by conservative commentators to a debate at these same schools, the Blimp always chickens out. Wouldn't want Oz revealed by pulling back the curtain now would we.
Then we have the zealots like the pie throwers who tried to smear Ann Coulter with a symbol of liberal sweetness, no doubt thinking it is alright to generate a moment of fear in another human being. I wonder if these same "spirited" individuals protest the war?
While each instance may be ascribe to a lone act of stupidity and thus forgivable, in concert it telegraphs a state of mind the liberal wing of the Democratic Party now stands for. The liberal ethos is now becoming apparent to be one of desperation for power. A desperation traited to a "by any means" mentality and to heck with the idea of respect for the common good. Richard Nixon, that much hated president by the left, at least when faced with his close defeat chose to gracefully concede the election to his opponent in lieu of putting the country through the turmoil of a Algore style defeat. Now we have the Democrats hiring a army of lawyers to "watch" over the election and Jimmy Carter (arguably one of the most inept presidents ever) calling for international monitors to oversee a American election.
Senator Kerry alludes to how he is going to be The Great Unifier and have the world again embrace us yet it is Russia and Italy's leaders coming out in support of Bush. So if Kerry thinks the Frog and the Hun are the world, then heaven help us if he is elected.
So in the end, is it any small wonder that Hamas and Usama bin Laden would dearly love to see Kerry get in power? After all aren't the far left democrats who would be ushered into office akin to the middle eastern terrorist whose motto of "Intimidation any Means" is eerily in synce?

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 11:29 am
by Kyouryuu
Save your keystrokes. Sheesh. For a republican, you have a far greater obsession with Kerry than my own liberal self.

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 11:48 am
by Ympakt
Y'know, I could insert "Bush", "Republican," and "Right wing" wherever you mention Kerry, Democratic, and Left Wing, throw in a couple of alleged Republican schemes and vile plots and this argument would sound like every other left wing-nut instead of a right wing-nut. Great rant. sounds just like everything else said on this board about politics. The truth is out there, and its buried so deep in so many layers of partisan sh!t and spin that you can't get the whole, true story. For every incident one side is accused of, the other drags out 10 more. Know who loses? We do. The American Friggin Public. We've lost sight of the goal: Make America a better place. Lead by example. Something this partisan split and bickering won't allow to happen very easily.

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 11:59 am
by Ford Prefect
We can go all the way back to the Paul Wellstone funeral eulogy and how a rabid liberal speaker goes so far to point out certain republican attendee's for debasement and the beer hall crowd jeers these same attendee's to the point the republican's leave. Where was the sense of decorum and respect for the deceased?
A well documented exageration to the point of being an outright lie.

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 12:03 pm
by index_html
They didn't boo Trent Lott at Wellstone's memorial, and he didn't leave? Coulda sworn that's what I heard and saw with my own ears and eyes when it was televised.

The liberal ethos is now becoming apparent to be one of desperation for power. A desperation traited to a "by any means" mentality
Well, at least over in Britland, The Guardian seems to be on board the "any means" wagon:

On November 2, the entire civilised world will be praying, praying Bush loses. And Sod's law dictates he'll probably win, thereby disproving the existence of God once and for all. The world will endure four more years of idiocy, arrogance and unwarranted bloodshed, with no benevolent deity to watch over and save us. John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Hinckley Jr - where are you now that we need you? Link (may be swamped)

Yep, warm, fuzzy dreams of assassination by our friends at The Guardian.

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 8:08 pm
by Ford Prefect
I understand that Mr. Lott left, Jessie Ventura left and probably others and that one of the eulogies contained overtly political statements that were probably out of place given the bi-partisan nature of the event.
Is this evidence of a far-left controlled Democratic Party full of jack booted stooges bent on oppressing the freedoms of god fearing Americans and confiscating all guns so that your children can be indoctirnated into a life of slavery to a swollen bureaucracy of athiestic tax collectors?
Or was it more or less what you would expect of a crowd of some 20,000 Democrats whose champion has receintly died in tragic circustances when presented with people whose presence they just might consider as hypocritical rather than heartfelt?
far left controlled democratic party and the stooges who would use violence and intimidation to promote their cause.
This from a man that must remember Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin, people that would consider the most left wing members of the Democratic party as lackys of the military-industrial complex? Jerry and Abbie fit your description.
C'mon Woodchip give up the Rush Limbaugh/Bill O'Reilly double headers, they are rotting your brain.

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 8:32 pm
by index_html
Is this evidence of a far-left controlled Democratic Party full of jack booted stooges bent on oppressing the freedoms of god fearing Americans and confiscating all guns so that your children can be indoctirnated into a life of slavery to a swollen bureaucracy of athiestic tax collectors?
Wow, you kinda ran with that one, didn't ya? I was just thinking it meant they were tacky and had no class. Heh.

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 11:20 pm
by Ford Prefect
Sometimes it's fun to spew.
Just imagine the reception that Hilary would get if she showed up at a memorial service in front of 20000 Texas Republicans. :roll: I don't think it would be pretty.

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 8:04 am
by woodchip
Kyouryuu wrote:Save your keystrokes. Sheesh. For a republican, you have a far greater obsession with Kerry than my own liberal self.
The post is not about Kerry specifically
Ympakt wrote:Y'know, I could insert "Bush", "Republican," and "Right wing" wherever you mention Kerry, Democratic, and Left Wing, throw in a couple of alleged Republican schemes and vile plots and this argument would sound like every other left wing-nut instead of a right wing-nut. Great rant.
If so please post these incidents so we can compare.

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 10:12 pm
by roid
i don't know if i agree that the US Democrats party are FAR LEFT woodchip.

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 11:46 pm
by Tyranny
I like when roid posts in threads like this. It makes me laugh. :P

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 1:42 am
by roid
it's just from what i'm hearing. they don't seem THAT different to the republicans.

the far left would be socialists, or greenys, or fuzzy aliens of love, you get the vibe.

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 6:21 am
by Dedman
Chip, your'e buggin!

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 9:29 am
by Zuruck
Good Post Ympact. I too, think that Woodchip has a bigger hard on for Kerry than most Democrats do. I bet he knows where Kerry stands on every issue but is unclear where Bush stands...kinda sad.

Funny thing is, if I had a post like that Will Robinson would come in and act macho and say "find something substantial to post and quit being a stupid liberal"...Woodchip posts this and he'll completely agree and act like it's gospel.

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 3:32 pm
by Will Robinson
Zuruck, I *am* macho, how you can tell by my posts is beyond me however and I don't want to go there with you.
Woodchip....Amen brother, preach that gospel ;)

The truth is when I first saw this thread I read about the first third of woodchips rant and turned it off because there didn't seem to be anything there I didn't already know and now I've come back to see why it's still at the top of the thread list only to find Zuruck intimidated by my manliness :P

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 7:32 am
by Zuruck

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 10:14 am
by Dedman
roid wrote:it's just from what i'm hearing. they don't seem THAT different to the republicans.
I think roid has a point.

-Both parties have a need to control information in a 1st amendment nation.
-Both parties will spin to the point of spewing inaccuracies.
-Both parties have a phobia (A strong fear, dislike, or aversion.) of the other.
-Both parties have made little effort to really understand the other.
-Both parties seem to fall back on old stereotypes when describing the other.
-Both parties seem to convey a â??by any means necessaryâ?

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 12:39 pm
by Pebkac
roid wrote:the far left would be socialists, or greenys, or fuzzy aliens of love, you get the vibe.
A few pics from Bush protests:


And my personal fave:


The Democratic party has been slowly taken over by these folks, and one of the worst places is in Texas. Here's a fairly long article on ABB's Austin, TX roots.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:04 am
by Zuruck
Hmmmm...I lean towards the left on many issues but I'm not a Commie, Socialist, NAZI, or anything else. That's strange, I thought I was an American.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:20 pm
by woodchip
Sadly we now have this to show more of democratic "pursuasive" tactics:

"A Florida man has been charged with attempting to run over controversial Republican congresswoman Katherine Harris with his Cadillac. According to the below Sarasota Police Department report, Barry Seltzer, 46, told cops that he was simply exercising his "political expression" when he drove his car at Harris and several supporters, who were campaigning last night at a Sarasota intersection. Seltzer--pictured at right in a booking photo--allegedly drove up on a sidewalk and headed directly for Harris before swerving "at the last minute." Harris told officers that "she was afraid for her life and could not move as the vehicle approached her," according to the report. For his part, Seltzer--who's a registered Democrat--told cops, "I intimidated them with the car. They were standing in the street." He added, "I did not run them down, I scared them a little!"

Well I guess the good thing is the guy wasn't driving a homicidal SUV.

Zuruck, no one is saying the typical democratic voter is suspect. What is being pointed out those who control and promote agenda's with-in the party are the ones to watch out for.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:12 pm
by Pebkac
That's strange, I thought I was an American.

Love the drama!

Lighten up, Francis. I lean left on many issues, too. I took Roid's post to mean that he didn't think we had far, far, far left representation in America.

These are the types of people that flocked to Dean, and then to Kerry when Kerry started parroting Dean's platform. Do you really want the support of such people? It would be like the GOP directly forming the platform to satisfy the wishes of the Michigan Militia.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:16 pm
by Iceman
I'm not a commie, a socialist, or a nazi either. I AM A DISGRUNTLED DEMOCRAT! Really ... it's chit like this that p|ssed me off towards my party and alienated me from it. If the danged demos would practice one half of what they preach I might cool off and come back around ... But as long as they remain two-faced power mongers I will stand on the fence.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:21 pm
by Pebkac

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:30 pm
by bash
*Fear, the city is rank with it.* :oops: Stunts like these early lawsuits are only going to hurt Kerry as it gives the impression of pre-emptive bitterness. They almost seem like they are planning to lose and are hoping to litigate their way into the presidency*. This atmosphere of planting the seeds for accusations of election fraud will only lead to violence if the election doesn't go their way. That blood will be on the Dem Party's hands if it happens. Let's hope whoever wins does so by a substantial margin.

*Spare me the *stolen election of 2000* tripe. Only paranoid conspiracy freaks still cling to that delusion.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 2:57 pm
by Dedman
This is a big reason why I can't stand my own party any more.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 6:50 pm
by Ford Prefect
Love the photos Pebkac. :D Especially the Communist Party (Fourth Intenationalist). What happened to the first three? In Canda we have the Communist Party of Canada and the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist). Together they poll around 300 votes in our province each election. I especially like the concept of them influencing the Democratic party.

Scene: Smoke filled back room at Democratic National Headquarters. A group of policy wonks are gathered to plot strategy.
A George C. Scott lookalike chomping a cigar: "Look at these photos! These guys have pop-up tents from Wallmart! We are investigating the possibility that Wallmart is sponsoring them. And these Raise the Minimum wage guys have upgraded their graphics with multi coloured felt markers. Where is the money comming from?"
A female with a remarkable resemblence to a New York senator: "The pressure is ovewhelming. We are recieving a manifesto a week from the Fouth Internationalist brigade and the latest polling by Peacock,Peacock and Bullwinkle indicates a trend toward resurgent communism amoung young Albanian ethnic voters in semi-rural areas."
A curly haired comedian: "That's it!! We have to cave in and remake our policies to better attract this important demographic right away." (Passes out song sheets to The International) "Have this memorized by tomorrow's rally" :lol:

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 6:54 pm
by Duper
The ACLU was very openly socialist until communizim became unpopular.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 7:32 pm
by woodchip
According to David Horowitz, the main reason the far left was so anti war was due to their communist/socialist ideology. The far left was for fellow communist N. Vietnam winning the war as they were comrads in beliefs. These same people now are in control of the democratic party. Typical to tactics of communists intimidation, my original posts shows a trend to using organised crime controlled union thugs and misguided dupes to further their goals.
Listening to a dem. congressman trying to defend Kerry's accusations that Bush did not safeguard the missing explosives, the congressman when asked how something that is not there, all he could offer as response was, "Bush rushed to war and did not plan for the peace". How insulting to ones intellegence.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 8:48 pm
by Pebkac
Ford wrote:Love the photos Pebkac.
Glad you got a chuckle out of them. :D You even whupped Zuruck's ass on the drama front. Wrote a little one-act play and everything. Kudos!

The photos were in direct response to a post specifically mentioning those groups. They are but a small sub-set of the overall problem, but if it makes it easier for you to dismiss, feel free to misinterpret the intent of my post. Go ahead and ignore the obvious fact that the Dem party is slowly being devoured from within by the far-left. The rest of us will lament the slow death of a once-great party, the party of Roosevelt and Kennedy.

Breaking into GOP staff offices, shooting at GOP campaign offices, almost killing a Republican Congressional candidate with a car (luckily, the driver was caught and is being charged with aggravated assault), willfully undermining confidence in the electoral process with constant cries of fraud (whether valid or not), perpetuating discredited stories of electoral fraud and racial disenfranchisement from 2000, filing NINE lawsuits a full week before the election to further this belief, giving away crack cocaine in exchange for fradulent voter registrations, pulling children out of school to go shill for Kerry on the public dime, and on and on and on. Are these the actions of a group who gives two shits about this country? No, they are the actions of a group who, at long last, are within grasp of attaining real power, and they will do anything to get it.

Keep on chuckling Mr. Gigglebox, I wonder if you'll be smiling on Tuesday when Bush gets re-elected and the GOP picks up another 7 or 8 seats. I'll be laughing as the Dems collectively scratch their heads in disbelief, shocked that the knuckle-dragging troglodyte from Texas has beaten them yet again.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 8:48 pm
by Avder
Two points:

First: Nazis are the ultra extreme right wing, not left.

Second: If anyone is lusting for power its the Republicans. I will cite one item as support: the Patriot Act. The sheer volume of that act, given how soon it was introduced to congress after 9/11 demonstrates to me that the Republicans had it in the works before the twin towers fell. Wether or not they were going to try to introduce it in small chunks they theyre doing now with Patriot Act II or not is not worth speculation. And spare me the "Patriot act is nessecary to fight the war on terror and therefore makes our lives safer" bullcrap. The Patriot Act is comparable to taking a flamethrower to the bill of rights with all the powers and secrecy it grants the justice department. Included are warrantless searches that never have to be discloced, complete circumvention of Judicial Oversight with regard to subpoenas, and untold numbers of privacy violations (granted, right to privacy is not expressly written in the constitution anywhere, but a few ammendments relate to it).

Hear what you want, see what you want, what do I know. I'm just some person who apparently leans left and therefore isnt worth listening to in the eyes of you Bush lovers. All I want is for the security of this nation to be enhanced in a way that does not trample on our civil liberties. And there are many ways for that to be done that arent even being discussed.

A Quote
Benjamin Franklin wrote:A People Who Would Sacrifice Liberty for Security Will Lose Both, and Deserve Neither

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:05 pm
by index_html
One suit challenges a ruling by Mrs. Hood to throw out forms on which new voters had failed to check a box indicating whether they were U.S. citizens
Yeah, how could that possibly matter?

Apparently, "disenfranchisement" refers to people who can't fill out a simple friggin' form.
Under the 2002 Help America Vote Act, each state must provide standby ballots to voters if they cannot be found on registration lists, are in the wrong polling place or don't have proper identification but insist they are eligible to vote. Those people will be given â??provisionalâ?

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 1:21 pm
by Birdseye
According to David Horowitz, the main reason the far left was so anti war was due to their communist/socialist ideology. The far left was for fellow communist N. Vietnam winning the war as they were comrads in beliefs. These same people now are in control of the democratic party.
According to me, you are a nut who believes anything in print from republicans.

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 1:35 pm
by index_html
For a person who has sung the praises of Noam Chomsky of all people, you're really not one to talk. :twisted:

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 1:54 pm
by Birdseye
I doubt you have ever even read Noam Chomsky.

You are simply using a right wing cliche that Chomsky is a nut who has nothing good to offer. Actually, he does a significant quantity of research.

If you actually remember my posts regarding Chomsky, my recomendation was to pay attention to the new facts he brings up and then do your own research on them. I read so many new facts that I had not heard before yet were true, that his book 9-11 was definitely worth the read.

Woodchip's post, however, is an unresearched rant with a significant generalization that bears no resembelance to reality. There is nothing communist about the democratic party, and this is coming from someone who has casted more votes for republicans than democrats in major political races.

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 3:58 pm
by woodchip
Just so you understand Birdy, Horowitz grew up with parents who were members of the American Communist Party. As such he has a pretty clear idea of what was going on during the Vietnam war. Unlike Chomski, Horowitz did not have to do research...he lived it.

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 12:43 am
by Ferno
Dedman: you forgot one small but important detail:

-Both parties end up working for the same corporations.

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 11:51 am
by Otherone
"Research" is a very loose term for what Chomsky does. He is an ideologue who starts from a pre-ordained conclusion and meticulously filters out any inconvenient facts that don't support that conclusion.

My favorite example is how his research managed to let him deny the massacres perpetrated by the Khmer Rouge (a movement who's ideology he greatly admires), but there are countless others.

What's important when reading Chomsky is to remember there are *always* facts he has left out.

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 2:02 pm
by Birdseye
Not everyone is right all the time. You can pick out an area where someone is wrong and point "see, loses all credibility" to just about anyone.

anyway, my point was listen everyone and decide for yourself. I also said to verify assertions of anyone you read. I've read PNAC, I've read chomsk. You need to read it all

Or you can just pick a few things you don't like about a person and ignore the rest of any remaining valid arguments.

Woodchip-the problem I had with that guy is how does he now know what ideals are running the democrats? Honestly there is little socialist ideas and zero communism.

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 3:38 pm
by Ford Prefect
Pebkac I'm Canadian so I find that American politics START to the right of what we call right wing and head right from there.
You confuse Socialists and Communists. The Democratic party, like all major parties is influenced by what will get it elected. In Canada we have the Liberal party in power now for more than a decade. During that time our budget has been trimmed until we have spent the last 5 years in surplus including this year's 9 billion dollar surplus. By legislation passed by the same party the surplus must be used to pay down the national debt which now stands at under 50 billion. (please remember that Canada has only 1/10 the population of the U.S. so these numbers may seem small to you.) The Liberal party is a center-left (you would consider them to be raging communists) party so why do it's policies and actions seem to be more center-right? Easy, it is what they needed to do to get elected.
Communist ideology is discredited and has been abandoned by most of the world. I rather doubt that a huge political machine like the American Democratic party can be influenced by a discredited and abandoned philosophy that would cost it votes if ever even hinted at being adopted. Using the Communist boogie man to try and frighten voters away from your opponent went out with Ronald and the "Evil empire" I know those were halcyon days for the republicans but they won't come back just by wishing it was so.
Hope you find some common ground with your opposition since they are not going to leave the country en masse after the election no matter which way it ends.

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 2:58 pm
by Skyalmian
Dedman wrote:This is a big reason why I can't stand my own party any more.
Good little summary on the D party.
Franny Rafferty: Why I'm voting for W.

IN MY 16 years as a city councilman-at-large, I was proud to claim my allegiance to the Democratic Party. It meant you really stood for something. It meant you were a regular guy who stood up for your family, country, friends and neighbors.

It was a noble cause that kept you in touch with real families in middle-class America. With profound faith and a belief in God unsurpassed only by the framers of our Constitution, the Democratic Party was your ticket to the American dream.

But a lot has changed since my days in public office. The Democratic Party of today shows no resemblance to the party I was proud to call my own.

The reality is that the party has been hijacked by left-wing, ultra-liberal, anti-American radicals. What once was a party associated with the blue-collar worker is now the party of blue-blood elitists who use the real working class as pawns to help push their liberal agenda.

My union friends and family claim the Democrats are the party for union workers. The hero of the new Democratic Party is Bill Clinton, the man who signed NAFTA, pushed for China's entrance into the World Trade Organization and made Arkansas a right-to-work state when he was governor. He even had his library built with non-union workers.

He and the Democrats, giving in to the demands of radical environmentalists, strongly oppose drilling for oil in ANWAR, which would produce thousands of union jobs and help reduce our reliance on Middle Eastern oil. Still think he's pro-union? Don't just listen to his words - watch his actions.

This election has redefined what it means to be a Democrat. Instead of promoting family values, a belief in God and loyalty to your country, the new Democrats are rubber stamps for every left-wing, anti-American special interest group.

The party has placed a litmus test on any potential federal judge appointment: Simply put, if you are Catholic, you need not apply.

Political correctness is the rule of law in this Democratic Party and has trumped the freedom of speech that our forefathers fought so hard to obtain. Speaking your mind as an American was a measure of freedom and strength - now it's considered libel and hate speech, except, of course, if you are a liberal.

Witness the liberal media's hypocritical attack on free speech when Sinclair Broadcasting attempted to show the documentary of the real John Kerry in "Stolen Honor." This film exposes John Kerry for what he really is, a man who turned his back on his fellow soldiers and testified to war crimes that "he and his fellow soldiers committed on a daily basis."

John Kerry said all of this and more while some of his "comrades" were still being tortured in POW camps by the Viet Cong.

Never in my life have I supported such a person - and I won't start now.

John F. Kerry likes to compare himself to JFK. Well John, this is no longer the party of JFK. No longer the party of FDR, no longer the party of Wilson or Truman. It is now the party of the ultra-liberal elite who have taken over under the guise of still being the working-family party.

It is the party of protestors who believe Mumia is innocent, it is the party endorsed by the French, and the party that Yasser Arafat, the very same terrorist who organized the murder of American diplomats in Khartoum in 1973, "prefers."

It is time for "Reagan Democrats" and "Rizzo-crats" and hard-working union families to realize that their democrat party has been hijacked by the left wing radical groups like, the ACLU, NAMBLA and George Soros...