This level was never really popular because it was only released as a beta. So a lot of people never bothered to try it out. Some people did, and they liked it. It's a nice change over normal anarchy. The level is small, very easy to learn...

Download it here: http://www.koolbear.com/Descent/levels/ ... tion11.zip
Here's what the readme has to say:
Updated: 5/23/05
-Mission renamed to Distortion.
-Fixed non-plainer faces on Pyro-GX model.
-Replaced Vauss clip with Mercury Missile.
-Replaced Impact Mortar with Mercury Missile.
-Replaced Frag Missile with Frag Mortar.
-Changed a few things in distortion.txt
-Updated E-mail address
-Auto-download links changed.
Known Problems
-When using certian versions of the 1.5 patch, 3 data errors are reported while loading the mission.
datacheck.out reports:
Errors in addon file <distortion.gam>:
Ship <Pyro-GL> (model <ConcussionMissile.OOF>) has 0 attach points (must have at least 3)
Ship <Phoenix> (model <ConcussionMissile.OOF>) has 0 attach points (must have at least 3)
Ship <Magnum-AHT> (model <ConcussionMissile.OOF>) has 0 attach points (must have at least 3)
Total errors: 3
i don't think this should be much of an issue. It's probably a bug with the 1.5 patch.
That's all

=Slowguy= (~{RS}Max, rs_~)
Distortion (Formerly known as Disorientation demo v1.1)
Author: [RS]max
Date: 6-3-01
Mods Supported: Anarchy, Team Anarchy, Hyper Anarchy, 2-team CTF, and Hoard
E-mail: Slowguy8503@yahoo.com
The server should ban the Black Pyro, because it is not modified.
Level Info
28 Rooms
1683 Faces
2223 Vertices
32 Portals
27 Polygon Objects
15 Player Starts
2 Energy Centers
1 Red Goal
1 Blue Goal
Weapon Layout
1 Fusion Cannon
2 Frag Mortars
4 Mercury Missiles
1 Shield Orb
1 Quad Laser
1 Super Laser
1 Phoenix Cannon
1 Xauss Cannon
-The Pyro-GL, Phoenix, and Magnum-AHT have been changed into the Pyro-GX.
-The Laser and Super Laser have had their appearance changed, the Laser fire is now red in color, and the Super Laser fire is now green in color. Both the Laser and Super Laser do the same amount of damage as they did before.
-The Vauss Cannon has been changed to the Xauss cannon. It's similar to the Vauss, but it's more powerful and has a slower firing rate.
-The Vauss clip has been modified to give you 1500 Vauss rounds.
-The EMD Gun has been changed to the Phoenix Cannon.
-The Napalm Rocket has been changed to the Frag Mortar. The Frag Mortar is an Impact Mortar that has been modified to stick to walls or ships, and then explodes launching shrapnel everywhere.
-The Cyclone Missile has been changed to the Mercury Missile.
-There are new HUD images for the weapons, and the ship.
-Sounds have been converted from Descent 2 for the Laser, Super Laser, Phoenix Cannon, and Frag Mortar.
(Note: I did not make the Pyro-GX reticle, and I'm not sure who did, so I do not deserve credit for it.)
Known Problems
-The weapon names don't change for the new weapons.
-There are no custom logo faces on the ship.
-If you join a game in the Black Pyro you won't be able to fly the GX.
Changes from v1.0
-Left out the load screen so the zip file would be smaller.
-Changed a few areas of the level.
-Changed the level lighting.
-Added an extra Mercury missile.
-Added gamefile entries to the gam file.
Release history
Beta 0.7
-Fixed the problem where the Phoenix turns into a Vauss Cannon in the ship selection menu.
-A few changes to weapon balance.
-Fixed disappearing Phoenix blob problem.
-Made the Frag Mortar a little weaker and added a ticking sound.
-A few minor changes to the level.
Beta 0.6
-Modified the lava texture so it doesn't set you on fire.
-Relit the level using super detail.
-Removed the Black Shark and replaced it with the Napalm Rocket.
-Replaced the EMD, Cyclone, Napalm Rocket, and Vauss with new weapon models.
-Added hud images for the new weapons.
-Added new weapons: Phoenix Cannon, Xauss Cannon, Frag Mortar, Mercury Missile.
-Updated Pyro-GX textures.
-Tweaked Pyro-GX physics.
-Changed laser color from blue/yellow to red/green.
-Added a few new D2 sounds.
-A few other things I can't think of.
Beta 0.5
-First beta for closed testing.
Special thanks to
Azrael and VonVentman for helping beta test the level!

This file is currently hosted by Ripway, and there's a limit on daily bandwidth usage. So if the link doesn't work it probably means the daily bandwidth was exceeded. So just try to download again later.

EDIT: I changed the download link. So the mission will now be downloaded from Koolbear's site instead of from Ripway.