punisher wrote:Birdseye wrote:
Give people a chance!
depends on the neighbor. it really does. at present i know my neighbors very well... so i am not likley to do anything but call or knock on the door and ask them to turn it down.
i did have a neighbor in an apartment building i was in about 3 years ago. it got to be about 2 am and i had been over there twice to ask them to turn it down. the third time i knocked on the door, the guy that answered it was drunk and acting like i was ruining his life. i had my crying infant in my arms, and said, this is the second time she has woken up because the music is so loud. he yelled to someone to turn it UP, and then looked at me and said that he was going to f-ing kill me if i knocked on the door again.
i called the police, explained the noise and the threat, i was told that they had just been called by another neighbor as well. i listened as they went to his door, and heard him scream as he opened the door "IM GOING TO F-ING KILL YOU YOU FAG!" then i heard him say OH SH!T, and they had him on the ground and in cuffs real fast. they were evicted due to the 15 or so complaints in the course of 2 weeks of their living there. luckily i had 2 single stall garage spots, but they threw their garbage and what not on my porch a few times being the spiteful little punks that they were, not admitting to even themselves that it was THEIR OWN DAMN FAULT for being kicked out.
so ... yes ... calling the cops first is appropriate in some cases, probably would have been better if i had done that in this case instead of waiting til 2 am. it's not my job to enforce the laws, it is the job of law enforcement professionals, and given the fact that some people have been killed for less, i don't feel the need to risk my safety/property, if i am already paying someone else to do it for me.
again, if you don't want the cops to knock on the door... don't be a dumbass and play loud music at all hours of the night!