Nightly,I get on here and see the same stuff happening....half the time I will sit and stare at a game tracker page constanlty refreshing it just hoping that for once I'll see something different that makes my heart jump..something that says 'now this'll be different'. Now don't jump up and get me wrong...Descent series is prolly the greatest game (with argument)ever created, at least to date.
At any rate, I see some people trying to organize and I see some people trying to help...However,I dont see much from the general community. I dunno'...Maybe if these players felt like they were more a part of the community and less like a flyin target..heh..whatever...I clearly don't know the answer but I'm sure some of the vetern players know what I'm saying...I remember when I played 'Silent Death' many years ago...we had different events every nite...there was always a dueling arena where guys would duel for a tag they could wear for least till it got took from 'em in the next series of matches...heh. And then there would be free for all arenas where clans(teams) would fight it out in a points killfest..and there were no trophys...but u got to carry the community knowledge that u belonged to a team that is dominant,now...not 7 months ago at the latest Lan (especially when god knows when there will be another). Well...I've said enuff...for now anyway. Let's do something to get this game back up and on its's a dominant should be treated as such

(on a side note I did find a pretty crazy cool arena the other was called 'Wolf's Den' and it was simply amazing,nm the 100 kills I got for the first time in a game...Would be a great team deathmatch arena)