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Unable to play

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 3:34 pm
by UK_Z
Hi All

Have been away for a few years and now want to play on line again, but PXO has gone!!!!

Have downloaded gamespy and managed to play a couple of games there but most of the time i get \"no response from server\" and also get the same from the \" D3 cx\" launcher.

I have avast on my systen to protect it and have switched it off so my system works as a server but still no play.

Things were much better when you could see the games once inside D3 and not need to reload it every time just to be kicked back.

Please help me :roll:

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 3:37 pm
by Unix
Mutliplayer Tutorial

Personally, I use vortex. It has a level download feature and is stable.

Welcome back!

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 2:42 pm
by UK_Z
Thanks for the reply. See you in there.

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 7:14 am
by WarAdvocat

But Vortex sucks because it's not a full-blown IRC client!!!! Therefore you shouldn't use it at all even for game browsing. Far better to use the website (which doesn't have chat, level download, and only has a basic server info feature), or kquery, which is buggy and wierd, and also does NOT feature level download, or chat.

And it also sucks that Vortex features chat integration features like level join and return announcements and launch-links.


Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 7:25 am
by Iceman
LOL! Yeah, it really sucks ... sucks so bad I use it every day.

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 8:57 am
by WarAdvocat

It's hard to believe that certain idiots out there are telling people to use & MIRC instead, because vortex \"sucks\". But they are.

Multiple Choice-

Q: \"Hi, I'm (new to d3)/(coming back after a long absence), and I don't know how to join games. How do I join games and chat?\"

1) You simply download an .EXE file from a website game listing and it will launch d3 for you!! As for chat you are a n00b unless you use MIRC. And it had better be the correct script, or you're a lamer. Oh, and before trying to join a game, you'd better check your missions folder manually, and if you don't have the level, download it from Planetdescent (if it's there, that is), or the game won't launch, and worse, it won't just say \"level not available\", nooooo, it'll give you some incomprehensible error so you won't even know what's wrong.

2) Use a program called Kquery. As for chat you are a n00b unless you use MIRC. And it had better be the correct script, or you're a lamer. Oh, and before trying to join a game, you'd better check your missions folder manually, and if you don't have the level, download it from Planetdescent (if it's there, that is), or the game won't launch, and worse, it won't just say \"level not available\", nooooo, it'll give you some incomprehensible error so you won't even know what's wrong.

3) Use Vortex and avoid all of the above hassles (except the elitist idiots calling you a \"noob\" or \"lamer\" for not using their preferred chat client)

(hint: the correct answer is \"3\")

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 11:11 am
by Pun
I use mIRC with the Invision script and the DescentCX browser (which, by the way does have a convenient link to download levels). I won't give up mIRC because it has functionality that Vortex lacks and an interface that I like. I must be an elitist idiot.

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 12:08 pm
by Krom
Guess that makes two of us in this case Pun. :P


Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 1:01 pm
by WarAdvocat
punisher wrote:I use mIRC with the Invision script and the DescentCX browser (which, by the way does have a convenient link to download levels). I won't give up mIRC because it has functionality that Vortex lacks and an interface that I like. I must be an elitist idiot.
I too use MIRC (with the invision script) for chat. Can't argue with your choice there :) I've never seen either of you hassle anyone for their choice of chat client, so you're not elitist idiots.

I submit to you that for someone who doesn't know all the ins and outs, Vortex is far superior to as a D3 game browser, and it's also much better than kquery IMO. Given that it is an effective, useful, and above all FUNCTIONAL "all-in-one" solution for people who are just looking to talk about or play Descent 3, you should be recommending it, IMO.

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 3:19 pm
by Grendel
I suggest Vortex to all newbs asking for D3 MP -- most easy and fastest way to get up & running. However, I do use mIRC & kquery :P

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 7:36 pm
by Top Gun
Hell, I use Trillian for IRC chat and Kali for server browsing (mainly as force of habit), but I'd never recommend anything but Vortex for new players. What else can beat a simple 5 MB program that does everything?

(As for PD not having certain levels, that's most likely my fault. :P)

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 8:04 pm
I use them all

mIrc by default with Kquery

once every a month I will launch Vortex to clear out all the online garbage from playing multiplayer in my D3 / D3_15 net/audio/graphics folders