I use mozilla 1.7 and I am wondering why on a spam email, when I right click on it, mark and "junk it", I get the same sender a day or two later. By labeling it as junk, shouldn't the senders addy be blocked?
Or, as is entirely possible, am I'm not doing something right?
are they changing the addy they are sending from? ive notice im getting the same mails from the same people, but when i look at the addy carefully, there are different characters in the addy.
Well I finally (after depending on you egg head tech weenies to make my life easy) figured out while in email to go into "Junk Mail Controls" and set the hopefully proper parameters. Lets see if it now works.
I do see a "Junk Mail" folder is now displayed.
Some spam filters (I think Moz is included) have a "smart spam" alorithm: over a period of time, it learns what's spam, and what isn't. In the space of two months, it should automatically be sending junk to the right place: hell.
Mobius wrote:Some spam filters (I think Moz is included) have a "smart spam" alorithm: over a period of time, it learns what's spam, and what isn't. In the space of two months, it should automatically be sending junk to the right place: hell.
Nah, not even Satan deserves to be inundated with spam. Let's ship some off to Jack Thompson instead.