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Post by Money! »

I'm Jewish.
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Post by World War Woodi »

It's just a Demon, or a Dragon. I just thought it looked cool the way it is slightly coming out of the frame at you.
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Post by roid »

Money! wrote:i'm jewish
lol, say that same thing in the "explain your nickname" thread :lol:.

oh boy, i'm a bad person
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Post by Vertigo 99 »

bad? yes. hilariously un-PC? yes.
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Post by Diedel »

Mine shows a groundhog, or marmot, from the French alps, chewing on some bread. I like them. They're cute little guys. I made the photo myself, and have a large version of it:

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Post by Dedman »

What avatar? I used to have one, but once I left NuB I dropped it. I have never gotten around to getting another one.
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Post by Foil »

(Right) The Man in Black, having just left the Fire Swamp, not long after climbing the Cliffs of Insanity, but before enduring the Pit of Despair.
(Left) Buttercup, the sole reason for his journey. :wink:

I love that movie, enough to even set all my D3 taunts to audio clips from the various characters. If no one recognizes it, I will be extremely surprised.
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Post by WarAdvocat »

...it would be absolutely, totally, and in all other ways inconceivable.

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Post by Thenior »

AceCombat wrote:and whats the movie that has those birds in it?
I dunno if this was awnswered...

But it was in Monsters Inc.
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Post by Dedman »

WarAdvocat wrote:...inconceivable.
Senior, I do not think this word means what you think it means.
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Post by Krom »

Dedman wrote:
WarAdvocat wrote:...inconceivable.
Senior, I do not think this word means what you think it means.

Am I missing something Deadman? :P
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Post by TigerRaptor »

Diedel wrote:Mine shows a groundhog, or marmot, from the French alps, chewing on some bread. I like them. They're cute little guys. I made the photo myself, and have a large version of it:

Thatâ??s a groundhog? Here I thought it was a picture of a squirrel all this time. LOL
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Post by Liquid Fire »

Krom wrote:
Dedman wrote:
WarAdvocat wrote:...inconceivable.
Senior, I do not think this word means what you think it means.

Am I missing something Deadman? :P
Survey says...Yes!
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Post by Muffalicious »

OK..OK.. I'm late again. Butt :wink: I think you can see she one sexy ★■◆● and I am one she devil!
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Post by Sage »

he's some mage/wizard type magic dude
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Post by Pun »

uhh, sorry muffy, but umm, I dont quite know how to put this, but, uhh, yeah, umm, that woman looks like my third grade bus driver.

Cuter she devil?
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Post by WarAdvocat »

I'd hit yer 3rd grade bus driver then :)
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Post by Muffalicious »

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Post by dissent »

sorry, pun. muffalicious wins!

(but then, I have a very active imagination.)
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Post by roid »

Sage wrote:he's some mage/wizard type magic dude


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Post by Xamindar »

<-- Mine's from samurai 7, an anime remake of the 1954 Shichinin no samurai which was remade by Americans into The Magnificent Seven. :)

Good series though I have not seen the whole thing. Got up to episode 12 before it was licensed for the US......now I'm waiting to get it on DVD.
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Post by Suncho »

Mine is "The Suncho Logo"

It's a blue, shiny and animated version of the "S" from the "SYN" logo which is a D3TL Team I created in 2000 after I got kicked out of DmC but before they convinced me to go back. ;)

The "SYN" logo used the "S" with the 2 dots in the middle. The "S" in the "SYN" logo was basically the "S"-like frame of the Suncho Logo minus the shiny blueness. I made the "SYN" logo too. I've since lost the "SYN" logo and all intermediate work in creating the "SYN" logo and the "Suncho" logo. All I have left is the final product. =(

One thing I remember is that I created it pixel by pixel and made sure that it was pefectly symmetrical. Then I applied a blur effect to each frame for the glowy smoothness you now know and love.

I made it, but it's originally based off of the capital "S" from the Comic-Sans-MS font... which was the font I used for D3 on HEAT.NET. I actually used Blue 14 pt. Comic-Sans-MS... and it was BOLD.

For a little history, I also used the S from the Comic-Sans-MS font to create the original Sly clan logo, but I left it relatively intact and took it in a completely different direction.

The "SYN" logo didn't end up carrying over the blue color from HEAT.NET, but but the Sly logo used blue letters and I brought back the blue later on for the Suncho logo.

I think I might have some old Sly logos around. Skorpion later modified the Sly logo and added the red stuff. Mine was just an orange circle with the blue Sly letters in the middle.

I even made a custom Sly logo for Ryujin to use as an avatar after he joined Sly. His avatar was a red dragon and I took the head of the dragon and made it the head of the "S" on Sly.

For reference, here's what's left of the Sly Clan:


Gosh I was sentimental back then.


Well that's not all that's left. Back when Sly first started out, we had a pretty active website and I used to post clan news and news about the D3 community, the ladder, and stuff in general. We had news updates practically every day.

At the time, Planet Descent was pretty much dead.

After Ryujin joined the clan, he created a side project on the Sly website called the HeatBB where Descent 3 Heat players could discuss stuff.

It gradually expanded to include more features. Eventually we decided to combine the Sly news into the HeatBB and rename it to the D3C and we got the domain name d3community.com

Using Case's Ladder MyLeague dealy, Ryujin and I created a new D3 ladder to replace the old HEAT.NET Case's ladder. Through NIKE1, we managed to transfer all the old Case's ladder accounts over.

Eventually, since PlanetDescent was basically empty, we talked to Tricord and he let us take over the daily runnings of PlanetDescent. We basically moved the D3C to PlanetDescent and renamed it PlanetDescent. If you go there today, most of the information pages are from the old Sly site or the D3C.

I quit PlanetDescent after a while, but Ryujin (FuriousMojo) didn't leave until recently. The PlanetDescent you see today is basically an evolution of the original Sly Clan website.

Testiculese originally created the pilot profile sytem for the D3C, and when we moved over to PD, we copied all the pilot info into the new database by manually typing it. I'm sure there must have been a better way... That took forever.

Oh, and guess why PlanetDescent is blue (it was orange before we got there).

I still use my planetdescent.com email address.
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Post by Jon the Great »

Suncho wrote:Mine is "The Suncho Logo"

It's a blue, shiny and animated version of the "S" from the "SYN" logo which is a D3TL Team I created in 2000 after I got kicked out of DmC but before they convinced me to go back. ;)

The "SYN" logo used the "S" with the 2 dots in the middle. The "S" in the "SYN" logo was basically the "S"-like frame of the Suncho Logo minus the shiny blueness. I made the "SYN" logo too. I've since lost the "SYN" logo and all intermediate work in creating the "SYN" logo and the "Suncho" logo. All I have left is the final product. =(

One thing I remember is that I created it pixel by pixel and made sure that it was pefectly symmetrical. Then I applied a blur effect to each frame for the glowy smoothness you now know and love.

I made it, but it's originally based off of the capital "S" from the Comic-Sans-MS font... which was the font I used for D3 on HEAT.NET. I actually used Blue 14 pt. Comic-Sans-MS... and it was BOLD.

For a little history, I also used the S from the Comic-Sans-MS font to create the original Sly clan logo, but I left it relatively intact and took it in a completely different direction.

The "SYN" logo didn't end up carrying over the blue color from HEAT.NET, but but the Sly logo used blue letters and I brought back the blue later on for the Suncho logo.

I think I might have some old Sly logos around. Skorpion later modified the Sly logo and added the red stuff. Mine was just an orange circle with the blue Sly letters in the middle.

I even made a custom Sly logo for Ryujin to use as an avatar after he joined Sly. His avatar was a red dragon and I took the head of the dragon and made it the head of the "S" on Sly.

For reference, here's what's left of the Sly Clan:


Gosh I was sentimental back then.


Well that's not all that's left. Back when Sly first started out, we had a pretty active website and I used to post clan news and news about the D3 community, the ladder, and stuff in general. We had news updates practically every day.

At the time, Planet Descent was pretty much dead.

After Ryujin joined the clan, he created a side project on the Sly website called the HeatBB where Descent 3 Heat players could discuss stuff.

It gradually expanded to include more features. Eventually we decided to combine the Sly news into the HeatBB and rename it to the D3C and we got the domain name d3community.com

Using Case's Ladder MyLeague dealy, Ryujin and I created a new D3 ladder to replace the old HEAT.NET Case's ladder. Through NIKE1, we managed to transfer all the old Case's ladder accounts over.

Eventually, since PlanetDescent was basically empty, we talked to Tricord and he let us take over the daily runnings of PlanetDescent. We basically moved the D3C to PlanetDescent and renamed it PlanetDescent. If you go there today, most of the information pages are from the old Sly site or the D3C.

I quit PlanetDescent after a while, but Ryujin (FuriousMojo) didn't leave until recently. The PlanetDescent you see today is basically an evolution of the original Sly Clan website.

Testiculese originally created the pilot profile sytem for the D3C, and when we moved over to PD, we copied all the pilot info into the new database by manually typing it. I'm sure there must have been a better way... That took forever.

Oh, and guess why PlanetDescent is blue (it was orange before we got there).

I still use my planetdescent.com email address.
Here it is again. The giant block of text now appears twice in this thread. I dare someone to read it for me. :P
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Post by TechPro »

Jon the Great wrote:Here it is again. The giant block of text now appears twice in this thread. I dare someone to read it for me. :P
Listen carefully....

...zzZZZzzzz... ;)
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Post by Suncho »

I think I got a little overly nostalgic.
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Post by Diedel »

TigerRaptorFX wrote:
Diedel wrote:Mine shows a groundhog, or marmot, from the French alps, chewing on some bread. I like them. They're cute little guys. I made the photo myself, and have a large version of it:

Thatâ??s a groundhog? Here I thought it was a picture of a squirrel all this time. LOL
It's way bigger than a squirrel.
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Post by Pun »

I read it Sunch. It was interesting.
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Post by WarAdvocat »

punisher wrote:I read it Sunch. It was interesting.
x 2.
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Post by Foil »

punisher wrote:I read it Sunch. It was interesting.
x3, nice to see a bit of clan history, since I missed most of it during my later college years.
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Post by SilverFJ »

I remember when you got booted.

Long live the Dark Mavericks Collegiate!!!!

------ {DmC}SilverFJ
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Post by Sting_Ray »

It's a crossflags.

You know, from a StingRay.

And stuff.
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Post by Suncho »

SilverFJ wrote:I remember when you got booted.

Long live the Dark Mavericks Collegiate!!!!

------ {DmC}SilverFJ
Those were the days. =)
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Post by JohnnnY »

I like da Falcons,lol.
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Post by Nexus_One »

Some newb once cried for someone on the DBB to make them an avatar. I liked it and kept it for myself.
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Post by Suncho »

Nexus_One wrote:Some newb once cried for someone on the DBB to make them an avatar. I liked it and kept it for myself.
Was the newb you?
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Post by will_kill »

speakin' of which...could someone make this noob a Dallas Cowboys star for my avatar? I would deeply appreciate it :)

'bout time fer' me to get my own avatar eh? :wink:
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Post by Nexus_One »

Suncho wrote:
Nexus_One wrote:Some newb once cried for someone on the DBB to make them an avatar. I liked it and kept it for myself.
Was the newb you?
No, but wouldn't that be funny...And here I thought Suncho didn't have a sense of humor. :P
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Post by JohnnnY »

will_kill wrote:speakin' of which...could someone make this noob a Dallas Cowboys star for my avatar? I would deeply appreciate it :)

'bout time fer' me to get my own avatar eh? :wink:

I can make one, you want a specific background around it like a black one etc?
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Post by will_kill »

JohnnnY wrote:
will_kill wrote:speakin' of which...could someone make this noob a Dallas Cowboys star for my avatar? I would deeply appreciate it :)'bout time fer' me to get my own avatar eh? :wink:
I can make one, you want a specific background around it like a black one etc?

suh-weet! Yes, I would like the background like yours, to match the black of the DBB(with the basic Cowboys star in the middle).
Hey, Thank you for taking the time to do this. We'll say I owe ya' one :wink: TY bro' :)
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Post by JohnnnY »



Get it there ight. Its ight u dont have to owe me nothin' = )
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