Off center screen using Direct 3d

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Off center screen using Direct 3d

Post by WCHeyerdahl »

On certain games that use Direct 3d the image looks like its strecthed between two monitors but i only have one monitor.The height is ok but the verticle is really strecthed bad.
it does not do this when i use open gl
it happens in descent 3, Unreal tournament GOTY.
Also Red Faction 2 but only the movies are screwed up.
They have funky scan lines running thru them.
Like the image is unsynched.

IBM Net Vista 2292 21u
P4@1.60 GHZ
256mb of ram
Nvidia Geforce 2mx/mx 400(Forceware 66.94)
Windows ME.
IBM E74 monitor.
The thing is it only affects direct 3d.
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Post by Mobius »

First, make sure you have tweaked ALL your screen resolutions and refresh rates - and are running something like Powerstrip or ReForce to cure the XP 60Hz refresh bug. Go here for instructions:

If that doesn't work, try reverting to an older (or newer!) driver set for your GFx card.

Check out the status of your DirectX installation by going START -> RUN -> DXDIAG and ensure everything is working correctly with your version of Direct X. Update it, or install over the top if there's a problem.
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