"Webcam on Steriods" eh?
It is a Commercial Grade software suite at a very reasonable price for ALL consumers.
On the Autofolder question:
We automatically store the files by date and time into folders as they are captured and uploaded.
Up to 25 files are saved into one directory on the Send side before a new folder gets created.
As for the Receive Side the user can configure in multiples of 25 from 25 to 200 on how many pictures to store on a directory tree before a new directory is created.
For Example, Say today's date is December 4, 2005 and Time is 01:23:45 AM. We would create a Directory Tree for the Date First as "2005-12-04" then under that a Time Directory Tree as "012345". Then the pictures are stored in under "...\2005-12-04\012345\" directory on the local pc.
Say you have 2 units uploading pictures to your FTP site. Let's call them "Unit1" and "Unit2" with a base FTP directory of "/MyFTP/Directory/".
On the Send of the First PC, you would configure the FTP Path as "/MyFTP/Directory/Unit1/". Similarly on Second PC that path would be "/MyFTP/Directory/Unit2/".
On the Receive Side, You would configure to use the "base" directory as "/MyFTP/Directory/" then you would configure 2 aliases.
First Alias of "Unit1" might be assigned a display name of "Fred Smith".
Second Alias of "Unit2" might be assigned a display name of "Alice Jones".
The Receive Program takes files from the FTP site in the directory tree "/MyFtp/Directory/Unit1/2005-12-04/012345/" and saves them as "...\2005-12-04\Unit1\012345\" on the Receive PC.
Same thing for Unit2, etc.
So the Receive Program will organize the files in date, user alias, and time order as the files are being downloaded from the FTP sites. (Yes, the program automatically downloads from the 2 configured FTP sites.)
Instead of showing the alias name of "Unit1" or "Unit2", the "display name" is shown to identify the "Source" of the pictures.
We allow selecting multiple pictures from multiple users and multiple dates and times into One "Play list" for the slideshow.
This was a fun project to work on most days and other days was quite a struggle, but it was WELL worth the effort.
The Web Site for the product will better explain the product than I have time to do here. I'll give a link to the actual product site soon... Until then we are working out the final details.