[color=red]Red[/color] [color=white]vs[/color] [color=blue]Blue[/color] [color=blue]FAQ:[/color] wrote:
Q: What the hell?
A: Yeah, we know.
Q: No seriously. What the hell?
A: Oh. We just write scripts and then use videogames to act them out. It's a new style of animation that some people call machinima. It allows to make weekly pieces of animation with a small group of people.
Q: That was a long response.
A: Yes it was.
Q: I saw your Switch ad parody. Why do you hate Macs?
A: We don't hate Macs, the game companies do. Get it? Before you ask -- yes, we know Halo was originally designed for the Mac. It's all in good fun.
Q: No.
A: You would fit in on our forums. No one there gets anything either.
Q: Why aren't the videos longer?
A: Because bandwidth is expensive. We put out a new episode of Red vs Blue almost every week. When half a million people download a 30 MB file, you have to do a lot of calculations to figure out how to serve that much data at once. We're basically too lazy to do the math.
Q: When do the videos come out?
A: Each project has it's own release calendar be sure to check the specific site for release information.
Q: So you expect me to just check the website every week and hope something is there?
A: I'm sorry, what?
Q: Are you not listening to me?
A: guS was talking to me. Sorry. What did you say?
Q: I asked if you just expect everyone to check in every damn week even though something might not be there?
A: This is the internet, what else do you have to do?
Q: Prick.
A: Please frame your insults in the form of a question.
Hehe! oh, btw.. latest PSA is out