The Grendel #0n server seems to have thrown the CPU ("system failed CPU test" via the ASUS POST reporter.) A new CPU is on the way (hopefully it's not the MB..), should be here on wed. By that time I should have the DSL up on my new place -- if all goes well the server will be back by turkey day..
The Grendel #1n server will be offline this week as well since our company is moving. Planning to have it back by the week after Thanksgiving.
MB swap worked just fine. Put the Northwood into it (looks like Prescotts are not good for a 24/7 machine..) and XP even didn't want to re-register I'll turn it off for an hour or so each of the next following few days to have the thermal paste settled. Besides that it's up & kicking again -- enjoy.
Found out yesterday that @#$%ing QWorst downgraded my home DSL (#0x servers) 1500/896 to $#%&ing 640/256 for no &*$#ing reason. Nothing I can do until monday..