what i'm concerned about is if SOMEONE ELSE wants to use my robot.
btw what i have constructed is actually a turret that can act as a stationary camera object(diedel has implemented robots as camera triggers) or as an armed security turret.
i have already made a test model and it works (just looks fugly right now) but i'm concerned if anyone wants to use it, how can they merge MY *.hxm with THEIR *.hxm (if they have one). maybe no one would want one. in that case i'm wasting my time.
since the tools available date from 1998 and were not completely documented i will be doing a lot of experimentation. it IS possible to use a type of *.ham file that ADDS the robot but there is NO documentation about how to use these tools to make one. Plus only people that have the vertigo series with the latest patches will be able to use it.
i'll be pleased if anyone can aim me to where i can find out what to do about custom robots.
i have looked at descent2.com and planetdescent and other descent sites but there's not much info. guess i'll be the one to become expert on it unless someone already has the know-how.