Kali doesn't work for me anymore. I've done the port forwarding crap. It was working before Jay lost his host or whatever. I know he has a temp server, but still not working on my end.
Anyways. Sorry to thoughs who don't use D2x-w32, but maybe a D2x-W32 tracker hosting? So we would need what version of D2x-w32. Time and date when the tracker would be up. Some might need IP and port. Might as well leave the port at default. Easier for all to see...... maybe.
I'm up for any excuse to play... Haven't had any luck yet looking for folks. I lost most of my old buddies' email addresses due to a move and some other madness.
I'd love to play D2X-W32, though I'm up for any flavor of Descent.
Does not get easier than this for KALI. Unless you are looking out your glass bellybutton and have a netgear router (not gamer friendly since 1998 - netgear)
D2 is not dead. Just this weekend I must have racked up at least 600 kills against people on Kali. I managed to play several 100+ kill games with Avatar. The people on Kali who actively play D2 multiplayer are badass however, so check your ego at the door.
Check out the PD news. Phaser posted in the PD forums saying that she was unsure if she even wants to renew the domain for Stealth's Hangar. I think it would be a nice gesture if any of you who enjoy the Revivals as much as I do could post in this thread and let her know that some of us want her to keep them going.
By the way, new levels are always appreciated but there are no guarantees they'll get played with the current format. If you push hard enough you can convince people though.
They do semi-votes on what level to play... someone suggests something (hopefully sooner rather than later) and if it gets enough support, Phaser starts a game in that level. And usually Stealth also, if there are enough players for 2 games (which has been the case for the last half dozen Revivals at least - I think we've hit 3 before).