Would you buy this?

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Would you buy this?

Poll ended at Sun Aug 28, 2005 11:46 pm

Yes, it looks like it would improve my game play.
No. I dont like how it looks.
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No. I dont like all the little buttons. Too many.
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No. I want joysticks not 'sliding pads.'
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Would you buy this?

Post by Isaac »

Descent 2 controller
NOTE: This is NOT REAL. It's a computer drawing.
This would fit in your hand perfectly and would grip your palms as well as a basket ball. It would be a bit smaller than 4x4x4 inches so imagine holding a small mellon.

Here are the thumb 'sliding pads'. They'll center if released and they're also buttons.
I know it looks weird and problematic but i placed the buttons based on how comfortably bend. I made a hand out of geometric shapes and bound them so they would bend like real fingers would.
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Post by Vindicator »

Doesnt look like itd be too comfortable to use for extended periods. Youre basically relying on the force of your fingers to balance each other out to keep it in your hands. Plus you would have to scrunch your fingers up quite a bit to hit the buttons towards the thicker part of it, which would hurt your wrists after a while (think of typing a long essay using improper form on the keyboard and you can get an idea of what im thinking here).

Interesting concept though.
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Post by Isaac »

I've studied how people hold psx and xbox controllers and it's not very diffrent. you keep it in your hands by the palms of your hands.
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Post by DCrazy »

No, I wouldn't.

And, for the second time, stop crossposting, especially with big images.
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Post by Isaac »

I meant the other post to be about the art behind the images. If i were to make them more about the programs would it be ok?
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Post by roid »

i like it coz it looks robust, like you could swing it around knocking over beer bottles - whipe it off and it'd still work great. it's completely surrounded by rubber yeah?
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Post by Grendel »

I think something like the Cyberman 2 would be better for a 6dof game.. (XP has a build-in driver for it BTW)
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Post by Top Gun »

Grendel wrote:I think something like the Cyberman 2 would be better for a 6dof game.. (XP has a build-in driver for it BTW)
Considering that it comes with a demo of D2, I think Logitech had the same idea. Looks pretty cool :)
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Post by Vertigo 99 »

wtf? no
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Post by Canuck »

No. Even if you tried giving it to me I wouldn't take it.
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Post by will_kill »

As long as it had alot of buttons on it that you could program to match D3 weps and such...needs to be affordable as well :wink:
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Post by Top Gun »

I can't even get a good sense of how you're supposed to hold it, not to mention where exactly the buttons are. :P
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Post by Nitrofox125 »

Something that I've figured out after trying a few joysticks for 6DOF is that it's not just about how many buttons. Ten buttons can't make up for a properly made joystick/hat/axis, and Descent needs about three or four of those, *and then* some buttons. One really good stick I use is the Gravis Xterminator Dual Control (Image) (when it's working, that is), and I would probably prefer to use that, just because it has more than buttons - four axes, then properly placed buttons.

*shrug* My two cents.
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Post by Canuck »

Hmm that looks interesting, Gravis always made good sticks.
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Post by Floyd »

i have that stick. it lacks a twist handle :(
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Post by Nitrofox125 »

That was my complaint for a while, but when I went to use a joystick with a twist handle, I found that, actually, I don't use a twist handle that much. So it works out for me. I only found compatibility problems... start Descent, toss a coin to see if the joystick's gonna work today.

Isaac, that's a cool concept (and certainly a neat rendering), and perhaps you could add one or even TWO more axes if you were to make it um... I don't know how to say it.. position conscious? As in your movement of the entire controller within a certain space would send other commands. I know one or two air-sticks do that.
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