To Bettina: About offensive audio taunts.

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Post by Sergeant Thorne »

You've got to remember, Merlin, that Bet didn't start this topic. Several posters have behaved as if she did. Bettina strikes me as being a very intelligent person, and I don't think you're giving her nearly enough credit in insinuating that she doesn't realize that she can only make the request.

All at the risk of fighting someone's fight for them, but some of you guys just seem to be making some pretty unfounded allegations.
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

I know she didn't start the topic, but I'm just saying it's very niave of her to think most people will abide by her request in a online game.

Like asking everyone to only play if you have a sub 50ms ping. Just makes no sense and is a target for any (_O_)ish person to fight back. Depending on my mood when I play, I either not use offensive taunts when she asks or tell her to turn them off.

As for whomever started this topic, he has every riht to start it but keep it as civilized as possible.
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Post by Robo »

Sergeant Thorne wrote:Heh. There's nothing wrong with asking. Nothing wrong with a young lady not wanting to hear that kind of thing, but still enjoying taunts.

I think Bettina's position in the matter is commendable.
Thats the point I've been trying to make. She enjoys the taunts, but there's nothing wrong in her not liking certain taunts and simply asking.
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Post by Sergeant Thorne »

I concede the point, as I really haven't witnessed any of these requests recently.

And it's possible that I was mistaken, but I saw Nosferatu's problem with Bettina's taunt as an "if I'm wrong then so are you" sort of thing.

Maybe I'm the one who's jumping to conclusions, and if that's the case then I'm sorry.
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Post by Sergeant Thorne »

Robo wrote:She enjoys the taunts, but there's nothing wrong in her not liking certain taunts and simply asking.
I conceded the point because I don't know if she was "simply asking."

Perhaps, as we've expended so much energy on the subject, Nosferatu or Bettina could enlighten us on this point.
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Post by Bet51987 »

Since this thread won't close, I hope this will clarify my position.

I want to thank those of you who have honored my request and held back the audio fword taunts when I asked. It means a lot to me and I appreciate it very much. I enjoy playing with you.

To those who won't honor it when I ask, no problem either. You have the right to use fwords, and I will honor that and leave without any wise comments and simply go to another game. The real offenders I will leave as soon as I see your name. I know who you are and I'm sorry we couldn't be friends.

Btw...yes, I am in the "real world" and I get along with it just fine, but I am not going to apologize for the way I was brought up. I like the way I am and I intend to stay that way. No offense to anyone.

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Post by CDN_Merlin »

Bet, I commend you for your strong position on thjis subject. I hope you can live this way forever as it is a much nicer way. I was like this until I was about 16 when I used to hear it and see it everywhere I went. I wasn't strong enough to resist the urge to use the Fword in life. I try as much as I an not to use it but sometimes it gets the better of me.

As for using it in descent, I actually find it amusing and not offensive which is why I use them and don't mind hearing them.
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Post by Kiran »

From what I've seen in this thread...
Bettina did exactly as she should do when she doesn't want to hear such languages.
This one dude on the other hand, chose to get everyone involved by posting a thread and starting crap with her instead of taking it like a real man and talk to her in private.
Kinda like the smoker and the nonsmoker situation. The nonsmoker was sitting on the bench when the smoker came along and sat down, lit up a cig and the wind's blowing the smoke in the direction of the nonsmoker. It sucks big time, but it never hurts to ask. The nonsmoker asks the smoker to switch seats or put out the cig. But the smoker refuses, causing the nonsmoker to leave.

Bettina responded in a very mature manner, much better than any minor would've responded (how old are you?). I couldn't have done it better myself were I confronted like this. I have never played Bettina in game nor talked with her, but she's gained respect from me in this situation.
This one dude... I hope to never run into him.
Like someone previously said, "Can't we all get along?" She can do that...he can't.
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Post by Canuck »

Hi Kiran~~~

Kiran in the case of your cigarette analogy, I would just have moved upwind of the bench stood next to him and farted... "You don't smoke... I won't fart."

You've hit the nail right on the head with your comments though. Unfortunately there are jerks and bad sports all over the place. I leave as well when I encounter them.

I keep audio taunts off and flush the cache files... I find it a complete waste and find some that are just plain offensive.
Unfortunately I miss out on the funny stuff.

After reading all three pages of this topic :roll:
Pilots I would suggest that in order to totally eliminate the "F" words from your game you should either just host your own games, or learn to play D2 and join the Rangers.

Right Kiran?
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Post by elliotm »

IRL, whenever I ask someone to please not use bad language in my presence, they've always gladly abided.
Well, the adults, anyway...the kids usually respect my age and beware themselves, beforehand.

Funny how toddlers can effectively use "adult" language. =P

Once upon a time I joined a game and Bettina asked me not to use a certain taunt. That was strange b/c I don't use profane taunts. After flushing out my cache of downloaded custom sounds, mine went back to working normally. But she was polite about it, not unreasonably demanding, and thanked me when I returned with the problem fixed and I appreciated that.

I like the personal touch the macros add, but sometimes I do just turn them off if they're really offensive.
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Post by TheCope »

In the midst of descent addiction I used the most sexually suggestive aliases and audio taunts I could think of, and I can think pretty well when it comes to perversion.

I still don't believe this Bettina character. It has to be someone putting one over on you clowns.
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Post by will_kill »

Big George Foreman said it best..."When a man[or woman] runs out of intelligent things to say, 'den 'dey start cursing." :)
Nos' nice, it'll show you a whole new side of yourself just begging to be discovered. :) Who lubs ya' main... :D
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Post by Nosferatu »

will_kill wrote:Big George Foreman said it best..."When a man[or woman] runs out of intelligent things to say, 'den 'dey start cursing." :)
Nos' nice, it'll show you a whole new side of yourself just begging to be discovered. :) Who lubs ya' main... :D
Its not that Im personally spewing a stream of curses in my own voice. I just happen to like to use snippits from different popular culture that happen to have the F word in it, that I find mildly amusing and appropriate (subject matter wise) to different situations in the game. Forinstance, when someone is overplaying a certain taunt I like to play Terrance and Phillip from the South Park movie singing "Shut your F***ing face uncle F***er". When my nephew Jimmy starts getting owned, (hes not that bad a player but he does get owned from time to time) he likes to play what I think sounds like something from Dave Chappelle "Got to kill every mother F***er in the room".

For what its worth, my current set of taunts doesnt happen to have any F words in it.

But I still feel as though I shouldnt have to not use a taunt that might happen to have an F word in it when others use their own taunts without worry.
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Post by Kiran »

Nosferatu wrote: But I hope you can understand that some individuals might just find a squealy militant feminist woman screeching, "I'm going to kill you", just as offensive.

My nephew Jimmy and I feel this way Bettina.
Nosferatu wrote: But I still feel as though I shouldnt have to not use a taunt that might happen to have an F word in it when others use their own taunts without worry.
Okay so what are we all "discussing" again?
I thought this thread started off of Nos. being offended somehow when Bettina asked him to not use the Fword because she's offended by it.

That's pretty messed up unless Bettina repeatitively asks to not use the Fword in one game. Then it'd be real annoying.
Are you really offended by her using "I'm going to kill you" taunts? If so, then you have a bit of a problem.
Needless to say, I'm shocked by this person. I'm sure I speak for the majority in this forum and the whole world that the fword is more offensive than the "I'm going to kill you" taunts.
Canuck wrote:After reading all three pages of this topic :roll:
Pilots I would suggest that in order to totally eliminate the "F" words from your game you should either just host your own games, or learn to play D2 and join the Rangers.

Right Kiran?
Lol, Nuckers. Or someone should just come up with something that allows you to block any audio taunts that is considered offensive to you, that way you can still enjoy audio taunts and not be offended when someone uses a taunt that includes the Fword. Then everyone can get along and we all can live happily ever after. :P
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Post by Top Gun »

Even though I have a few audio taunts with profanity in them, I've never used them as a matter of courtesy to younger players. That being said, I find many of the profanity-laden taunts that other people use to be very funny, and I generally don't mind them at all. As Merlin said above, once you get to high school and college and are continuously surrounded with that type of language, you generally just phase it out and usually start to use it frequently yourself, even if you had never intended to in the first place.

I see nothing wrong with Bettina's request. She enjoys using her audio taunts, and she should be able to without being subjected to language that she isn't allowed or doesn't desire to hear. If she asks someone to stop using a certain audio taunt with the f-word in it, it's just common courtesy to do just that. If someone isn't courteous enough to do that, she's already said that she'd leave with no fuss, so I don't see any problem with that. As for Bettina's own taunt, if anyone finds that offensive (I will concede that it can start grating on one's nerves :P), they shouldn't be playing D3 online.
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Post by Bet51987 »

Nosferatu wrote:But I still feel as though I shouldnt have to not use a taunt that might happen to have an F word in it when others use their own taunts without worry.
Which is why I have said you and jimmy are now free to use them at will without least from me.
TheCope wrote:I still don't believe this Bettina character.
Hahaha...Things like this don't affect me like they used to. I find that a lot of boys don't like getting owned by girls that play descent.

However, if thats not it, and since I am like many other players you have never met in real life, what exactly is it about me that you don't believe? I'm just curious now. :wink:

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Post by will_kill »

Nos' wrote,"Its not that I'm personally spewing a stream of curses in my own voice...."

yeh...sorry for that misleading statement bro', I did'nt phrase myself correctly in that post.
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Post by Palzon »

Bet51987 wrote: Hahaha...Things like this don't affect me like they used to. I find that a lot of boys don't like getting owned by girls that play descent.

I believe in Bettina. I just think "she" is a zit faced boy IRL :P

I've got some of the filthiest taunts on the planet but it doesn't matter because I've never ever seen him in a game. not one.
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Post by Red Barchetta »

Ok, so let me add a name to the hat, so to speak. I would like to request on behalf of my daughter, Spirit, that people not use profanity laiden taunts if you join a game that she is in. Neither her, or I live our lives in the mists of conversations that are filled with profanity. I'm not saying that we never hear it, but it is not part of our normal lives. If this request is not honored, or we join a game where these taunts are used, do not be offended if we leave for another game. This is actually nothing new, as we have been doing this for several years now. No, neither Spirit or I are great pilots, but we do enjoy the game, and want to continue doing so.

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Post by kencl »

Nosferatu wrote:I still feel as though I shouldnt have to not use a taunt that might happen to have an F word in it when others use their own taunts without worry.
You've said something to this effect a few times in this thread. What you are not realizing is that you are responsible for your own actions, while other players who don't care to honor her request are responsible for theirs. Justifying your choices based on what others consider acceptable is a true slippery slope. In the extreme, it has descended so far as the excuse "I was only following orders" to justify the holocaust.

Look at it this way. You have the opportunity to choose to forgo your personal enjoyment of foul language taunts for a time out of respect for other players. She isn't the only player offended by such taunts. I find them offensive also, and I've served in the Navy where you're exposed on occasion to some of the fowlest language on the planet. You can have the satisfaction of knowing that you didn't go along with the crowd, rather you choose to make the game more enjoyable for more players. Instead of feeling that it's unfair, conclude that you are a better person for having made this small, temporary sacrifice.

I've considered this issue before because I do select a few crass taunts which I think are really funny on occasion, but I only play them when I'm fairly certain the other players will enjoy them too. Offending other players isn't enjoyable, it's selfish.
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Post by TheCope »

Audio taunts, the holocaust? Get the ★■◆● outta here. My gawd.

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Post by Bet51987 »

TheCope wrote:Audio taunts, the holocaust? Get the **** outta here. My gawd.

You really don't get it do you?

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Post by Testiculese »

Bett, did you know you can hit F6, and temporarily turn taunts on and off while still playing the game?
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Post by Bet51987 »

Testiculese wrote:Bett, did you know you can hit F6, and temporarily turn taunts on and off while still playing the game?
Yes, but I'm not fast enough to stop shooting and push the key without getting killed. I have enough to do dodging fusions. :) Anyway, I've solved my problem like I explained. I was just curious why some players go to such extremes to defend the use of fword taunts even when they realize kids are playing. I find it astounding.

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Post by will_kill »

In response to this whole thread...

I carved a stick to weild(sp?) against my enemies, both great and small. A stick to beat, to smash, to thrash, to cull and break them all.
Well carry on into the fight, the blood flows freely, no end in sight....

As I pummel and shred with hopes of the dead, stepping over the fallen in the heat of battle, amidst the chaos of breaking bones, I hear the stick cry out..."Why must I be used in this horrible way?!, A whisper speaks louder than a shout!".

When I want my way...really bad....I use reverse psychology. Works approx. 95-99% of the time :wink: Funny how such an old trick is so ez to apply to other peoples minds. :)
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Post by Palzon »

how bout this...

letting your kid play with taunts turned on when you know the game is laden with f-bombs is bad parenting. period.

if you think this is ANYONE's problem but your own you should not have had a child in the first place.

the allowance for adult rated taunts is built into the game. that makes it an adult game while tuants are on. turning taunts off fixes the problem.

this should be a non-issue.

oh and Barchetta, nice job jumping on the "i'm too cool for cursing" band wagon.

I can understand not wanting to expose virgin ears of a young child to a vulgar vocabulary, but i see Bettina as doing nothing but attention seeking.

You've heard the words before. Tune them out or turn them off.
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Post by will_kill »

Bet51987 wrote:
TheCope wrote:Audio taunts, the holocaust? Get the **** outta here. My gawd.

You really don't get it do you?

Hey Bett'...w/o trying to defend him(The Cope,I'm sure he's more than cabable)I would like to point out that I believe he was referring to someones comparison of the two(as equal wrongs)as being outlandish. :wink:
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Post by will_kill »

Palzon wrote:how bout this...

letting your kid play with taunts turned on when you know the game is laden with f-bombs is bad parenting. period.

if you think this is ANYONE's problem but your own you should not have had a child in the first place.

the allowance for adult rated taunts is built into the game. that makes it an adult game while tuants are on. turning taunts off fixes the problem.

this should be a non-issue.

oh and Barchetta, nice job jumping on the "i'm too cool for cursing" band wagon.

I can understand not wanting to expose virgin ears of a young child to a vulgar vocabulary, but i see Bettina as doing nothing but attention seeking. You've heard the words before. Tune them out or turn them off.

how 'bout this :wink: ....It all boils down to respect,something u humans seem to lack in great abundance...err, did i say "u humans"? :lol:
and how bout this :P err is human to continue to well umm I guess thats a human trait as well. :(

my 2 cents and im done...any responses to me should be pm'ed please. :)
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

Palzon wrote:how bout this...

letting your kid play with taunts turned on when you know the game is laden with f-bombs is bad parenting. period.

if you think this is ANYONE's problem but your own you should not have had a child in the first place.

the allowance for adult rated taunts is built into the game. that makes it an adult game while tuants are on. turning taunts off fixes the problem.

this should be a non-issue.

oh and Barchetta, nice job jumping on the "i'm too cool for cursing" band wagon.

I can understand not wanting to expose virgin ears of a young child to a vulgar vocabulary, but i see Bettina as doing nothing but attention seeking.

You've heard the words before. Tune them out or turn them off.
Can you turn off text also? Since someon can type the F word as easily. The thing is with todays time is that you will hear the words no matter where you go or what you do, it's upto the person to not use them later on in life.
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Post by Testiculese »

Sure can, Merl...

I'm too cool to curse online as well :)
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Post by WarAdvocat »

Palzon wrote:oh and Barchetta, nice job jumping on the "i'm too cool for cursing" band wagon.
Pally, I'm going to have to take issue here. Red's not jumping on any bandwagon. He's been driving that wagon himself for a long time. He was very respectful when he stated his position and how he responds to language/behavior he feels is inappropriate, and he doesn't deserve to be singled out like that.

Furthermore, there are legitimate, fun uses for taunts that don't require profanity, and unlike text, taunts can't be filtered, only turned on or off. Given that he probably has fun with (non-profane) taunts, I feel that he is being reasonable and respectful, and supporting a legitimate point of view here.

Personally, I'm of the "Tune them out or turn them off" school myself, but I can respect other points of view that are put forward, provided they have a logical rationale.
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Post by Palzon »

i respect his point of view. i respect his preference. i think it is logical to not want your child exposed to vulgarity. i applaud the choice. but there is no logic in imposing sanctions on the rest of us, whether real or moral.

i take exception to trying to impose a morality on the rest of us that is easily fixed by turning the taunts off. there is no logic in saying that everyone in the community should refrain from vulgarity when there is an obvious alternative.

more so, i am not responsible or obligated to prevent someone else's child from hearing profanity when the parent has the responsibility/obligation AND the ability to prevent it. THAT is logical.

further, we should not, as a society, expect all differences and alternative forms of expression to be leveled off so some politically correct fantasy can be achieved.

But i am all about constructive solutions. i think a constructive solution would be to have specific servers that disallow offensive taunts.
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Post by WarAdvocat »

I take your point, but needless to say, Red Barchetta is not imposing anything on anyone except himself and his child, unless I somehow misread the following:
Red Barchetta wrote:If this request is not honored, or we join a game where these taunts are used, do not be offended if we leave for another game.
Later on, he states that he's been following this policy for years (which he has). As I said, my only issue is that he doesn't deserve to be singled out like that.

Regardless, thanks for your response, we see eye-to-eye on this topic for the most part.
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Post by Bet51987 »

Palzon wrote:I can understand not wanting to expose virgin ears of a young child to a vulgar vocabulary, but i see Bettina as doing nothing but attention seeking.
First, I take exception to that statement since (A) I didn't start this thread, and (B) have asked repeatedly for it to be closed? Could you expain that please?
Palzon wrote: i take exception to trying to impose a morality on the rest of us that is easily fixed by turning the taunts off. there is no logic in saying that everyone in the community should refrain from vulgarity when there is an obvious alternative.
I, for one, would not want to give you any moral character when you don't want it.
Palzon wrote: more so, i am not responsible or obligated to prevent someone else's child from hearing profanity when the parent has the responsibility/obligation AND the ability to prevent it. THAT is logical.
I would not want you to feel obligated to stop using an fword in a game when I, or some dad, may ask you to. You do not have to be courteous even though you have the "ability to prevent it". I would not want to burden you with such a request.
Palzon wrote: further, we should not, as a society, expect all differences and alternative forms of expression to be leveled off so some politically correct fantasy can be achieved.
Fantasy? Its just a game...where tweens would like to play and enjoy the full benefits of the game that is, by the way, in need of young players. You should be tring to help instead of showing us how much of a blockade you can become if you chose to.
Palzon wrote: But i am all about constructive solutions. i think a constructive solution would be to have specific servers that disallow offensive taunts.
So, your saying it should be up to the server to stop YOU from swearing. Give me a break.
I'm only in high school, but I never would have said it that way.

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Post by Palzon »

Bet51987 wrote: First, I take exception to that statement since (A) I didn't start this thread, and (B) have asked repeatedly for it to be closed? Could you expain that please?
i'll do better than explain. i'll retract my statement.

for the record though, i was not referring to this thread as attention seeking, but asking people in games or chat to not use profane taunts. i should have been more clear. frankly, your motivation is not relevant to my argument and i won't put words in your mouth.

i may have strong opinions but i have no problem admitting being wrong about something. and i'm sorry for going there.
Bet51987 wrote: I would not want you to feel obligated to stop using an fword in a game when I, or some dad, may ask you to. You do not have to be courteous even though you have the "ability to prevent it". I would not want to burden you with such a request.
i am in no way shape or form being discourteous. the real disservice here is asking someone to curtail their humour for you when you could solve the problem yourself. i would define the curteous thing here as never making this an issue by taking responsibility for your own moral position instead of asking other to bend to yours.
Bet51987 wrote: Fantasy? Its just a game...where teens would like to play and enjoy the full benefits of the game that is, by the way, in need of young players. You should be tring to help instead of showing us how much of a blockade you can become if you chose to.
profanity is real. it is expressive. i don't need it. but i don't live in denial either. i like d3 because it's hard hitting and real. i don't want d3 child proofed. i don't want life sterilized for my consumption. i want to experience reality even if it is ugly. i don't want to live in a world made safe for me at the expense of artistry, expression, and above all humor.
Bet51987 wrote: So, your saying it should be up to the server to stop YOU from swearing. Give me a break.
I'm only in high school, but I never would have said it that way.

No, I'm saying that if you want a child proofed server, I'm sure someone would be happy to provide it. I'm not a child so I don't need it. I don't need to stop taunt profanity because i'm not afraid of hearing bad words. I don't need to stop taunt profanity because you have the power to turn me off. i'm not imposing anything on you whatsoever.

but if you still want to hear nothing but rated-g material a separate server would be a good solution, one which i suggest without the least bit of sarcasm. then you can have your taunts and those like me can have our real life.

none of you know me so i don't expect anyone to understand, take this seriously, or even consider my points.

but i'm still posting, fuckers :P
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Post by TheCope »

Profane audio taunts were half the fun for me when I played d3. But even I, the sick bastard swear word user, would give up audio taunts to prevent a genocide.

You people are ridiculous. Are you so spoiled and sheltered that this is your lifeâ??s issue? Itâ??s almost un-American.

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Post by Bet51987 »

Palzon wrote:
Bet51987 wrote: First, I take exception to that statement since (A) I didn't start this thread, and (B) have asked repeatedly for it to be closed? Could you expain that please?
i'll do better than explain. i'll retract my statement.

for the record though, i was not referring to this thread as attention seeking, but asking people in games or chat to not use profane taunts. i should have been more clear. frankly, your motivation is not relevant to my argument and i won't put words in your mouth.

i may have strong opinions but i have no problem admitting being wrong about something. and i'm sorry for going there.
Bet51987 wrote: I would not want you to feel obligated to stop using an fword in a game when I, or some dad, may ask you to. You do not have to be courteous even though you have the "ability to prevent it". I would not want to burden you with such a request.
i am in no way shape or form being discourteous. the real disservice here is asking someone to curtail their humour for you when you could solve the problem yourself. i would define the curteous thing here as never making this an issue by taking responsibility for your own moral position instead of asking other to bend to yours.
Bet51987 wrote: Fantasy? Its just a game...where teens would like to play and enjoy the full benefits of the game that is, by the way, in need of young players. You should be tring to help instead of showing us how much of a blockade you can become if you chose to.
profanity is real. it is expressive. i don't need it. but i don't live in denial either. i like d3 because it's hard hitting and real. i don't want d3 child proofed. i don't want life sterilized for my consumption. i want to experience reality even if it is ugly. i don't want to live in a world made safe for me at the expense of artistry, expression, and above all humor.
Bet51987 wrote: So, your saying it should be up to the server to stop YOU from swearing. Give me a break.
I'm only in high school, but I never would have said it that way.

No, I'm saying that if you want a child proofed server, I'm sure someone would be happy to provide it. I'm not a child so I don't need it. I don't need to stop taunt profanity because i'm not afraid of hearing bad words. I don't need to stop taunt profanity because you have the power to turn me off. i'm not imposing anything on you whatsoever.

but if you still want to hear nothing but rated-g material a separate server would be a good solution, one which i suggest without the least bit of sarcasm. then you can have your taunts and those like me can have our real life.

none of you know me so i don't expect anyone to understand, take this seriously, or even consider my points.
Ok, fair enough. I'm sorry for jumping on you that bad, but I've been taking a lot of hits lately and I'm becoming quick to defend. I'm sad that this thread ever had my name on it. (In fact, my hands sometimes tremble when typing a reply like that)

I've said what I intend to do when confronted in a game and I intend to stick by that, even if I have to quit for the night and just read. I can't apologize for the way I am, but hope to see you in a game.

The Fword users have had there say too, and I will leave and let them play without comment.

I really hope to see you in a game. :)
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TheCope wrote:Profane audio taunts were half the fun for me when I played d3. But even I, the sick bastard swear word user, would give up audio taunts to prevent a genocide.

You people are ridiculous. Are you so spoiled and sheltered that this is your lifeâ??s issue? Itâ??s almost un-American.

:) You too....sorry for the quick response. You didn't deserve that from me. Believe me, I'm no quaker, but It took me a long time to gain my dads trust on the internet and I've learned from that. He and I are really buddys. I have given him lots of rules too, and he follows them. :)

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Post by Palzon »

Bet51987 wrote: I really hope to see you in a game. :)
likewise, i hope to see u in a game.

i never take disagreements personally, especially here. and i can't think of a single reason to dislike u personally. disagreements are an opportunity to learn and grow.

thanks for indulging me.

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