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Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 10:22 am
by Paolo.n
Please help. I'm not able to make D2X-XL to use hires textures....
I've downloaded the Descent Relived Sample Pack textures and put them into the TEXTURES subdirectory under the \"Descent2\" directory. I also put \"-hires_textures 1\" into d2x.ini as instructed, but the game still uses the old low res textures. What is wrong? Do I need some editor to change the textures inside the missions, or is there something else to make it work? I'm using D2X-XL 1.6.0.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 1:05 pm
by Diedel
Did you notice that the zip file had the textures alread in a 'textures' folder? Make sure they aren't in 'textures\\textures' now.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 3:33 pm
by Paolo.n
No, the *.tga files are directly under \"Descent2\\TEXTURES\" folder. I've also made a completely new installation of Descent, D2X-XL and textures again, but it's still the same.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 5:31 pm
by Diedel
Please run d2x-xl -debug-printlog, find d2x.log, and check it for what it says about shader support.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 6:12 pm
by Paolo.n
So, here is part of the d2x.log (sorry, it's long):

Loading program arguments
GetAppFolder ('D:\\DESCENT2', '', 'data', 'descent2.hog')
GetAppFolder (data) = 'D:\\DESCENT2' (1)
GetAppFolder ('D:\\DESCENT2', 'D:\\DESCENT2', 'data', 'd2demo.hog')
GetAppFolder (data) = 'D:\\DESCENT2' (1)
expected game app folder = 'D:\\DESCENT2'
expected game data folder = 'D:\\DESCENT2'
GetAppFolder ('D:\\DESCENT2', 'D:\\DESCENT2', 'models', '*.oof')
GetAppFolder (models) = 'D:\\DESCENT2' (1)
GetAppFolder ('D:\\DESCENT2', 'D:\\DESCENT2/textures', 'textures', '*.tga')
GetAppFolder (textures) = 'D:\\DESCENT2/textures' (0)
GetAppFolder ('D:\\DESCENT2', 'D:\\DESCENT2', 'profiles', '')
GetAppFolder (profiles) = 'D:\\DESCENT2' (1)
GetAppFolder ('D:\\DESCENT2', 'D:\\DESCENT2', 'movies', '*.mvl')
GetAppFolder (movies) = 'D:\\DESCENT2' (1)
GetAppFolder ('D:\\DESCENT2', 'D:\\DESCENT2', 'savegames', '')
GetAppFolder (savegames) = 'D:\\DESCENT2' (1)
GetAppFolder ('D:\\DESCENT2', 'D:\\DESCENT2', 'screenshots', '')
GetAppFolder (screenshots) = 'D:\\DESCENT2' (1)
GetAppFolder ('D:\\DESCENT2', 'D:\\DESCENT2/demos', 'demos', '')
GetAppFolder (demos) = 'D:\\DESCENT2/demos' (0)
GetAppFolder ('D:\\DESCENT2', 'D:\\DESCENT2', 'config', '*.cfg')
GetAppFolder (config) = 'D:\\DESCENT2' (1)
Creating default tracker list
Loading main hog file
Loading text resources
File 'descent.tex' not found
Loading hires models
File 'pyrogl.oof' not found
Loading ban list
File 'banlist.txt' not found
Initializing i/o
Reading configuration file
File 'descentw.cfg' not found
Initializing control types
Initializing joystick
Initializing graphics
Shaders are available
Rendering to texture is available
Initializing render buffers
Loading default palette
Initializing game fonts
Initializing movies
File 'intro-h.mvl' not found
File '.intro-h.mvl' not found
File 'intro-l.mvl' not found
File '.intro-l.mvl' not found
File 'descent.pig' not found
Initializing sound
Loading hoard data
File 'intro.tex' not found
File 'descent.sng' not found
Initializing texture merge buffer
Setting screen mode
Loading player profile
File 'menubg.tga' not found
File 'orderd2.pcx' not found
File 'd2x.hog' not found
File 'd2x.hog' not found
File 'd2x.hog' not found
File 'd2x.hog' not found

Seems some files are missing, but they are not in the installation....

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 7:10 pm
by Diedel
Please (re-)download v1.6.2 and rerun it using -debug-printlog. It will print the program arguments it finds to d2x.log now, too. Check whether it has found the hires switch. If it has please tell what makes you think you don't have hires textures. Oh, and make sure to set texture quality to high or highest in the render options menu.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 8:44 pm
by Paolo.n
So, here is the new Log:

Loading program arguments
-render_quality 3
-nomovies 1
-gl_reticle 0
-pps 10
-render2texture 1
-menustyle 1
-fastmenus 1
-sdl_mixer 1
-use_d1sounds 1
-altbg_name menubg.tga
-altbg_brightness 0.75
-altbg_alpha -1.0
-altbg_grayscale 0
-hires_textures 1

Full log here:

And cutout of a screenshot from the game:

Full size screenshots are here:

I've seen screenshots of other people on this forum, and they didn't look like this. This makes me think, there is something wrong with my game.

Render options:

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 3:31 pm
by Diedel
Your complete log file is unreadable (no line breaks). Try putting all your files in subdirectories as described in the installation guide.

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 6:39 pm
by Paolo.n
Sorry for the Log file, I renamed to TXT, and it should display correctly now.

I also reordered the game files into subdirectories according to information at, but it's still the same.

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 2:20 am
by Diedel

actually your reports belong in the bug report thread. I suppose you are one of those who believe they don't need to read forum guidelines?

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 6:16 am
by Paolo.n
Maybe, this could be in bug report forum, if this matter is a D2X-XL bug. But with the 1st post here, I didn't really know if this actually was a D2X-XL bug, or something wrong with the textures, or anything else.... So I will continue in bug report forum now.
And NO, I didn't read the forum rules, because I visit approx. 10 other forums, wich all use the same rules. There should also be some criteria to be able to decide where my post fits better, if it might be assigned to more than one thread.

Somebody please move, or delete my posts, I'm moving to Bug reports now.

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 6:36 am
by Diedel
If something doesn't work as it should, it's probably a bug and belongs in a bug report thread. And if you're so smart about forum rules, why do you violate them? ;)

I have fixed a bug preventing hires textures to be loaded on some systems. Get v1.6.6.

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 8:20 am
by Paolo.n
WOW, thanks, I'll try 1.6.6 in the evening.
But I was not smart enough about identifying exactly where my \"hi-res problem\" came from, so I didn't want to claim immediately in the bug reports, when I was not sure. D2X is cool thing, and these are only details.

Generally, I hate all rules, that's from the school years. But nothing serious :wink:

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 10:02 am
by Diedel
Going for a bug report if a program doesn't work as intended is always a safe bet. ;) I am glad if a bug turns out to be a handling or configuration problem, and never mad about ppl asking there (if they have read the D2X-XL FAQ before ... :mrgreen: )

The forum rules here (as most rules everywhere) are to make life easier for all of us.