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Merry Withdrawal from the DBB

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 1:20 pm
by TheCope
Merry Christmas and I hope your family is well. I love children, my niece makes me chuckle because she just learned how to construct sentences. It?s really an amazing joy. But she shouldn't be on the Internet.

As far as the donation comment. I?ve been posting for years on the dbb and I am good at it, it's an art form. Always an average player, my cult of personality has been descent3 chat and this board. xciter and sickone let me roll and you just won't. You freakin' ruined the dbb as far as I?m concerned. But my 33-year-old life will go on with smiles.

I really appreciate the efforts of all involved with the dbb. I know it's thankless and expensive. But I am one of the reasons the board was colorful. I?m not some spam bot post all day troll but I do type about real life... and people enjoy a view of an adults personal insight. I think the recent changes are garbage. It?s flat out censorship. I hope you?re happy.

I?m sure you are a reasonable, dignified man and you are doing what you think is correct. I just don't happen to agree with you at all; I live in the real world.

I am going to post a withdrawal message on your precious board and don't edit it massa.

These days are gone.

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 2:07 pm
by DCrazy

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 2:38 pm
by woodchip
Ingesting something we should know about?

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 2:41 pm
by Wang_Lo
abuh??? something amiss to share...

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 2:50 pm
by KoolBear
Original Post by TheCope or was it thecops here
TheCope wrote:Various articles of clothing, intense sex, and linguini and clams.
I edited it
TheCope wrote:Various articles of clothing, intense intimacy, and linguini and clams.

EDITED sorry this is the Cafe after all ;) KB
TheCope re-edited it:
TheCope wrote:Various articles of clothing, intense intimacy, and linguini and clams.

EDITED sorry this is the Cafe after all ;) KB

edited: and that's why i don't donate.
I sent a private message:
From: KoolBear
To: TheCope
Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 11:41 am
Subject: Hello
Man what's up, isn't that why we have the NHB forum?

Your comment about the donation wasn't called for either. What have I done to offend you? Tell me, I'll see if I can correct it.

You know there reasons for guidelines. We have the NHB forum for open discussion. I remember when many of the current users were 13-14 years old. Maybe you are yourself, I don't know but please keep things lighter in the PTMC then you would in the NHB.

Thanks and Merry Christmas to you.

TheCope repiled - private message:
From: TheCope
To: KoolBear
Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 1:19 pm
Subject: Re: Hello
Merry Christmas and I hope your family is well. I love children, my niece makes me chuckle because she just learned how to construct sentences. It?s really an amazing joy. But she shouldn't be on the Internet.

As far as the donation comment. I?ve been posting for years on the dbb and I am good at it, it's an art form. Always an average player, my cult of personality has been descent3 chat and this board. xciter and sickone let me roll and you just won't. You freakin' ruined the dbb as far as I?m concerned. But my 33-year-old life will go on with smiles.

I really appreciate the efforts of all involved with the dbb. I know it's thankless and expensive. But I am one of the reasons the board was colorful. I?m not some spam bot post all day troll but I do type about real life... and people enjoy a view of an adults personal insight. I think the recent changes are garbage. It?s flat out censorship. I hope you?re happy.

I?m sure you are a reasonable, dignified man and you are doing what you think is correct. I just don't happen to agree with you at all; I live in the real world.

I am going to post a withdrawal message on your precious board and don't edit it massa.

These days are gone.
I sent a private message:
Sent :: Message
From: KoolBear
To: TheCope
Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 1:45 pm
Subject: Re: Hello
I try to resonable, and if I am not mistaken this is the first you and I have discussed this matter.

Have I overlooked something? I would hate to see you go but as you say your 33 year old life will continue.

I would like to think that we are both man enough then to at least discuss this like men.

Since my return I have learned alot, I have come to understand some of the interactions on the DBB. Upon my return I failed to reconize that the DB wasn't what it once was, that it had matured into it's on community. I have backed off of most evrything I started because of the enlightenment users like yourself have provided me.

Should you choose to withdraw, I understand. I assure you that you will be missed. I ask that you not run away, but stay and help this old fart see the error of his ways. Work with me to build and strengthen the community not fracture it further, let's work out or put aside our issues and do what is best for the community we both enjoy and a game we both also enjoy.

If I have offended you I sincerly beg your forgiveness.

Kindest Regards,
Mike Sullivan
I sent a private message:
From: KoolBear
To: TheCope
Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 3:06 pm
by TheCope
I typed "intense sex".

My gawd grow up you ★■◆●ing children. I typed "intense sex". That?s not even dirty. I used to type way more explicit stuff than on this very dbb. This clown is outta hand. He done ruined the place. Go for it!

I typed ?intense sex? and was edited. That is pathetic. It?s human nature, we do.

w h a t a j o k e

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 3:11 pm
by KoolBear
You are correct but read this post here actually the first post of the thread:
Dark Falcon wrote:Here's some stuff that I got Today:
2 Robotech DVDs
A Behemoth/StoneRhino 'mech Miniature
A Family Guy DVD
a Lil' Brudder Shirt
Clan Wolf Decals
Clan GhostBear Decals
House Davion(Federated Suns) Decals
Several Homestar Runner Sew in Patches
Metroid Prime Pinball
X-Men Legends
Cheat Commandos Figurines

Thats all I can think of!
Does the comment in question even belong in this young mans thread?

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 3:21 pm
by TheCope
thats what i got for christmas you stupid ★■◆●. jesus is better than you will ever be.

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 3:23 pm
by woodchip
Well KB, you certainly tried to be reasonable. Can't see the problem.

Oh and Copsy, since you are going does this mean I have to give you back the engagement ring you sent me?

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 6:09 pm
by Capm
On thecope side:
If the word "sex", as a general rule is to be edited, then there is a language filter that would serve that purpose quite well. Then there is no need to edit posts.

However, on KB's side:
I agree that "intense sex" was not something that should have been in a "what I got for christmas" thread, because many of our members are still younger. Granted, they probably look up porn on their own anyway, but its not our place, and hasn't ever been, to expose the younger audience to this.

Yes, it was one small item in a post bound to be swallowed by the rest of the thread - but the Descent community has always strived to be a little cleaner than other places on the net. In fact that was one of the big selling points - no blood and gore, a nice clean FPS that the kids could enjoy and parents not worry about. That has always been an underlying part of the foundation of the community. Thats why the NHB has a password on it to keep the youngins out. Thats why you were wrong to post that particular item in that list, TheCope.

KoolBear wasn't trying to be Jesus, he was simply upholding a long-standing standard of the community that *some* of us have apparently forgotten about....

(edit - as a Father, TheCope, one would assume you would understand the importance of this...)

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 6:47 pm
by fyrephlie
i prefer kb edit it than my kids see it.... but then again, i don't think it's a big deal.

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 7:23 pm
by Iceman
Love ya copster, hope all works out well for ya. Thanks for a helluva lotta laffs.

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 7:28 pm
by Vindicator
I'm gonna have to agree with TheCope here... I worry about the people who get offended by the phrase 'intense sex', and think 'intense intimacy' is any better.


Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 7:57 pm
by Grendel
Mixed bag. I never understood why in the US almost every 3rd word is "f*ck" until I found out that saying the word "sex" in front of a minor can get you into jail .. weird. Everybody here was created in an act of sex and most likely will participate in at least one. Why not name it ?

OTOH Copy is over reacting. Dude, have some beer (or whatever you use to relax) and chill out. :P

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 9:07 pm
by MD-2389
Enough fighting dammit! This is the holiday season for crying out loud! You know, that special time of the year where you gather with your family and do something special. Now like it or not, we're all one big family. Disfunctional at best, but still family. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING is more important that family.

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 9:13 pm
by Duper
man.. this thread is screaming for that "Aww, don't go" pix. ;)

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 9:18 pm
by Phoenix Red
"intense sex" is a rediculous reason to board nazi and a mod edit is a rediculous reason to throw a tantrum. You guys both suck.
Nothing, and I mean NOTHING is more important that family.
Don't even get me started. I will get this thread moved to the E&C, split by lothar, re-split by lothar, and instigate so many flames if you let me go on a tangent about philosophy.

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 9:23 pm
by SilverFJ
I think the general argument should be kept between Meat and KoolBear.

But what I will say is peace man! I've known you for years on here, chatted with you uncounted numbers of times and served along side you in one of the greatest clan experiencees ever. You'll be sorely missed. Hope you have a great time in life!


Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 10:43 pm
KB's Board, KB's rules, dont like it then post somewhere else

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 10:59 pm
by TigerRaptor
SilverFJ wrote:I think the general argument should be kept between Meat and KoolBear.
I'm with you on that.

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 11:21 pm
by KoolBear
No no you guys slap me around too much to call it my board, :D I'm the ol'admin that was thrust in the hot seat.

Look, if you read the original post very carefully, you will see that a young man posted his "loot" and wanted to know what others got. Now he's what 14 maybe 15 years old? Now sit back for a moment, imagine you are talking to the kid next door he's fourteen maybe fifteen years old.

He says, Look neighbor I got these kool stickers and decals for Christmas and I got this and this neat stuff. And I got this lil'brudder t-shirt ...

Now reading here, an acceptable response for me to make to this young person should be something like yea well I had intense sex last night.

UMM, sounds like a conversation I would want my kid having with the neighbor or a buddy of mine on the DBB for that matter!

Now tell me what man in his right mind would reply to a 14 year old person like that? Now I realize that TheCope had no ill intentions and most likely didn't snap to the fact that he was personally repling to a young person. Had he noticed I doubt that he would have replied like that, I in good faith edited it with this in mind. Did I make it an issue? Did I do it on the sly?

Now call me BB Nazi or whatever makes you feel special, but remeber; this or any 14-15 year old person has every bit as much right to be here as any of us. And should not have to be exposed to topics better suited for the E&C and NHB forums.

As for this issue being between TheCope and me, read my quoted reply, I did everything humanly possible to work this out with him without rancor at anytime on my part prior to his posting this topic.

This has been a wonderful day.

Peace be with all of us.


Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 11:33 pm
by TheCope
Its all gravy.

But I wouldn't give 2 squirts from a dogs nut to support "your way" of doing things. It?s ridiculous. You are trying to make a bible thumping bb and it's supposed to be about DESCENT! You friggin christians ruin it for everyone in every way. Oppressors. That?s why I ★■◆● her with hate... my Korean born Lutheran delusional idiot.

I hope to get clocked by you in game? the ?community? has become a really fun place lately. We ?spang? the hell outta stuff.

Now get your children off the internet massa? it?s on you not me.

Nigga please.

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 11:54 pm
by Sting_Ray
I skimmed 90% of this thread, and I must interject... Or intersomething at least.

Firstly, but not mostly... Adam, don't be a bitċh.

Now for the secondly, which happens to be the point I'm about to make... LIGHTEN UP you retards. This game alone has a T on it for TEEEEEEN. Kids see the word sex a thousand times a day. They see it at school, and they only need to type it in to their browsers to see imaginary people doing imaginary acts of a sexual nature on a whim.

There are far worse things to complain about than "intense sex". Your 6 year old kid probably knows the entire mechanics and physics of human reproduction already. Remember... it's the 21st century. If it wasn't for hedonism and promiscuity... where would we be? :)

You can pick and choose which side I'm on... I don't even know myself. Just everyone stop bitċhing and have a merry christmas. Jesus hates you when you whine.

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 12:00 am
by KoolBear
TheCope I stand corrected Topher pointed out that I should have deleted the offending thread and left a note to contact me.

What is all gravy? You say it's all gravy and you pop up that kind of reply, or is that your way of saying that you will agree to disagree?

Let me sum up my position.

The use of the word sex isn't the issue here, not at all. It was the inappropriate reply to a young kids thread, do you think he the kid wanted to hear about someones intense sex? No he wanted to hear about the decals you got, or the cool stickers or maybe you were lucky enough to get that neat figurine.

Now tell me, why would anyone need to ★■◆● on a kids nice "christmas loot thread" with talk about sex?

I have worked very hard to keep my political or religious views apart from the DBB. And will continue to do so, so don't give me this christian crap.


Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 12:05 am
by SilverFJ
I enjoy many top Ramen varieties, but I seldom choose ones with lime when I go to the store. They don't get the flavor right.

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 12:29 am
by Ned
SilverFJ wrote:I enjoy many top Ramen varieties, but I seldom choose ones with lime when I go to the store. They don't get the flavor right.
I heard Ramen was a bottom not a top . . .

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 12:36 am
by KoolBear
not dry I hope!

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 12:43 am
by Vertigo 99
i cant believe cope got censored like that.

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 12:57 am
by roid
KoolBear wrote:UMM, sounds like a conversation I would want my kid having with the neighbor or a buddy of mine on the DBB for that matter!

Now tell me what man in his right mind would reply to a 14 year old person like that?
i would.

Cops really did give a "summary", he could have been much more explicit - to which we could have said "woa, too much information man". But for him to just say in summary []i"oh, i had some intense sex"[/i], what's wrong with that? It's the truth.

KoolBear i think if you really thought about it: 14 year olds ARE allowed to know that adults have sex, and they know it's generally intense.

[quote=""KoolBear"]Does the comment in question even belong in this young mans thread?[/quote]

Adults don't get children's toys for christmas.

If a 14 year old child comes upto an adult and asks a question, is it the adult's RESPONSABILITY TO LIE? I think quite the opposite, it's best for the child to know what's going on in the world. Then if the child decides he doesn't want to hear the truth - he would AND SHOULD avoid asking adults questions and expecting an honest reply! This isn't a kindergarden or some magical genderless fairy world. adults have sex, and it's no-one's responsability to protect a 14 year old child from the mere mention of it.

I mean honestly... if some random 14yr old kid came upto you and asked you what you got for christmas - and what you actually did was have some Jack Daniels and got some "intense sex"... what are you going to do? Are you going to tell him you got toys? a lie.
Are you going to tell him you got nothing? a lie.
Would you refrain from telling him you drank all night? i don't see why you would lie about that.
And would you refrain from telling him you had fun having sex with someone? to ommit this would be lying.

i'm positive if Flabby Chick or Lothar beat around the bush with some tact and said "oh... me and the wife had fun celebrating it in bed ;)" you would have had no problem with it. But cops being brutally honest and saying "i had intense sex" is wrong? The word SEX is not worth censoring.

peh... but maybe we do live in a christian first world, i'm wrong, and it's all terrible tragedy.

Anyway, our differences need not matter for much longer :D
because i have an "everybody wins" idea that i'd like you to think over that will solve all of these problems. I'll put it in the Feedback Forum so everyone can tell me what they think.

cya there :)

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 1:07 am
by SilverFJ
nonsense, Ramen is the top of the food chain.

And dry Ramen is one of the finest ways of preperation. Dishes dirty? Electricity off? Eat freeze-dried ramen in the bag with tasty flavored salt! It's better than intense sex!

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 1:57 am
by fyrephlie
SilverFJ wrote:nonsense, Ramen is the top of the food chain.

And dry Ramen is one of the finest ways of preperation. Dishes dirty? Electricity off? Eat freeze-dried ramen in the bag with tasty flavored salt! It's better than intense sex!
and best of all, unlike intense sex, it is VERY cheap (no i am not refering to prostitution... just to clear that up right quick!)... and you can still buy a case of 30 for under a damn dollar.... how great is that. i prefer dry ramen, because (and i didn't find this out until adulthood that i am a minority on this) drain my ramen. i am not picky about my ramen brand, but do feel that top ramen does tend to have a slightly stale taste to it in general.

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 2:11 am
by SilverFJ
It's true! Maruchan is much better but runs on an average of 12 cents a pack, whereas the actual Top Ramen is around 10. I like to save the 20 cents when purchasing a 20-pack from my local IGA.

Draining ramen is a great tactic for flavor maintanance. It allows the delicious salt to become more concentrated and gives it more of a saucy texture than an actual soup, much like chicken noodle vs. beef stroganoff.

but, with "extreme intamacy", it can take lots of dollars to wine and dine her, set the mood, etc. Haviong grown up in a trailer park I'm used to girls that you don't have to wine and dine. My girls ate ramen.

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 9:24 am
by TheCope

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 9:26 am
by Diedel
TheCope wrote:I typed "intense sex".

My gawd grow up you ****ing children. I typed "intense sex". That?s not even dirty. I used to type way more explicit stuff than on this very dbb. This clown is outta hand. He done ruined the place. Go for it!

I typed ?intense sex? and was edited. That is pathetic. It?s human nature, we do.

w h a t a j o k e
You didn't get rebuked or anything like that, KB just edited this out. Exaggerated or not, you are the drama queen here making a state affair of it. I have always experienced KB as an extremely polite person here, and even if he was wrong that would be a good reason to treat him with great decency and forgive this or that. ;)

33 years and a life?

I believe you, though your reaction gives reason to question both.

A word on the 'quality' you claim having brought to this place: I thought you're a decent person, but to be honest, I didn't find you to be one of the highlights of this forum you seem to think you were.

I hope I don't sound overly harsh, but that's some clear words to help you get ground contact again. ;)

Chill out man, this thing is not worth it. :)


Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 9:28 am
by woodchip
Nice try bud. Stick to arranging rock singer pics on your sterile cube walls
instead of trying to spread yultide cheer by singing deck the halls

Don't go Copsy, I have a terrible hangnail and you're the only one who makes me forget the pain.

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 9:49 am
by Unix
Is it cold in here or is it just me?

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 9:58 am
by dissent
Some peeps in this thread need some aromatherapy. :shock: :shock: :shock:

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 10:05 am
by Iceman
I just farted.

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 10:42 am
by KoolBear
quick who's got the lighter ;)

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 10:45 am
by Kiran
Interesting show here, gentlemen. I applaud T.C. for bringing in the drama. Needed something fresh. :wink: :P