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IRC Room for D2 players

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 9:16 am
by Jewbilee
I made this poll to see if people would be interested in making a Kahn sort of thing with mIRC. What we need is a constant group of people that are on mIRC in a channel where people can ask, "d2 anyone?" and get games started using the tracker provided in D2X-W32. Just post in the poll if this is a good idea and if someone already has something like this, just say so. Depending on how the poll goes, Ill make the channel

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 10:49 am
by Admiral LSD


Oh, and IRC != mIRC, there are other, most of them better, IRC clients than mIRC ;)

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 10:59 am
by Jewbilee
yes like Kahn, sorry if you dont know what that...

and I say mIRC instinctively because thats what I use. I mean IRC though..

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 1:08 pm
by Diedel
You can use Vortex (available e.g. on as an alternative IRC client exclusively connecting you to Descent chats and offering some nice and comfortable Descent 3 game view and launch facilities.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 2:14 pm
by Floyd
still, you can join any server/channel you want with vortex.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 2:15 pm
by Admiral LSD
Jewbilee wrote:yes like Kahn, sorry if you dont know what that...
I kind of figured it was a kind of chat/game browser thingy I was just making the obvious Star Trek 2 reference ;)
and I say mIRC instinctively because thats what I use. I mean IRC though..
A lot of people do. It irks me that it's become synonomous with IRC because mIRC is so unbelievably bad it's not funny.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 2:50 pm
by Jewbilee
sorry, i thought it was good

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 3:03 pm
by Diedel
I wouldn't know why mIRC should be so bad.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 4:17 pm
by Sirius
Most people use the Descent server on Kali for such a purpose.

WHEN it's up, of course.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 5:06 pm
by spud (old school EFNet):



Those are just the places I know off the top of my head, there are probably more places on some irc network where descent players hang out.

->Descnet<- on Kali has always been where I've gone to play D2 online.


Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 10:03 pm
by NWRhino
Kahn kicked ass. How about #Descent on gamesurge?