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Scarey Games

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 11:30 am
by Vertigo 99
Branching off of the Doom thread, and keeping in spirit of the halloween season, what are your favorite scarey games?

I got FEAR and have played through it a bit - its a solid, scarey game. The AI in it is amazing, definitly a surprise after playing more recent games where the monsters hardly even move out of their initial spawn locations.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 12:13 pm
by Top Wop
Played Doom 3 which was supposed to be scary but it instead bored me. The last game I played that kinda scared me was Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Its one of a very few FPS that I actually enjoy. I cant think of any other game that "scared" me from recent memory, I guess I dont scare easily heh.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 12:19 pm
by CDN_Merlin
Descent 1/2

Nothing has scared me like those games being played in the dark with the sound on high in my headphones.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 12:22 pm
by Mobius
You definitely can't spell "definitely" by leaving out the "a" you suspect is meant to be in there! At least you didn't succumb and put an "a" in! Thanks.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 12:38 pm
by Jon the Great
That McDonald's game for the Super Nintendo

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 12:39 pm
by CDN_Merlin
Mobius wrote:You definitely can't spell "definitely" by leaving out the "a" you suspect is meant to be in there! At least you didn't succumb and put an "a" in! Thanks.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 1:07 pm
by Hattrick
Mobius wrote:You definitely can't spell "definitely" by leaving out the "a" you suspect is meant to be in there! At least you didn't succumb and put an "a" in! Thanks.
No one here gives a rats azz. go hire some more 3 programmers.
and to stay on topic,
Since I have only really played a couple games on the computer, I'll go back to the old Nintendo 64 days.

Turoc the Dinasour hunter really sticks in my mind as being scary.walking up to the cliffs and looking over really got my vertigo going! such realism (for the day)!
My friends always laughed when I backed my character off from the cliffs because of my fear of hieghts!

Ya I know I'm a wimp :P

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 1:47 pm
by Liquid Fire



Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 2:02 pm
by Krags

It's a secret level in the Descent (1) mission "IronStar". I was beaten, humiliated, and scared off by masterful use of the weakest enemies in the game, and that was on trainee.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 3:12 pm
by Top Gun
CDN_Merlin wrote:Descent 1/2

Nothing has scared me like those games being played in the dark with the sound on high in my headphones.
x2 for D1. I've still never managed to get past level 13 or so, even on trainee (partly because of technical/framerate problems, partly because the bots >> me :P). Those damn Fusion Hulks are the scariest enemy out of any game I've ever played...that sound...

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 3:18 pm
by Asrale
Aliens vs Predator 1 or 2 :D
Clive Barker's Undying is also scary good

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 3:44 pm
by Flabby Chick
I'd also have to say that d1 n d2 made me change me knickers once or twice. Especially after a few vodkas in the middle of the night and you were trying to get through the levels quick and BOOM.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 4:43 pm
by Flatlander
Yeah, those D1 Fusion Hulks always scared the bejeebus outta me. As for other games, The Thing was kinda scary (especially if you've just watched the movie, and it's dark and cold while you're playing).

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 4:52 pm
by Nexus_One
F.E.A.R. prolly one of the scariest games I've played in a while. No BS monsters or overacting, just really good scares, and plenty of them. The game also looks amazing, and the A.I. is outstanding as well.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 6:52 pm
by roid
Liquid Fire wrote:System


hell yes, that game had me honestly FREAKED OUT with the zombies that you had to listen for. CLAUSTRAPHOBIA YES?! i had to be quiet and listen, then when i heard one i'd back myself into a corner of the largest room nearby. heart racing, wideeyed as i waited.
Asrale wrote:Aliens vs Predator 1 or 2 :D
heh, yeah that was a rush. First time i played that game was at an allnight lan - playing alien tag. 10 male teens and adults, SCREAMING. damn it was just like the real thing - all the marines would instinctively form a circle, backs to eachother, facing out all directions into the darkness, flaring & shooting at everything & anything. (incl eachother often)

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 12:13 am
by Vertigo 99
Also, i gotta add half life 1 in there. i have gotten, to date, the biggest scare in that game, when i started walking down a ventilation shaft without my flashlight on, turned on my flashlight, saw nothing, than suddenly a headcrab leapt out at me; scared the bajeezus outta me.

second scariest moment was in FEAR:
when you go down the ladder, look up, and the little girl is there - that gave me chills and got me jumpy. than, when you get to the bottom of the stairs and that dude jumps at you - scared the ★■◆● outta me, screamed outloud and emptied a couple shotgun blasts into the air, lol[/spoiler]

oh, and let me add that i definitely know how to spell definitely, i just dont proof read my forum work; thanks. if sometime you want to proof read one of my papers to verify this, go ahead. until then, youre probably the biggest tool alive.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 12:34 am
by XSabre
Some of my favorites scary include: Fatal Frame 1&2, Silent Hill series, Descent 1&2, and FEAR (awesome game as many have mentioned above).

I've been meaning to check out Siren as well...

@Vertigo: yeah, that part freaked me out too!

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 12:40 am
by Muffalicious
D1 is the first game that ever freaked me out. And nothing tops the first. :)

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 3:28 am
by Robo
D1/D2 and all of the Thief games.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 6:50 am
by Diedel
Mobius wrote:You definitely can't spell "definitely" by leaving out the "a" you suspect is meant to be in there! At least you didn't succumb and put an "a" in! Thanks.
I always thought English was a simple language - until I met you. :roll:

I very much loved Operation Flashpoint, when you were outnumbered, out of ammo, and had to sneak out of a precarious situation ... sitting under a bush, waiting for the patrolling guards to pass by ... OPF has an AI that is unbeaten to the very day.

Farcry was disappointing in that regard, although still a pretty good game (my personal GOTY 2004. HL2 sucked somewhat, unfortunately).

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 12:27 pm
by Phoenix Red
The Cradle in Thief 3 is creepy. Creepy creepy. I couldn't bring myself to ghost it.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 12:43 pm
by will_kill
define "scarey" please....not sure this word exists in my vocab. :wink: :lol:

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 1:18 pm
by Verran
Absolutely agree with the Thief series. Zombies, death knights, nymphs, "The Eye". Love em.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 1:37 pm
by Iceman
Doom 3 freaked me out bad at first. After I got used to it, the game became pretty boring.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 3:18 pm
by Robo
Phoenix Red wrote:The Cradle in Thief 3 is creepy. Creepy creepy. I couldn't bring myself to ghost it.
Oh yeah, x2. I couldn't stand creeping about with all of those zombies and ghosts, scared me to death. On top of that, it took forever to get out :P

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 3:36 pm
by Richard Cranium
I'd say the Halloween Harry Series from Apogee Software.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 3:42 pm
by Sting_Ray
Bubble Bobble. Baron von Blubba always manages to make me cringe.

I always liked Half Life with the lights out and the volume up. Never know when something's gonna happen.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 4:17 pm
by Couver_
Mobius wrote:You definitely can't spell "definitely" by leaving out the "a" you suspect is meant to be in there! At least you didn't succumb and put an "a" in! Thanks.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 10:24 pm
by Vindicator
Krags wrote:Dropshaft.

It's a secret level in the Descent (1) mission "IronStar". I was beaten, humiliated, and scared off by masterful use of the weakest enemies in the game, and that was on trainee.
I was intrigued by your post so I downloaded it and tried it out. Holy crap, wow. I cant remember the last time a Descent mission on trainee freaked me out as much. The brig (where you get the yellow key) was simply masterful.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 4:52 am
by Flatlander
Couver_ wrote:
Mobius wrote:You definitely can't spell "definitely" by leaving out the "a" you suspect is meant to be in there! At least you didn't succumb and put an "a" in! Thanks.
omfgroflmao!! :D