Anyone here recommend transitional lenses?

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Anyone here recommend transitional lenses?

Post by []V[]essenjah »

Welp, time for some new glasses. Yup, it's that time again. Well, I usually go for the oval shaped frames or even worse, round frames but I went for something different this time. Yup, some light-weight rectangular frames which seem to suite the shape of my face well. Anyway, over the years I have been buying clip-ons for outside. For those without glasses, clip-ons are like sun-glasses but they are made to fit a normal pair of glasses, litterally clipping onto them. I used to have some that were somewhat stylish and I really liked the tint they provided. However, they were stolen which is pretty funny because you would expect them to be the last thing on a theifs list. Anyway, I really haven't liked any I've found since. Anyway, I thought I would go with something different and I was thinking about transitional lenses. My Dad had some and my brother had some and apparently they both liked them. Anyway, I was wondering if I should go for these or not?
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Post by whuppinboy »

matter of personal preference really....i had them about, oh....15 years ago and really liked them, not only do they turn dark in the sun but flourescents (★■◆● you mobi ;) ) affect them as well. this is when they had to be real "glasses" not the plastic lenses they can work with now. thank god for contacts!!
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Post by Stryker »

The only downside to the lenses is that they'll stay dark for several minutes after leaving a place with direct sunlight, and it takes them maybe 10-15 seconds to turn dark. Also, they don't work properly if the sunlight is traveling through glass (I.E. you're driving--they won't turn dark).
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Post by Darkside Heartless »

My dad had a pair not long ago, and they broke. He went outside for a while, came in and they never de-transitioned.
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Post by Birdseye »

you'll still need clip ons if you drive, as they don't work through a windshield...
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Post by Defender »

What's the windshield filtering, UV?
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Post by DCrazy »


Interestingly enough I don't think side windows filter UV nearly as much as the windshield does... I've noticed that driving into the sun doesn't give you a tan, but driving with the sun on your left tans your left arm.
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Post by Defender »

Ya D.
My left arm has quite the tan. I wear a watch all the time and there's major tanlines where my watch is, but only on my left arm. :P
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Post by []V[]essenjah »

Bah, I'll probably pass on them then. I would rather see the outside world in the way it was ment to be seen. I wanted them so that they would work while I was driving. I might as well just buy a set of decent clip-ons for outside and driving uses.
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Post by Tricord »

I went to contact lenses a couple of months ago. At first I was reluctant to try them because I am no morning person and getting these lenses in wouldn't be all the fun in the world. But as it is, I take them out every three days or so, sleeping with them is no problem at all.

You can get any pair of shades you want if you have contacts, which is nice. Back when I was still wearing specs I had a special pair with correcting sunglasses, but they looked like ★■◆●.

I think I'm going to hang on to the contact lenses for a couple more years, then get the eye surgery. I'll see how it goes.
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Post by AceCombat »

my father really enjoys his transistions.... but thats all i know about them.

for the windshield issue, they are UV and Polarized glass. side/back windows are primarily polarized, with very little UV Filter. one thing i have noticed with the newest of cars.... 03-05' Imports and Luxury cars... if you wear polarized glasses or sunglasses, if the window turns a purple'ish color, they are both High UV/Polarized Filter glass. the purple tint gives away that these new windows have a higher UVA/UVB Filter rating than the previous glass.
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Post by MD-2389 »

Tricord wrote:I went to contact lenses a couple of months ago. At first I was reluctant to try them because I am no morning person and getting these lenses in wouldn't be all the fun in the world. But as it is, I take them out every three days or so, sleeping with them is no problem at all.

You can get any pair of shades you want if you have contacts, which is nice. Back when I was still wearing specs I had a special pair with correcting sunglasses, but they looked like ****.

I think I'm going to hang on to the contact lenses for a couple more years, then get the eye surgery. I'll see how it goes.
I've been wearing contacts for just over three years now, and I'll NEVER go back to glasses if at all possible.
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Post by Top Gun »

I don't even handle eyedrops well, so I shudder at even the thought of putting a lens in my eye. :P I'm happy with my glasses; they're a great way to look more intelligent. 8)
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Post by MD-2389 »

Top Gun wrote:I don't even handle eyedrops well, so I shudder at even the thought of putting a lens in my eye. :P I'm happy with my glasses; they're a great way to look more intelligent. 8)
I used to be the same way dude. You just get used to it. The only thing you can't do anymore is rub your eyes.
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Post by Top Gun »

That's enough to persuade me against them. As a frequent allergy sufferer, I have to rub my eyes quite a bit. :P
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Post by roid »

Tricord wrote:I went to contact lenses a couple of months ago. At first I was reluctant to try them because I am no morning person and getting these lenses in wouldn't be all the fun in the world. But as it is, I take them out every three days or so, sleeping with them is no problem at all.
keeping them in for 3 days, are you sure that's healthy? unless you have those gas-permeable longwear ones that you leave in 24/7 for a whole month.
if you overwear your contacts they build up protein on them and ★■◆● the surface of your eye - putting these weird permanent ridges on it (or so my optometrist tells me)
Top Gun wrote:That's enough to persuade me against them. As a frequent allergy sufferer, I have to rub my eyes quite a bit. :P
get your hands amputated. WINWIN!

as for me i'm saving up some cash to get INTACS implanted. which will give me better than 20/20 vision. yeahyeah!


(tri, i seriously suggest you look into this, it's superior in everyway to laser surgery.)
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Post by []V[]essenjah »

I used to wear contacts myself. They were ok and I really enjoyed wearing them but I found that they took too much time to maintain and put in and I get really dry eyes so they would feel really weird after a while, especially with little sleep. Sometimes they would look like they were smeared or something. They also cost quite a bit, especially if you try to wear glasses too. And I always had to worry about taking them out before going on any rides at a Carnival or loosing one while running in Cross Country. One night one of them split in half and took me a bit of time to fish out so I decided they weren't worth it to me.

Intacts sound like a cool idea but how much would something like that cost? That is especially troublesome when you are trying to support your very existence.

The only reason I am getting new glasses is because I haven't had any new glasses since before Descent 3 even came out and they are starting to fall apart. :D
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Post by roid »

i looked into it back here:

and it worked out at about $3613USD total for both eyes. never buy or wear glasses/contacts again ;) (sigh, i wish i had the cash right now)
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