Spelling, punctuation, and grammar

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Post by Iceman »

This thread done in typical Mobius fashion ... hit and run.
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Post by Dedman »

It's the preferred tactic of those who don't have any substance to add.

edit: changed "an" to "any"
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Post by Hahnenkam »

Herculosis wrote:Actually, according to Corbett's "The Little Rhetoric & Handbook" (my bible on such matters), the comma before the "and" in a series of words is the PREFERRED method. They list the sans-last-comma version as an "acceptible" alternate form.
Oh. sorry then.

/me eats humble pie

Strange though . . . that's definitely what I was taught: "no commas before 'and.'" I blame the public elementary school system :wink:
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Post by TheCope »

Dedman wrote:It's the preferred tactic of those who don't have an substance to add.
I can attest to that because I have nothing of any substance to type.
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Post by whuppinboy »

Herculosis wrote:
Hahnenkam wrote:
whuppinboy wrote:considering your topic is grammatically incorrect, i can't believe a word of what you just said.

it should be: Spelling, punctuation and grammar. there's no comma before the end dumbass :P
Whup is right, unless grammar is different in the southern hemisphere.

Maybe you should volunteer as a proofreader at a publishing company or local newspaper. It might help you loosen up that sphincter. :wink:
Actually, according to Corbett's "The Little Rhetoric & Handbook" (my bible on such matters), the comma before the "and" in a series of words is the PREFERRED method. They list the sans-last-comma version as an "acceptible" alternate form.
it may be an acceptable alternate lifestyle for Mobi, but even in my college daze, it was taught to never use a comma before the word and but i could care less either way, i just like poking Mobi :P
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Post by Grendel »

Do I have to preceed my posts with

"Excuse my poor spelling, grammar and punktuation -- english is only my second language." ?

Actually, even my english G&P is pretty bad it didn't restrict me to a $10/hr job.. ;)
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Post by Iceman »

Actually that is spelled 'punkshufukinwayshun"
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Post by Sting_Ray »

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Post by Suncho »

Mobius... You have a tendency to make some pretty bad grammatical mistakes of your own. You need to get off your high horse and realize that nobody is as perfect as I am.
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Post by suicide eddie »

heres some feeling :)

View latest post Pusted Tooe-a Ooct 11, 2005 11:26 pm View user's profile Reply with quote Send private message
Oor: Speleeng, Poonch-yuoo-eseeun, und grun'ma. Bork Bork Bork!

Yep, zee DBB Ingleesh-Nezee is here-a, und I'm nut gueeng evey uny time-a suun. Su yuoo shuoold ixpect me-a tu cuntinooe-a hooleeng yuoo up vhenefer yuoo're-a stoopeed eeuoogh tu vreete-a zee fullooeeng:

Deffeenetly insteed ooff deffeenitely
Yuoor insteed ooff yuoo're-a
Zeere-a insteed ooff zeeur

Es vell es muny mure-a beseedes. Bork Bork Bork!

Du yuoo ectooelly reeleese-a thet puur spelleeng, poonctooeshun und gremmer beseecelly cunseegns yuoo tu a $10/huoor jub fur zee rest ooff yuoor leeffe-a? Bork Bork Bork!

It seys: I em lezy, stoopeed, und unedooceted. It duesn't metter hoo smert yuoo ere-a, oor vhet yuoo hefe-a tu sey, becoose-a iff yuoo cun't ixpress yuoorselff cleerly in currect Ingleesh zeen nu oone-a veell teke-a yuoo sereeuoosly - IFER.

Iff yuoo ere-a genooeenely deeslexic (Leeke-a Verluck it el) zeen yuoo hefe-a a fery guud ixcoose-a fur nut getting it reeght, und shuoold preffeex ell yuoor pusts veet zee phrese-a:

Pleese-a ixcoose-a my puur Ingleesh: I sooffffer frum dyslexeea

Yuoo cun cupy und peste-a it, su yuoo dun't try tu spell "dyslexeea" es "deeelysex". Wink

Yuoo cun seet in frunt ooff yuoor PC ell dey lung, und tell yuoorselff a hoondred times a dey spelleeng, gremmer und poonctooeshun isn't impurtunt. Bork Bork Bork!

Let me-a reessoore-a yuoo thees is nut zee cese-a. Bork Bork Bork!

I em coorrently impluyeeng noo 3 prugremmers fur oooor cumpuny, und thees is vhet I du:

Reed zee eppleeceshun letter. Iff I feend a seengle-a spelleeng, usege-a, poonctooeshun oor gremmeticel irrur it gues streeeght in zee been, elung veet zeeur 22 pege-a Resoome-a. Zeese-a ideeuts dun't ifee get a rejecshun letter. Bork Bork Bork!

Zee oones vhu pess thees furst test get poot in zee "pusseeble-a" peele-a. I zeen teke-a zee furst tvu peges ooff zeeur CF, reep zee rest ooffff und throo zeem in zee tresh. Iff vhet I need tu see-a is oon zee furst tvu peges ooff zee CF, zeey stey in zee "pusseebles" peele-a. Bork Bork Bork!

Iff thet furst tvu peges is nutheeng boot roobbeesh, oor leests stooffff zeey deed 10 yeers egu... yep - yuoo gooessed it: in zee been. Bork Bork Bork!

Vhuefer remeeens in zee pusseebles peele-a gets un interfeeoo. Bork Bork Bork!

Tu me-a, it duesn't metter VHET zeey vrute-a in zee eppleeceshun - I'm nut ifee sleeghtly interested in zee cuntent. Nur du I cere-a hoo mooch is in zeeur CF. Seemply by soopplyeeng a seengle-a pege-a CF (Preented oon bot seedes), und un irrur free-a eppleeceshun zeey veell gooeruntee-a zeemselfes un interfeeoo. Bork Bork Bork!

Vhee zeey erreefe-a, I pretty mooch hefe-a deceeded veethin 2 meenootes ooff meeting zeem vhezeer zeey hefe-a a jub veet us oor nut. I dun't cere-a vhet peuple-a veer tu un interfeeoo: es lung es zeeur cluzees ere-a cleun, und zeey smell OoK, und iff zeey're-a mele-a, hefe-a shefed. Bork Bork Bork!

I em nut unoosooel in my hureeng methuds. Bork Bork Bork!

Zeese-a jubs begeen et $30 un huoor, fur 40 huoors a veek, veet 4 veeks unnooel leefe-a. Oofertime-a is time-a-und-a-helff. Bork Bork Bork!

Su joost keep oon theenking yuoor bed spelleeng duesn't metter, oor thet nut pootting un epustruphe-a in "dun't" duesn't metter. Bork Bork Bork!

Yuoor eppleeceshun veell be-a feeled under "R" fur "roobbeesh". Thunk Yuoo.

bork bork bork
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Post by El Ka Bong »

This shows how hard some people with ESL will try; I recieved this as a cover letter for a position I was filling. He attached a resume. I did not reply, obviusly.

"Respacted sir,

ihave done M.scin horticulture .

i have three year expiriance about gardening in india.


if you wont to appoint me thancontact on bellow addres."
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Post by Sarge »

El Ka Bong wrote:This shows how hard some people with ESL will try; I recieved this as a cover letter for a position I was filling. He attached a resume. I did not reply, obviusly.

"Respacted sir,

ihave done M.scin horticulture .

i have three year expiriance about gardening in india.


if you wont to appoint me thancontact on bellow addres."
Pics or Shens
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Post by Jon the Great »

Iceman wrote:This thread done in typical Mobius fashion ... hit and run.
It's looking that way. :roll:
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Post by Jeff250 »

Sometimes I wonder if Mobius isn't really a sociology professor performing some sort of sick experiment.
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Post by Genghis »

My result:

"You are the Adolf Hitler of spelling. Your grammatic regimen is so strict, no errors get past you, and no one with bad grammar talks to you for very long. If anyone doesn't use at least relatively good grammar, they don't have a chance with you. (By the way, there were eight intentional spelling errors, if you found more, check on them to be sure they are errors and let me know. I don't want to be a hypocrite.)"

114 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 172 times.
66% of people had this result.
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Post by Admiral Thrawn »

You are the Adolf Hitler of spelling. Yourgrammatic regimen is so strict, no errors get past you, and no one with bad grammar talks to you for very long. If anyone doesn't use at least relatively good grammar, they don't have a chance with you. (By the way, there were eight intentional spelling errors, if you found more, check on them to be sure they are errors and let me know. I don't want to be a hypocrite.)
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Post by Plebeian »

"Heil" me, too, whee. Though I'm more of one who knows what the proper spelling and grammar is, but don't feel the need to go and correct everybody. Some don't know they're wrong, some don't care, and that's a lot of people being wrong to correct out there, too much work. Just know that you're doing the best you can, and that's good enough.

As long as I know what you're saying, I don't mind too much. (Some people, though, I have to really think for a while about the 10 possible words or phrases they were going for. :oops: )
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Post by Sirius »

I got Adolf Hitler as well. But it's not entirely appropriate, since I don't dismiss ANYONE who spells badly from the outset.

I also had to make approximations. Usually I catch my own spelling errors, but if one was pointed out I -would- go back and fix it - although I wouldn't make a show of it either. Likewise, I sometimes don't use perfect punctuation, but only in the form of unterminated sentences or non-capitalised first letters in game chat or IRC rooms.

On the other hand, when someone comes up with an outlandish suggestion on a project BB, for instance, and can't spell to save their life... yes, I will dismiss them as an idiot. I just won't tell them that (prefer to ignore such posts).

Oh, and El Ka Bong - I seriously can't believe someone managed to GET an MSc with spelling like that - on an important letter! Must have been a pretty lax institution not to shoot him down for that.
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Post by Vertigo 99 »

yea, i got adolf; apparently, knowing the difference between "you're" / "your" and "its" / "it's" makes you Hitler.
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Post by WarAdvocat »

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Re: Spelling, punctuation, and grammar

Post by Behemoth »

Mobius wrote:Or: Speling, Punch-you-asian, and gran'ma.

Yep, the DBB English-Nazi is here, and I'm not going away any time soon. So you should expect me to continue hauling you up whenever you're stupid enough to write the following:

Definatly instead of definitely
Your instead of you're
There instead of their

As well as many more besides.

Do you actually realise that poor spelling, punctuation and grammar basically consigns you to a $10/hour job for the rest of your life?

It says: I am lazy, stupid, and uneducated. It doesn't matter how smart you are, or what you have to say, because if you can't express yourself clearly in correct English then no one will take you seriously - EVER.

If you are genuinely dislexic (Like Warlock et al) then you have a very good excuse for not getting it right, and should prefix all your posts with the phrase:

Please excuse my poor English: I suffer from dyslexia

You can copy and paste it, so you don't try to spell "dyslexia" as "dailysex". ;)

You can sit in front of your PC all day long, and tell yourself a hundred times a day spelling, grammar and punctuation isn't important.

Let me reassure you this is not the case.

I am currently employing new 3 programmers for our company, and this is what I do:

Read the application letter. If I find a single spelling, usage, punctuation or grammatical error it goes straight in the bin, along with their 22 page Resume. These idiots don't even get a rejection letter.

The ones who pass this first test get put in the "possible" pile. I then take the first two pages of their CV, rip the rest off and throw them in the trash. If what I need to see is on the first two pages of the CV, they stay in the "possibles" pile.

If that first two pages is nothing but rubbish, or lists stuff they did 10 years ago... yep - you guessed it: in the bin.

Whoever remains in the possibles pile gets an interview.

To me, it doesn't matter WHAT they wrote in the application - I'm not even slightly interested in the content. Nor do I care how much is in their CV. Simply by supplying a single page CV (Printed on both sides), and an error free application they will guarantee themselves an interview.

When they arrive, I pretty much have decided within 2 minutes of meeting them whether they have a job with us or not. I don't care what people wear to an interview: as long as their clothes are clean, and they smell OK, and if they're male, have shaved.

I am not unusual in my hiring methods.

These jobs begin at $30 an hour, for 40 hours a week, with 4 weeks annual leave. Overtime is time-and-a-half.

So just keep on thinking your bad spelling doesn't matter, or that not putting an apostrophe in "don't" doesn't matter.

Your application will be filed under "R" for "rubbish". Thank You.
stfu ty kthxbye
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Post by Pun »

Well this one's about spent eh?