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server- banned

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 11:15 pm
by Spaceboy
server name:-
info: Descent 3 retirement home
info: varicouse veins CTF

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 11:25 pm
by BlueFlames
Not your server, not your money, not your rules. Life's a ★■◆●; then you die. Don't expect a radically different response from any of the server owners around here either.

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 11:43 pm
by Krom
Grow up Spaceboy, till then keep your mouth shut and you wont get banned. :P

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 12:17 am
by TigerRaptor
Way to go Spaceboy thatâ??s one way to get a respectful answer with stupidity.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 12:25 am
by Hattrick

Grow up a lil spaceboy.

/me grabs the marshmellows and chocolate and gets ready for the flames.

S'mores anyone?? :P

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 1:13 am
by Ferno
you're joking, right?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 1:34 am
by kurupt
you're 13, you aint kickin noones ass, shut up

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 1:42 am
by Duper
So what you're saying is that you should be able allowed to walk into someones house and start just shooting off your mouth any way you feel like and not expect them to say something to you?

Really dude. This isn't the getto. A bit of a dive at times perhaps but never getto.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 6:57 am
by WarAdvocat
In the ghetto they shoot ya if you start that. This isn't the TRAILER PARK :P

Grow Up SpaceBoy.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 9:39 am
by Spaceboy
heh... all you 30 year olds need to grow up by stop playing your favorite childhood game.

calling a d3 server a "house" is really sad.

as for the server its immature to ban somone he doesnt likes... -->so what is his d3 name?<--

dedicated servers should only ban the hackers, or if its a private game like those nub games where there waiting for a friend... and even then that should only be kick...

i can tell its gonna be really noisy in here for a while...

shoots hattrick's hot chocolate--- no sitting aloud!

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 11:52 am
by Hattrick
First off lil boy,

I stopped playing my favorite childhood game before you were even a twinkle in your moms eye.

second off.

If you think computer gaming should be limited to young mouthy punks as yourself, you are greatly mistaken.The average age of people I play online with is waaaay older than you.

Many of the peeps that play Descent have families, Own their own business' and greatly contribute to their community(something you havent even began to do as a teen).

Someone your age telling us to grow up is highly laughable. In fact it's such great entertainment to me that I specifically replyed to your moronic post just to get you to reply with the laughable gibberish that you in fact put into all your posts.

Enjoy peeps, the next gibberish spaceboy post is on me! LOL

/me starts passing out the s'mores.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 12:06 pm
by El Ka Bong
Or let's see if Spacedork gets banned from here...

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 12:17 pm
by WarAdvocat
nah he's a lil mamma's boy he won't cross the line :)

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 1:11 pm
by BlueFlames
dedicated servers should only ban...
Not your server, not your money, not your rules.
Server ops can ban whoever they like because they spent the money assembling and maintaining the box, and they're paying for the bandwidth you're using. You can either play by their rules or get used to being banned.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 1:32 pm
by Hostile
Ah, the learning process.....Smegboy is about to get a real dose of it.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 1:43 pm
by Krom
Mmmm smores... THX Hatt!
Duper wrote:So what you're saying is that you should be able allowed to walk into someones house and start just shooting off your mouth any way you feel like and not expect them to say something to you?
Spaceboy wrote:calling a d3 server a "house" is really sad.
That ranks among the weakest comebacks I have ever read.

Read: Analogy.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 2:06 pm
by Trackball
Cussing is primitive. It should be purged.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 2:09 pm
by Do_Checkor
@ Spaceboy:

1.: this is the wrong forum.

2.: you had the wrong attitude

3.: you spoke in thw wrong words

4.: if I were the admin of that server I'd keep a perm. ban alone because of your respectless post.

@ All: Does anybody know who is the Op? I don't have him in the ServerOps-List over at yet.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 2:28 pm
by Clayman
And if I recall correctly, SpaceCombat has been banned from plenty of other servers in the past. Sounds like Somebody hasn't learned their lesson. /me grabs a s'more from Hat.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 2:49 pm
by Bet51987
I have no use for lowlife cussword players in any game and leave when they come in so the admin did the right thing. You don't seem like a bad person Spaceboy, so why do you pretend to be. Cussing is so Neanderthal.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 2:58 pm
by Instig8
The server op is... hmmm... I'll let him tell ya.

Descent Retirement Home is just that. Little boys should get the f' out, cause visiting hours are over.

/me breaks out the grahm crackers and contributes to the s'mores party.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 4:23 pm
by Deadmeat
Since you specifically mention my team, let me fill you in. First off, we're often forced to label our games private to keep out the newbie hunters. Now, you're not one of those..............or are you? Secondly, if someone does come in uninvited, we try to be polite and ask them to leave. And we've tried to kick people, but unfortunately, that doesn't work very well because trash like you will keep coming back wasting our time. And finally, if twerps like you haven't learned yet what our stance is on behavior on our servers, well that's just too damn bad. Just stay out of our way.

Pass the s'mores, please.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 5:26 pm
by Spaceboy
"lil boys like me" have never heard anyone over 27 act as immature as most of you guys... i guess in the 6 billion people in the world most of the older weirdos flock here... i mean deadmeat here is what... 65? if my grandma started to act like he did i'd pee my pants.

as for that lil "analogy of yours krom" STILL... calling a server a house is really sad. it scares me your best comeback is "thats your best comback" come back with a real one and ill come back with a better one. but ill use the same one as long as i dont have a retort to have a comback too.

and clayman i was baned from one other server cause i was framed. and i also recall looking on the server ops forum saying "banned from gtw" about 10 different times or someting. and you guys are still skipping around things acting as "lil boys like me"... who is the server, i would like to talk to him away from this.

and whatever... like you guys have never cussed in your life. i bet if i went though these forums for the past 5 months of stuff id get about 10 cuss words per the quiet people, and for people like krom mabye 60,000.

and to tell u what, i learned every cuss word except for mabye 1 from descent.

so stop being hypocrites. and "tell me who the server is" "id like to have a word with you..."

spacecombat - what the heck?
spacedork- a 6 year old down the street calls my 9 year old sister that all the time... tell me... did you ask your son what name to call me? youve been smoking too much if a 6 year old's I.Q. is higher than yours.

as for that lil "analogy of yours krom" STILL... calling a server a house is really sad. it scares me your best comeback is "thats your best comback" come back with a real one and ill come back with a better one. but ill use the same one as long as i dont have a retort to have a comback too.

crapping puns...

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 6:06 pm
by Instig8
Pardon, would you like some whine to go with that cheese?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 6:09 pm
by Duper
ok. Let me make this R-E-A-L clear. This is the DBB. It is NOT. .. I repeat N-O-T the playing field. Most servers do not allow foul language in thier games.

/me grabs a log and a poker for the fire.
Spaceboy wrote:lil boys like me" have never heard anyone over 27 act as immature as most of you guys... i guess in the 6 billion people in the world most of the older weirdos flock here... i mean deadmeat here is what... 65? if my grandma started to act like he did i'd pee my pants.
For one thing. Our replies are not outbursts. They are intentional; very deliberate. You were wrong, in seeming to think you are in the right and 9 outta 10 descenters Disagree. Your Grandma just might if she saw what was going on. Either that or she might smack you. Grandparents were young once too.
Spaceboy wrote:and clayman i was baned from one other server cause i was framed. and you guys are still skipping around things such as "lil boys like me" who is the server, i would like to talk to him away from this.
irrelevant to the issue at hand. If you have a problem on a server, find out who is operating it and send them an e-mail. A calm, none complaining post if you can't find the server here should get a reasonable response.
Spaceboy wrote:and whatever... like you guys have never cussed in your life. i bet if i went though these forums for the past 5 months of stuff id get about 10 cuss words per the quiet people, and for people like krom mabye 60,000.
Like I said. Here, yes, in the game. No. If you Can not control what you type, then you need to quit playing on-line. You are without excuse when typing explatives. We are a family here, even if we tend to be a bit disfunctional. ;) so when we get together on the forum we give each other a bad time. But playing on-line is exposed to a much broader spectrum of players. It was mentioned before, many of us have families with kids 10 or so playing.
Spaceboy wrote:and to tell u what, i learned every cuss word except for mabye 1 from descent.
Whatever. If this is true and it REALLY Does bother you. LEAVE! There's the door. >>>>>
Don't use your lack of control as an excuse then blame us. That shows a distinct lack of character.
Spaceboy wrote:so stop being hypocrites. and "tell me who the server is" "id like to have a word with you..."
Hypocrites? Quit being trite and go look that word up.

You're behavior was unacceptable according to the server operating that Game. You got PWND. Live with it, move on, or move out. Your choice.

*hey! who ate all the S'mores?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 6:14 pm
by Spaceboy
ah i probly wont ever drink... cause ill act as stupid as im acting now but when im 30... (hint hint)... i would like some root beer though...

K sorrainraingoaway... for going about it like that... you guys definatly cant say youve never got mad before.... crossed out swear words in previous posts.

pleablahgrurglse tell me who the server is :P

First of all, my grandma would post here becuase she doesnt play games at age 60.

second of all... THIS FRICKING TOPIC IS TO FIND OUT WHO THE SERVERS NAME IS it is not off topic, its what the topic is about. you obviously didnt read too much into this.

third of all, you guys swear like H.E. double hockey sticks in game play.
everyone i ask in gameplay or here usually replies with an age over 25, so i seriously doubt every single person here has a family of 10 kids playing.

lack of control... hmm? at least i dont swear to the people who matter in my life... anytime i swear online i get #$^& or **** not the actual word... if anyone on here gets bothered by swearing, turn on the filter, like i do.

FYI i know what hypocritic is. i KNOW youve sworn in your life before. here u are saying its never okay to swear on the copmputer, but it is okay to swear orally. HYPOCRITIC

and I ate all those friggin smores... didnt taste too good though. whoever cooked them used napalm... and thats very chemically gassy...

grabs root beer...

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 6:15 pm
by Grendel
Hostile wrote:Ah, the learning process.....Smegboy is about to get a real dose of it.
Looks like that may take some time :)

/me breakes out the hidden s'mores stash..

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 6:15 pm
by Sapphire Wolf
Woah! There's more Smores!

get it?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 6:20 pm
by Duper
Spaceboy wrote:you guys definatly cant say youve never got mad before....

We never said that in this thread. Not once. What we are saying.. for the last time I hope.. it that if we have gotten banned or kicked for violating server rules, we Don't come HERE crying about it and flaming the server Admin. We KNOW that we deserved it.

It's "his" server. HE Makes the rules. Not you. If you step out of line, Expect to get SLAPPED!

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 6:26 pm
by Gooberman
Playing by the server ops rules is just common courtesy. They are doing you a favor by using their bandwidth for your enjoyment. Just get to know them a little bit. Most of them will let you get away with cussing so long as you arn't being disrespectful to them, i.e. "★■◆● this cheap ass laggy server," etc. As opposed to, "I fuckin hate you Crown," when he just tri-fusioned my ass.

Syntax is everything.

Also, apology >>>>>>>>> Coming to the DBB and cussing them out.
lil boys like me" have never heard anyone over 27 act as immature as most of you guys... i guess in the 6 billion people in the world most of the older weirdos flock here...
I know there are alot of names above you that are younger then 27.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 6:28 pm
by Spaceboy
whoa 5 people posted when i was editing my post... lol... and the original was alot more clean, too. (see first five lines)
and you guys are still flaming... goodness sakes... and i mean it.

EDIT: -> i might post/ be posting something here.

okay im posting something.

one, loud sentence


Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 6:32 pm
by Gooberman
It's not about rules, it's about respect. See above.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 6:33 pm
by Krom
Spaceboy twice wrote:as for that lil "analogy of yours krom" STILL... calling a server a house is really sad. it scares me your best comeback is "thats your best comback" come back with a real one and ill come back with a better one. but ill use the same one as long as i dont have a retort to have a comback too.
Comeback? What I said was not a comeback, it was a statement of fact. You are not worthy of a comeback. And becides, I don't have to fight Dupers battles, he is doing a fine job of that alone.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 6:35 pm
by Spaceboy
If someone beats with me with a stick, im not gonna say "thank you, that felt like an (ow) masauge"... im gonna beat the crap out of them right back...
That server definatly didnt earn respect whoever he was...

Places this on top of kroms post... i just dont type as fast as some ppl :P

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 6:38 pm
by Spaceboy
you bet it wasn't a comback... but it was far from a statement of fact. your not very good at this "comback" stuff are you... how old are you, exactly?

ack double post... i forgot krom posted before i finished my other post...

stop doing that :P

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 6:39 pm
by Gooberman
You don't get it. The server gets your respect as soon as you click 'join'. You are a guest on his machine.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 6:43 pm
by Spaceboy
Well then the server also should pay his guests some respect, because the second another server without lag for everyone comes up, his servers gonna be in the dust... or turned to dust, along with his wasted money.

you dont get it... the server might require a bit more respect, but he definatly has to respect his guest. when a guest comes to my house, im not gonna shove him on the ground and spit in his face... 99.99% of the population of the world would shove right back, and thats what i did.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 6:46 pm
by iten
1. Any 13-year-old that says that he won't ever drink is a blatant liar.

2. Spaceboy, grow up. Learn that people at age 60 DO in fact have lives. Also learn that following rules is a thing that you have to do. The admin sets rules for a reason. While I like to moderately swear on IRC etc., I respect the rules for #descent3rookie and others. I get warned once, then I try to be a bit more careful.

3. Your excuse is 'everyone else was doing it'? That's pretty bad. Learn that everyone else does not equal you.

4. If you really are 13, you are not more mature than all these people. Please realize that although it may seem at age 13 that no one else matters or lives like you, people actually have.

That said, I'm 15 and like to flame. So sue me.

EDIT: In response to your two previous posts: thanks for restating number 4.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 6:50 pm
by Gooberman
Well then the server also should pay his guests some respect, because the second another server without lag for everyone comes up, his servers gonna be in the dust... or turned to dust, along with his wasted money.
He owes you no resepect. He gets nothing from you, you get something from him. You are using his resources.

Most server ops would rather there be 1000's of good servers so they didn't have to use their own bandwidth!

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 6:54 pm
by Spaceboy
1. Any 15 year old who says a 13 year old he says he will never drink is a flat out liar, IS a flat out liar. you have no experience in it what soever... im pretty strong in my religion even though it also says we cant swear... i never swear off the computer, and its getting less and less... and theres no possible way i can drink on the computer.

2. all im learning is somone without any experience on the fact is trying to tell me whats going on. i KNOW most people at age 60 have lives. i also know most people at age 60 dont act like the 60 year olds at this forum. a possible problem with that though is the same way im a heckof alot different person off the computer...

3. read. I dont have an exuse for doing it. i swore cause i felt like it. im asking why was i the one banned for swearing... the other 4 people who swore a lil more had nothing happen to them.

4. I never stated im more mature then these people. yet again, read. I said there alot less mature then other people their age.

Your 15, you like to flame, you got no say in this.