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\"A part of a complete breakfast.\" *bleh*

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 5:05 pm
by CarzyRoBoT
And if I think of any more irritating, overused commercial lines, I'll add them to the list.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 6:15 pm
by Avder
You forgot:


\"Call now!\"

and \"Hurry! Supplies limited!\"

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 7:00 pm
by Shadowfury333
\"As a [expert(-sounding) profession], I know that [product name] is [adjective][product description]\"

i.e. \"As a dermatologist, I know that Zit-B-Gone is the most effective acne product\"

How can one possibly support these claims of profession?

Also \"[product] can be found at
  • \"

    A big one, although I don't know how to phrase it, are ads that offer certification in a couple dozen different basic fields. Particularily when they are going through every one of them, which they always do twice.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 7:16 pm
by Grendel
Where is the \"All\" option ? :)

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 10:08 pm
by roid
\"now with Unobtainium which binds to the roots of youu hair, activiating the Bullshutese protein receptor cites just like in this animation of a hair follicle which cuts itself when you use another shampoo\"

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 11:51 pm
by Dakatsu
A commircial which annoys me is the Ask Gary commircials:

NOTE: High amounts of sarcasm follows:
\"I had my brains blown out, my body destroyed, and I lost my eyes. Instead of calling for medical help, I called Ask Gary, he got me a lawyer to sue this person, even though I am pretty much dead and wont be alive anyway. I am so glad I called 1-800-Ask-Gary, because now I have millions of dollars cause I am a greedy american like most of the country who justs wants to sue people. I will soon be dead, but who cares, I called 1-800-Ask-Gary.\"

If you get in a car accident & have serious injuries, one word of advice:
CALL 911!!!

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 2:00 pm
by RoBoT
Oh, yeah. The accident lawyer commercials.

\"If you're sitting at home in pain because some drunk moron totaled your car at an intersection, don't sit there on your duff! Call me, and I'll help you sue the insurance company for every dollar you think you deserve!\"

I'll just die penniless, thanks.

You forgot the ever-popular \"But wait! There's more! Call right now and we'll not only send you a one-gallon tub of DermaCrud, but we'll throw in this special DermaCrud wash cloth FREE!\" Which they then follow up with another such line ending in \"If you call through this special TV offer, we'll DOUBLE your order! That's right! You get TWO gallons of DermaCrud, plus TWO DermaCrud wash cloths absolutely FREE! That's a $25 value...FREE!\"



Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 2:58 pm
by Krom
Another part of the \"double your order FREE!\" thing is the part before that \"Call within the next 10 minutes and we will...\" Like they actually keep track of when the commercial airs... Even if you called two weeks later and said \"I just saw your commercial for the double offer and the lifetime supply of...\" and they will still give it to you. Probably even if they stopped airing the commercial on all networks a week ago. :P

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 3:49 pm
by Dedman
I like commercials. They are the only place on TV where thers is a shred of originality left.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 8:30 pm
by Shadowfury333
\"Side effects may include:nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, headache, sores, boils, dizzyness, diarrhea, constipation, loss of bladder control, seizures, or death.\"

Make sure that the cure isn't worse than the problem.

BTW I've only seen these on American medicine ads. Canadian medicine ads don't have these side effect warnings. The warnings on the bottle aren't that bad either i.e. Nighttime Tylenol may cause drowsiness. Yes, that is an exaggeration, but they really aren't that bad up here. Maybe the FDA needs to raise its standards.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 8:32 pm
by RoBoT
Or they just say \"during this TV offer\" for the sake of continuity.

True, the commercials are a lot more original than the shows themselves. But there are some that, no matter HOW \"original\" they may be, use some lame, overused, deadbeat cliche in an effort to get you to buy their junk. Kids cereal commercials really irritate me with this.

I've noticed that the Trix commercials have gotten VERY mean-spirited over the past years. In their latest Trix Yogurt commercial, the kids leave the room, giving the rabbit ample opportunity to help himself to a cup. Just as he's mixing in the special sprinkles (the new gimmick for the stuff), the kids come in, give him a disapproving glare, take the yogurt away from him, and deliver the line \"Silly rabbit! Trix are for kids!\" They have all those lame kids shows telling kids to share there things, and this one commercial shows kids refusing to let a stupid rabbit have a bowl of cereal because \"Trix are for kids.\" I'm surprised no one's spoken out against commercials like this!

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 10:02 pm
by Avder
If I were the rabbit, I'd have gotten an axe and some revenge on those greedy little bastards long ago.

The main problem with most commercials that I see is that its like watching a glorified powerpoint presentation. Theyre boring, insulting, and all looking for the same thing: me to shell out more money for useless crap I dont need. If I have a need for something, I'll look for reccomendations from my friends about things that work good for the situation. I dont care if 4 out of 5 dentists think ItsOurMoneyNow toothpaste creams the competition, I'm happy with my $2 tube of non-name toothpaste, thank you.


Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 12:37 am
by Lothar
Shadowfury333 wrote:"Side effects may include:nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, headache, sores, boils, dizzyness, diarrhea, constipation, loss of bladder control, seizures, or death."
This is due to a recent law that basically said, if you say anything at all about what your medicine / drug / product does on TV, you have to list EVERY side effect ANY person in your test suffered. If someone was taking your pills and also had a runny nose, you have to list "runny nose" as a possible side effect.

That's why some commercials just say "ask your doctor about ________" and don't tell you what it does. They don't want to have to list all the side effects.

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 1:07 am
by Duper
lol.. \"if you're perfectly health, it should be ok for you to take this medicine.\" [might cause lack of 40 bucks due to Dr. co-pay and prescription co-pay]

...what's up with that?



Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 3:05 pm
by Top Gun
Avder wrote:If I were the rabbit, I'd have gotten an axe and some revenge on those greedy little bastards long ago.
Asian Trix rabbit from Family Guy: "You share!" :P

I really despise amateurish commercials, like those done by local car dealerships. Raymour and Flanigan is another one; they're so utterly lame, you'd rather gouge your eyes out than watch one. :P The only commercials I can honestly say I enjoy are probably Budweiser's; they're not as much about selling beer as they are just throwing a punch line across. Geico's usually aren't that bad, either.

(As a side note, anyone ever heard of the Meow Mix Cat Clock? If you haven't, for the love of God, don't ask. :P)

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 4:05 pm
by RoBoT

And they include a Meow Mix clay, I mean alarm clock!

Rick Stacy's Furniture probably holds a spot in my top ten irritating lines with \"If you ain't tradin' at Stacy's, you're burnin' money!\" Actually, with all those wood products in those stores, I don't think burning money would be my main concern.