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Comcast losing channels?

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 9:28 pm
by TigerRaptor
I found out about this just now. What the hell is Comcast going under?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 6:40 pm
by Top Wop
I hope to god they go under, they bought out the whole competition in my area and there is hardly any, probably none local cable company at all. Plus their prices suck.

If they loose channels, I hope they loose more. And I hope they realize that their crap sucks and they file for bankrupcy.

The worst thing that happened was deregulation of the cable networks. Now look where that has got us, fewer choices and higher prices.

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 7:21 pm
by SSC BlueFlames
Actually, Comcast was bought out by Viacomm, I believe. Certain Viacomm channels that were once pay channels (Disney Channel comes to mind) are being added to the basic cable lineup, while I'm guessing some of the competition is pulling out. Likewise, in my area at least, several satelite providers are losing Viacomm channels (CNN, Comedy Central, Headline News, etc.)

Mmmm.... Love that media consolidation. Soon I'll only have one perspective from which I receive all of my information. Won't that be blissfully Orwellian? Who needs stuff like independent thought or free will anyway?

comcast sux

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 7:32 pm
by Lothar
You'll only have one perspective from which to receive information? So are you giving up the internet voluntarily, or is that being forced upon you?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 8:12 pm
by AceCombat
i know in ATL they added a whole bunch of channels to the basic line up including Sci-Fi, WE, Speed, ESPN 2 and Classic ( again ), uhhhh.....ill have to thumb through the list again

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 9:45 pm
by SSC BlueFlames
So are you giving up the internet voluntarily, or is that being forced upon you?
Ouch... Caught me on that one, Lothar. It's rather silly of me too, since I'm not getting cable in my dorm room this semester, so I've been getting most all of my news from the internet.

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 10:17 pm
by Mobius
Do yourself and your family a big favour: Push your TV out a third story window.

Note: make sure family members are NOT below the window first!

Dear God, I can't believe you're upset about a TV station or lack thereof. TV is evil. It is CRAP. It sucks the energy from you. It draws you into a cabbage-like state where you can not think for yourself. It's the "Idiot Box". It's lame. It bites. And worst of all, you actually sit there PAYING to watch commercials.

I'll not watch TV again until someone will pay me to watch the commercials. In return, I'll watch some pay-per-view content - but that content will have to be 100% ad free - and I include "ads for Tv programs" as ads.

I'll select which commercials I want to see, and they'll be rated by viewers, and there'll be a dollar figure attached to each commercial so I'll know how much credit I get for watching it. At the conclusion of the advert, I'll answer a simple question to confirm I watched the ad. Wrong answer = no credit.

My pay-per-view content will be streaming, and I'll select what I want to watch and when I want to watch it. If I pay for it once, I want to watch it as many times in a 7 day period as I choose. If I want to pause it, rewind it, or zoom in on it, I'll be able to. If I want to record it - I'll do that too.

It'll be hi-definition - and if I watch enough commercials it'll be "free". And if I don;t want to watch ANY commercials, I'll simply pay the bill at the end of the month.

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 11:24 pm
by Top Wop
Mobius, of all the stupid things you say...

...this aint it. :P

I only watch it for the 1 or 2 shows I watch and for educational stuff, and thats pritty much it.

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 11:21 am
by DCrazy
Occasional History Channel show, Law & Order once a week, sometimes Bill O'Reilly. That's it. Total maybe 1hr/week. I hate TV.

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 11:55 am
by Dedman
Hey Mobi, not all of us have sheep. We have to find something else to occupy our free time.

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 1:24 pm
by Richard Cranium
Video games are evil!

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 1:39 pm
by Kyouryuu
Mobius wrote:Do yourself and your family a big favour: Push your TV out a third story window.

Note: make sure family members are NOT below the window first!
Speaks from experience!
Mobius wrote:Dear God, I can't believe you're upset about a TV station or lack thereof. TV is evil. It is CRAP. It sucks the energy from you. It draws you into a cabbage-like state where you can not think for yourself. It's the "Idiot Box".
Look at what it did for Mobi! Now, see what it can do to you! :D

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 3:01 pm
by Mr. Perfect
Adult Swim for eva(the rest of it can pretty much die)!

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 3:24 pm
by MD-2389
DCrazy wrote:Occasional History Channel show, Law & Order once a week, sometimes Bill O'Reilly. That's it. Total maybe 1hr/week. I hate TV.
Lets see.....

New episodes of SG-1 on fridays, Highlander (reruns) on every afternoon, Gargoyles, and maybe the occasional movie. Thats about all I watch on TV. Not really a big fan of it either.


Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 3:32 pm
by Lothar
I own a TV. It doesn't do much though.

The only time it's been on this month is for the last half of the Stanford @ Washington college basketball game, where my school ruinated The Cardinal's run at a perfect season :)

The only time it was on last month was to watch a movie when I had my in-laws over.

TV is teh suck.

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 4:29 pm
by T-Bone
Iâ??m gonna go out on a limb here and say that I donâ??t really see why TV gets such a bad rap. I actually like TV and think it is both entertaining and educational. Sure there is a certain amount of crap on TV but that is true for any medium.

My family enjoys spending time together watching a show from time to time. As a matter of fact Sunday night has turned into Animal Planet night around my house. My 5 year old daughter and I pop popcorn and watch an hour or so of animal shows. She loves them! Last night we learned all about amphibians. I had no idea that there is a salamander (The Giant Japanese Salamander) that grows to be over 5 feet long and weighs in excess of 50 lbs!

I also enjoy some shows purely for the entertainment value. Stuff like Survivor, CSI, and an occasional sitcom are a good diversion from time to time. I guess like anything the key is to not let it take over your life.

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 4:42 pm
by JMEaT
I really don't watch much TV. I tune in for the weather once a week. Watch Enterprise on Wendsdays and watch a bit of adult swim before bed. I have Adelphia and pay 42.00 for basic cable TV and 42.00 for the high speed net.

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 7:12 pm
by DCrazy
Well I haven't had the pleasure of being scammed by Adelphia... yet... Cablevision is a godsend compared to them.

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 8:56 pm
by Nitrofox125
Mobi's right.

Y'know way back when people didn't have any ads on cable because you were paying for it. All these bastages are just looking for ways to get more $$$$$$.

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 9:06 pm
by Tetrad
SSC BlueFlames wrote:Mmmm.... Love that media consolidation.
I'm sure you've also heard that Comcast put in a bid to buy out Disney. In case you guys are wondering why your Comcast cable bills are so high, they want the cash for that.

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 2:38 pm
by MD-2389
Tetrad wrote:I'm sure you've also heard that Comcast put in a bid to buy out Disney. In case you guys are wondering why your Comcast cable bills are so high, they want the cash for that.
Yeah, and Michael Eisner rejected their bid.

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 8:49 pm
by Jeff250
Then Eisner got rejected by Disney. :oops: