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Post your snow!

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 9:48 am
by Pun
Nice little 8 inch dump last night. :)


Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 9:52 am
by Scratch
I remember partying in that house....good times.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 10:31 am
by Stryker
Wimpy, WimpY! ;) We had a good 1.5 feet here right before thanksgiving. Now, however, it's bright and sunny outside, after getting, in this order:

1 inch of freezing rain
1.5 inches snow
.5 inches sleet
1 inch freezing rain

So now we're nicely buried under all sorts of wintery goodness. Now if only I could convince mom to give me a snow day...

Edit: I just realized it's snowing again. Anyone here ever seen it snow in broad daylight? It's kinda creepy... especially when all trees in the area have an inch or two of ice hanging off them. It's danged BRIGHT!

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 10:40 am
by DarkShadow
Rain Rain and more Rain. It seems to think it's late april around here. Though I guess I'm glad it wasn't colder for the last 4 days of nonstop rain.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:19 am
by CDN_Merlin
We've only received about 1 foot at most. Getting another 15-20cm from now till tomorrow. Would take a pic but being 23 stories upo, all you'd see is snowfall.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:44 am
by Matrix
rain here for the past 3 days =(

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 12:51 pm
by Lobber
This is a view of Lake Tahoe from Heavenly resort. I used to live in South Lake Tahoe, years ago.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 1:01 pm
Stryker wrote:Wimpy, WimpY! ;) We had a good 1.5 feet here right before thanksgiving. Now, however, it's bright and sunny outside, after getting, in this order:

1 inch of freezing rain
1.5 inches snow
.5 inches sleet
1 inch freezing rain

So now we're nicely buried under all sorts of wintery goodness. Now if only I could convince mom to give me a snow day...

Edit: I just realized it's snowing again. Anyone here ever seen it snow in broad daylight? It's kinda creepy... especially when all trees in the area have an inch or two of ice hanging off them. It's danged BRIGHT!
Where is your picture sucker?

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 1:03 pm
by Stryker
Don't have a smart media card reader on hand--at least not one that'll take the card and read it without reformatting it. I think I can find a picture of an ice storm we had a year or two back thoug; it looks something like this...

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 1:12 pm
by Avder
We only have like half a foot on the ground here, but this past weekend it was raining and freezing to the concrete, so we had a crapload of ice stuck to everything. My windshield still doesnt have all the ice gone from it.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 1:49 pm
by Lobber
I have some old pics of snow from the 90's where I used to live in Washington if you want.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 2:04 pm
by Stryker
Pics are up:




Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 2:18 pm
by Sergeant Thorne
Cool, Stryker!

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 2:28 pm
by Stryker
Cool? More like FREEZING!!!!! :P

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 2:46 pm
by sheepdog

Yesterday, Chicago. Today NH. That's our driveway and Jake our plowguy. My hero!


Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 5:08 pm
by JMEaT
No snow here [spoiler]yet.[/spoiler]

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 9:29 pm
by roid
i'll ahve to ask my dealer.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:41 pm
by Top Gun
I wish. Nothing but rain so far. It was in the fifties part of next week, and it's supposed to warm up again in the next few days. Enough of this fall weather crap, give me a cold snap and a foot of powder. :D Winter's always been my favorite season of the year; I pity you Florida wimps who have never seen a real snowfall. :P

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 8:21 am
by WarAdvocat
My Snow:

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 10:40 am
by Avder

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 11:23 am
Die biatch ;)

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 1:39 pm
by sheepdog
I like snow in manageable quantities.

I'd be miserable without seasons that are clearly identifiable one from another and I HATE rain that lasts for more than a day or so. Same goes for extreme heat. Hmmm ice is a drag. Once weather leaves aesthetic experience and enters the realm of significant inconvenience (or at worst danger) I get bummed. Otherwise it's all good.

I'll know I have one foot in the grave when I can't appreciate a sunny day and new snow on the ground with the temperature just hovering around freezing.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 3:51 pm
by Lothar
I'd be jealous of WA, except for 2 things:

1) I like snow
2) I don't like hurricanes

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 4:48 pm
by Perediablo
Bloomington, Indiana Dec 22, 2004
As it started.

and the next morning

total of 18 inches in 15 hours.

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 9:39 am
by WarAdvocat
heh. Pere you look like yer catchin flies in that pic :P


1) I like snow! It's awesome to VISIT! Then I come back home. I probably learned this mindset living in Silicon Valley where multiple times per year we would stage holy weekend pilgrimmages to Heavenly Valley or Squaw Valley for skiing.

2) Hurricanes, snow & ice, earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, everywhere you live there's gonna be SOMETHING. I, for instance, prefer Hurricanes to Snow, Tornadoes, Ice & Snow, and Earthquakes.

I do have to admit, that despite my smug attitude, I really miss being able to drive to the slopes in only 5-6 hours. These days it would be a fairly major undertaking.

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 9:49 am
by Pun
I feel the same way about heat and humidity, bunbun. Guess we're both living in the right place, eh? there's nothing like getting up in the morning, havin a good breakfast and goin outside to crack off 100 miles of trail action. Ahh the smell of 2-cycle exhaust in the morning...

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 10:56 am
by WarAdvocat
Yeah, I love my dirt bike! As for the rest, I wish they would just hurry up and invent teleportation booths so we can live 'close' to all our friends.


Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 11:04 am
by Unix
Perediablo wrote:Bloomington, Indiana Dec 22, 2004
As it started.

and the next morning

total of 18 inches in 15 hours.
Good God there's the devil in that first pic.

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 11:14 am
by Fezzik
Perediablo - you're in Bloomington, eh? Lafayette here. ;)

Go Purdue!

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 12:09 pm
by Stryker
I just finished halfway clearing our (extremely steep) driveway. There was easily an inch of ice, with a half inch of snow on top. This stuff was HARD; my dad and I were having to scrape it off the driveway with a steel hoe. Our snow shovels went *KACHUNK* and that's about it.

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 12:54 pm
by Top Gun
Bloomington? I think my neighbor's grandparents might live there.

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 1:01 pm
by Hattrick
Started snowing at 10:30 pm last night. had a little break. but it is snowing good again. we're expecting at least 5 inches.

heres a crappy pic off my 20 dollar vivitar cam :)


and boy does Pere look scary! :P

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 1:13 pm
Hattrick wrote:
and boy does Pere look scary! :P
Scary aint the word for... That!



Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 2:42 pm
by Liquid Fire
I live in california. Therefore:


Is all I've gotten for the duration of winter :(

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 4:58 pm
by ccb056
Fezzik wrote:Perediablo - you're in Bloomington, eh? Lafayette here. ;)

Go Purdue!
heh, i live in lafayette
boiler up :)

350S and 9th

it snowed about 4 inches last night, no pictures though

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 5:44 pm
by Perediablo
Does Laffayette still smell like rotting fish, or did they clean the Wabash? Go Hoosiers!

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 6:34 pm
by Fezzik
Cool, ccb056 - I'm not too far from you. Old Romney Rd and 300S.


What do IU grads and tornadoes have in common?
They both end up in trailer parks.

What does the average IU player get on his SAT's?

I fully expect more Purdue jokes. Let's just hope your defense is better than the IU football team.
11/20/2004 Purdue 63 - IU 24


Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 6:40 pm
by ccb056
LOL, I got a few shirts over at University Bookstore the monday after that game, it was something like %50 off :)

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 12:17 pm
by Drakona

We got snow in Seattle! This is a Major Event. We never get snow in Seattle. This is the first time this year that I've seen it, and it'll likely be the last. Looks to be about half an inch, and melting already.

The hilarious thing is that this'll probably shut down the city. Already, some friends have declined to come to church with us this morning, citing safety concerns over driving in the snow. Of course, that could just be their polite way of saying, "Hello? I'm a pagan and she's a jew!" But the point stands: half an inch of snow scares people out here.

Lothar and I just laugh at that. I grew up in eastern Washington, where waist-high piles of snow along the side of the road were pretty much a given from December through Febuary. And Tom... Tom grew up in Colorado. No more needs said.

I love Seattle. It's constant live entertainment.