<-- watch me i'm a video
using 2 of these:
if not... here's what's going on:
few days ago i figured i'd finally try this out. so i set it up.
by the end of the day i'd written a script in PIE that would do it (it's not hard, i'm just stupid), and as you can see it works great and it's fun!
so... i'm wearing 2 P5 Gloves... the PIE script tracks them and when i strike down onto invisible (logical) drums the PIE script triggers a keypress, which the game can read. easy.
what i used
Sidewinder SteeringWheel (just lying around)
2x P5 Gloves (these can be picked up quite cheap on EBay as well)
PIE - Programable Input Emulator (free)
DTXMania (free - download access requires free account signup)
what'dya think, neat eh?