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Descent 2 Obsidian

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 3:09 pm
by pipsqueak
Thanks to Diedel, I've been able to play D2 on my XP machine. I'm playing Obsidan, by Ellusion Design and am having quite a bit of fun. However, I'm stuck on level 14 (Excidium), (Can't beat the Boss and don't think I have hit all the switches because I can't get into a water room) If anyone can dust off an old walkthrough or offer some assistance, I'd be forever in their debt, (okay, well maybe not forever in debt but I'd be much appreciated)

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 4:45 am
by Sirius
Oh... sorry, I missed this (don't hit this board much).

That boss is a little tough, yeah... I think the usual way I defeated it was much the same as the D2 L24 boss (get cloak or invuln, hit wall behind him with a shaker, rinse and repeat); however, you may have issues if you don't have enough shakers.

This makes him difficult. The best you can hope to do is sneak up behind him (cloaked), or just try madly to run around his back (on higher skill levels I doubt this is possible), and fire off mega missiles at his rear end; after that, gauss and mercury missiles are your best shot.

I do hope it doesn't come to that though. If you conserve shakers, he will probably be a lot easier.

Unfortunately I don't remember the trigger system in that level (there were some that you absolutely needed Phoenix to hit, I can tell you that - behind floor grates I believe), but it was fairly complex. I don't think anyone ever wrote a walkthrough for the set, either...

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 7:34 pm
by pipsqueak
I finally did beat the Boss in this level. However I was unable to get into that room with the water textures locked behind a grated wall. (Don't think I'll be able to live with myself if I don't get in there). And youre right, you did need the phoenix to open some triggers located under a water texture and behing a grate. Thanks for the response.

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 7:35 pm
by pipsqueak
Dang, a double post, my first one ever!

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 3:30 pm
by Sirius
Um... I've had a look through, but I can't find any rooms of significant size that you don't have access to as you complete the level objectives - especially those containing water. Perhaps a screenshot or other pointer towards what part of the level you mean?