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Halloween Costumes

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 10:27 pm
by Unix
I'm going as acid.

My costume consists of butterfly wings, a 3ft afro, Elton John style sunglasses, a pastel pink shirt, and MC Hammer pants.

Hmm, putting that into text really makes it sound retarded. Oh well, the party should be fun.

So what's everyone else gonna be, that is if you are celebrating Halloween.

Re: Halloween Costumes

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 10:37 pm
by Zoop!
Unix wrote:My costume consists of butterfly wings, a 3ft afro, Elton John style sunglasses, a pastel pink shirt, and MC Hammer pants.

Hmm, putting that into text really makes it sound retarded.
Yes. You really should have thought your post out a bit more before posting.

Respect-- :wink:

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 11:47 pm
by Avder
I'm just gonna forget to comb my hair, shave, or shower that day.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:26 am
by Ferno
so what.. you're gonna be a bum avder?

Unix: make sure you get a pic of that costume.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:18 am
by HaAGen DaZS
i wanted to go as that priest from the pic in the NHB, but i couldnt find a kid... :(

so instead, i have 3 options,
Don Haigo, my italian mafia boss counterpart (why do you think Bash calls me boss? hes knows im his god)
A dice. Rolling down the stairs has never been more painful... papercuts gallore!
or Danny from grease, becuase some of my friends are goign as pink ladies, so i can see this as an oppurtune moment to act like i have bitches... wooo

regardless of what i wear, i have soemdirnking to do :P

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 8:32 am
by roid
these pics will be good :)

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 2:00 pm
by MD-2389
Well Haag, you could always go as Van Helsing. ;)

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 2:27 pm
by Phaser
I'm a "Dark Rose Maiden" hehe....It's really pretty.

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 2:45 pm
by Defender
Pics! :D

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 3:03 pm
by Phaser
Defender wrote:Pics! :D
Of??? what? who?

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 4:39 pm
by Darktalyn1
I probably won't be anything but I won a bet last year at Halloween which allowed me to pick the losers' costumes for this year.

They'll be going as the 3 fairies from Sleeping Beauty: Blue, Green, and Pink.

They've got matching frilly blouses, mini skirts, star wands, wigs, and cone hats. It's going to be a good night.

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 4:45 pm
by Hattrick
I too won't be dressing up for halloween.
Since my Bday is November 1st, I will probably be partying into the wee hours of the morning and waking up with the classic 3 alarm hangover. :)

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 5:17 pm
by DCrazy
I'm running a party for kids in my old grammar school's parish. I'm going to be an undead soldier. I just wish I could get my hands on a replica M4A1 by Saturday.

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 7:14 pm
by ccb056
Papa Smurf

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 8:35 pm
by Stupid
I'll be a Myrrdrhall (sp?) (Wheel of Time-related). Funny thing is, my dad is dressing up as the same thing (because I got him hooked on the series :) )

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 11:10 pm
by Asrale
I don't celebrate Halloween (always either hang out with friends or turn off all the lights and watch a movie or play a game), but if I did, I'd probably try to mock up an Alien or Predator type costume. :P

"Character" costumes are generally kinda stupid IMO, if I went to one of the parties around the college here, I'd probably wear a normal suit with odd-but-striking hat, or a funny tie, or something like that.

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 11:58 pm
by Capm
Leave it to Asrale to dress up like a nerd at the prom. :P

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 6:37 am
by Pandora
not sure yet... probably I'll just wrap toilet paper all around myself and go as a mummy...

mhhh... last year I was an undead transvestite roller-blader that got run over by a car.

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 9:05 am
by []V[]essenjah
I'll drive my car.... that's scary looking enough. I don't have any plans for Halloween. Maybe go see The Grudge or something.

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 11:48 am
by Asrale
Heh...looking at that again I can see the "nerdy"; not what I intended. :P What I meant was, I go for original ideas, not pop-culture ripoffs, which is what people at my age do anyway. Nonconformists, yeah!!! :D

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 3:42 pm
by woodchip
I dressed up today as a biker and hopped on my V-twin and road up to Hell Michigan to party with some other guys that just happened to also dress up as bikers at a place called the Dam Site Inn. Sadly I am a biker so I wasn't being very original. At least for today I can say I'm a biker from Hell. :wink:

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 4:37 am
by roid
you could have dressed up as this thing :Image
with a lot of cardboard.
it may have looked interesting.

until someone wrote "gimme a hug!" on it. then it would have been awesome :lol: