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Custom Robots-Worth the time?

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 8:07 pm
by Vampyre_Six
What are some of the crazy abominations that others have created for their levels over the years? i have only done 2 modified robots really, but i ahve never actually completed and released a full level and even though there have not been many i feel that adding even one custom robot to a mission is well worth the time even if its the same polymodel as the originals

Anyhow my personal opinion is that they are fun, especially when you make one capable of killing you in one volley and then find that out while testing your level like i just did 8)

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 9:51 pm
by TechPro
Personnally, some of the custom robots are pretty cool... but I'd say 75% of them are just not worth the time.

Small Print Disclaimer: This comment brought to you by someone who's too lazy to even try to make a custom robot.

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 10:07 pm
by Jeff250
Agreed. I've made custom polymodels for D2, but none of them robots, namely because I've seen how other attempts simply don't stack up to the originals. Seeing this, I figure I can't do any better.

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 10:45 pm
by Sirius
You can. You just have to have the tools and skill.

I like custom robots, as in really like them - when done well. The problem is, yes, they do take quite some time to construct, balance and implement. Well worth it when it's done though.

Usually when I have any custom robots the entire line-up is custom - although I made an exception with only custom bosses in Apocalyptic Factor.

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 1:05 am
by Sapphire Wolf
I really like to make custom polymodels. I can make really intresting robots

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 6:37 am
by Diedel
If you want to see some great custom poly models, take a look at Kruel's sp mission Konflict At Karon. Kyouryou also has some nice ones (a cool boss e.g.) in Project Mandrill (find both on my D2 site).

I have built a new player ship once, but that was it. I would build custom bot models and make sure they were worth it, but I never had enough time for that.

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 12:30 pm
by arieligena
"Kruel's sp mission Konflict At Karon"

Diedel, I cannot find the link in your site :(

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 1:37 pm
by Weyrman
Diedel's site: :D

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 1:58 pm
by Diedel

level spotlight, Kruel in the side menu.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 10:11 pm
by Sapphire Wolf
I made a pretty decent robot known as the Ocelot.
Here's a collage of Ocelot robots:
Note: this robot has no relations to Ocelot from the Metal Gear Solid games. ;) and I should of make it right handed instead of left

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 2:10 pm
by Kyouryuu
Diedel wrote:Kyouryou also has some nice ones (a cool boss e.g.) in Project Mandrill (find both on my D2 site).
Actually, if I remember correctly, the bosses in Mandrill were Garry Knudson's work. Both the twin electrical bosses in the Tower Colony and the minotaur-like final boss in the Mandrill. So props to Garry, wherever you are! :D

If I were to do another campaign, I think I'd make one or two custom bosses, but I wouldn't replace the standard robot set. The existing robots are all very good at what they do.

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 4:53 am
by Sirius
Yeah, I did something similar to that in AF, too...

Garry was an incredible force in the Descent polymodel field... he pretty much did half the work just by himself. :) All people like HH, Steve Klinger and Luke Schneider had to do was to make something to get those models in the game, just about...

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 7:33 pm
by jakee308
maybe not place for this. let me know where would be better.

? about importing a *.hxm file into hog file.
what if you already have custom robots defined then want to import a *.hxm file for a replacement i understand it the *.hxm has to be same name as hog. so can't have 2 hxm's in hog. how to merge to keep customizations and include new replacement? i hope that was clear. am working on a camera robot and a turret robot but no one will want to trash their customizations to add them.?? what to do??

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 3:14 pm
by D3Hack
jakee, I don't understand what you're saying, but I do know this: the HXM file shouldn't match the name of the hog file, it should match the name of each level.

Custom Robots are TEH RAWK! :D

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 8:06 pm
by jakee308
oopsy, yeah the *.rl2 file is what i meant.

i'm asking "how to add custom robots when a custom robot file *.hxm already is present in the *.rl2 for the level?" is that clearer?

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 10:10 pm
by fyrephlie
i like robots that aren't so much robots ... umm but ships, like in multiplayer... yeah... thats it, make some multiplayer maps and host them on your server. ;)

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 10:30 pm
by jakee308
well i've been side tracked by wanting a special robot. as soon as i get my network setup correctly, i'll be doing just that. it's thnxgiving so it'll be next wk. meanwhile i need some info on the *.hxm files.

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 12:15 am
by Sirius
jakee - there is no easy way to do this; the best method I know of is by opening the robots of one in rbotedit and saving them into the other.

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 12:45 am
by jakee308
what i'm concerned about is if SOMEONE ELSE wants to use my robot.

btw what i have constructed is actually a turret that can act as a stationary camera object(diedel has implemented robots as camera triggers) or as an armed security turret.
i have already made a test model and it works (just looks fugly right now) but i'm concerned if anyone wants to use it, how can they merge MY *.hxm with THEIR *.hxm (if they have one). maybe no one would want one. in that case i'm wasting my time.

since the tools available date from 1998 and were not completely documented i will be doing a lot of experimentation. it IS possible to use a type of *.ham file that ADDS the robot but there is NO documentation about how to use these tools to make one. Plus only people that have the vertigo series with the latest patches will be able to use it.

i'll be pleased if anyone can aim me to where i can find out what to do about custom robots. :)
i have looked at and planetdescent and other descent sites but there's not much info. guess i'll be the one to become expert on it unless someone already has the know-how.

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 1:00 am
by Sirius
Using the method I stated that can be done. RBotEdit loads everything - model data, robot info, custom bitmaps, robot joints, the lot.

Yeah, the documentation available isn't particularly good. How to deal with V-HAMs wasn't even the worst of it - polymodel design itself is only very vaguely documented.

Edit - if there's a request I can write what I know about the field you're looking for, but I can't promise it'll be particularly complete (I personally haven't dealt with V-HAMs much due to compatibility with other versions of Descent 2). I'm not sure what exact information you need at the moment though.

Seems that section of my site I had planned in about 2000 might find some use after all. Once I get the stable host working, at least...

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 2:54 am
by jakee308
the main concern i have for now is if i publish a *.ham/*.hxm containing replacement robots, how could anyone use them if they have already customized some robots and have an existing *.ham/*.hxm within their *.rl2?
How can the files be merged without anyone losing their current changes?

i think some may like a stationary robot to use as a camera trigger rather than a robot that may move. ?

plus there's also the possibility i may have a level in development and then want to include a new robot but i already have customized some robots in the level.
i have rbotedit but didn't work with it. i used haxmedit32. it isn't difficult to use but most people probably wouldn't want to mess with it. using it or rbotedit would solve the merging problem sort of.
maybe a tutorial on how to extract and reimport robots to a *.ham or *.hxm might be in order.

due to diedel's d2x-xl work i believe d2 can make a comeback. I am working with that in mind.
if you need proof reading or editing or testing. let me know.
i discovered a setting that stops a robot from firing at you. which even the diamond claw will do if you turn off "charges" as a behaviour. (it's a very weak laser almost like a flare but he still fires it off. weird to see it).

i've decided that i have to examine existing robots to find out how the firing points are set and how to set moving joints so it's gonna take a while to build the final model without any outside help.

any suggestions/ideas/hints for what to look at will be appreciated and will be rewarded with new bots!

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 3:27 am
by Diedel
That's none of a problem. The file will simply be put in the D2 folder (or maybe some dedicated 'extra data' or so folder), much like Novacron's hires textures, and if they're there, D2X-XL will load them on top of any custom robots a user made mission supplies.

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 12:10 am
by Sirius
I suspect if you turn fire wait down to zero the robot will not fire at all, even without 'Charges' set. (This is mainly from my experience with the guide-bot; set fire wait to a non-zero number and he will shoot you.)

HAXMEdit32 will allow you to do the same stuff, and is the best tool to use for backing up individual mechs and so on. The reason I'd rather use RBotEdit is because figuring out what joints to export and re-use manually is quite a pain, and doubly so if you get a collision with another robot (i.e. both use the same joint space).

Currently there is not much you can do about the problem you stated except to save the robot you are providing as a different one in the new HXM - and depending how you did the model, that may of course not be an option.