Episode 1? Why such a movie in the Star Wars universe never existed. *WINK*WINK*
Star Wars Ep 3 :?: :?: :?: :?:
Okay, I just want to put my two cents in. Yeah, this new Star Wars trilogy is crap overall. Revenge of the Sith was a pretty good movie, but none of these movies is good enough to be a Star Wars movie. They just don't live up to the name, although SW3 comes pretty close, in my opinion. I pretty much agree with all that is said here. Except Matrix 3 rocked. I think the problems with Star Wars I-III can be summed up as follows: corny dialogue, lame characters, bad acting, and not enough of something I like to call "ack-shun!" I just want to say that I don't know what George Lucas was thinking when he made those movies. I'm just glad that Jar-Jar Binks finally shut up.