just got a noise violation

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just got a noise violation

Post by SolidAir »


three cops stop by... ask me what i'm doing, i tell them i'm brusing my teeth (while i'm brushing my teeth in front of them)... they ask me to stop brushing my teeth, and I tell them that I'm going to take a crack at why they're here.. they say take a guess, and I take a guess... and I got it right Image

i've been playing this paolo mojo mix a bit too loud, apparently someone called the cops... cop asks me what i've got playing, and i say music... he asks me to clarify, and I say house music... he says it's got a good beat but to keep it in the house... Image

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Post by Genghis »

Any neighbor who calls the cops/landlord when they have a problem with you before they talk to you first is a coward.
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Post by fyrephlie »

i hate when my kids keep waking up because some arsehole is playing their music too loud too late... THANKS JERK!!! :P
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

Genghis wrote:Any neighbor who calls the cops/landlord when they have a problem with you before they talk to you first is a coward.
Some people would start a fist fight with you for daring to ask them to turn down the music. I'd prefer letting the cops deal with it and also, if they know who you are, they can do things to you later or even damage your car etc.
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Post by fyrephlie »

Genghis wrote:Any neighbor who calls the cops/landlord when they have a problem with you before they talk to you first is a coward.
x2 what merlin said... plus... they shouldn't have to say or do anything in the first damn place. coward or not... don't be a jackass in the first place and the cops won't come knocking. :P
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Post by Duper »

Genghis wrote:Any neighbor who calls the cops/landlord when they have a problem with you before they talk to you first is a coward.
You having lived in downtown Portland Genghis, where such an act could get you hit, shot or bent over a chair. (o_0); I'm a bit surprised. ...maybe you've gone soft.. or forgetful; living in "small town" NY. ;D

SA.. maybe you shouldn't show that Avatar to the cops... :P
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Post by Genghis »

I can see your point about complaintants worried about their personal safety. You're right, in some situations calling the cops might be the prudent thing to do.

However, in many or even most situtations people will call the cops just because they are non-confrontational (i.e., too much of a wuss to deal with a situation themselves). In every case I've been involved with (both as the noise maker and the complainer) there has never been any issue of personal safety. For every person who would actually beat you up without cause, there are a hundered reasonable people who won't.
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Post by fyrephlie »

Genghis wrote:I can see your point about complaintants worried about their personal safety. You're right, in some situations calling the cops might be the prudent thing to do.

However, in many or even most situtations people will call the cops just because they are non-confrontational (i.e., too much of a wuss to deal with a situation themselves). In every case I've been involved with (both as the noise maker and the complainer) there has never been any issue of personal safety. For every person who would actually beat you up without cause, there are a hundered reasonable people who won't.
for me i think it depends a lot on how well you know your neighbors. in the past i have been able to just call their home line, cause i know them, and say, "hey, can you turn it down a little bit?" and they are like "oh, hey, yeah sorry bout that," but i have also had literal drug dealers living next door with people in and out at all hours of the night which i would frequently just call the cops on. i aint gettin' shot if i can help it! :)
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Post by Pun »

I'm with Genghis on this one. Go over and ask them to turn it down.
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Post by Scapegoat »

years ago when i played my music i've had someone from the top of my block come over and asked me to turn it down. heh that's six houses up from mine.

had the same thing six houses down from me. yea i guess i had it just a tad to loud.
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

However, in many or even most situtations people will call the cops just because they are non-confrontational (i.e., too much of a wuss to deal with a situation themselves). In every case I've been involved with (both as the noise maker and the complainer) there has never been any issue of personal safety. For every person who would actually beat you up without cause, there are a hundered reasonable people who won't.
Thing is, nobody wants to be that 1 statistic.

1) It's not my job to tell you to keep the music down at late hours of the night.
2) It also has nothing to do with being a coward.
3) Maybe when I go over I'll bring a gun next time and shoot him if he doesn't respond well????? :roll:
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Post by Birdseye »

CDN_Merlin wrote:
Genghis wrote:Any neighbor who calls the cops/landlord when they have a problem with you before they talk to you first is a coward.
Some people would start a fist fight with you for daring to ask them to turn down the music. I'd prefer letting the cops deal with it and also, if they know who you are, they can do things to you later or even damage your car etc.
Wow. How weak. I hate anyone who calls the cops on me. I have no interest in the police and would turn my music down if someone else didn't like it at a later hour.

Give people a chance!
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Post by Pun »

Birdseye wrote: Give people a chance!
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Post by fyrephlie »

punisher wrote:
Birdseye wrote: Give people a chance!
depends on the neighbor. it really does. at present i know my neighbors very well... so i am not likley to do anything but call or knock on the door and ask them to turn it down.

i did have a neighbor in an apartment building i was in about 3 years ago. it got to be about 2 am and i had been over there twice to ask them to turn it down. the third time i knocked on the door, the guy that answered it was drunk and acting like i was ruining his life. i had my crying infant in my arms, and said, this is the second time she has woken up because the music is so loud. he yelled to someone to turn it UP, and then looked at me and said that he was going to f-ing kill me if i knocked on the door again.

i called the police, explained the noise and the threat, i was told that they had just been called by another neighbor as well. i listened as they went to his door, and heard him scream as he opened the door "IM GOING TO F-ING KILL YOU YOU FAG!" then i heard him say OH SH!T, and they had him on the ground and in cuffs real fast. they were evicted due to the 15 or so complaints in the course of 2 weeks of their living there. luckily i had 2 single stall garage spots, but they threw their garbage and what not on my porch a few times being the spiteful little punks that they were, not admitting to even themselves that it was THEIR OWN DAMN FAULT for being kicked out.

so ... yes ... calling the cops first is appropriate in some cases, probably would have been better if i had done that in this case instead of waiting til 2 am. it's not my job to enforce the laws, it is the job of law enforcement professionals, and given the fact that some people have been killed for less, i don't feel the need to risk my safety/property, if i am already paying someone else to do it for me.

again, if you don't want the cops to knock on the door... don't be a dumbass and play loud music at all hours of the night! :P
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Post by Vertigo 99 »

Give people one warning, then call.
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Post by Mobius »

fyrephlie wrote:i hate when my kids keep waking up because some arsehole is playing their music too loud too late... THANKS JERK!!! :P
I'm with you on this one bro. All people who are visited by noise control officers are total wankers. In the 21st century city, one of the few rights you have is to a good night's sleep (at least in NZ, there is actually a legal right to it) and fuckwits who play loud music after 11pm, or scream their lungs out on the back porch to the tune of "Total Eclipse of The Heart", deserve to be fined at least $100 for every call out.
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Post by Duper »

I was on the recieving end a couple years back..
We had some nieghbors down the way (a gal and a couple of guys) that would do karioke during the summer with thier patio door open. They would start drinkin and singing. .. old Pat Benitar, Def Leppord... all 8-'s stuff, which most to be sung "properly" should be done at the top of your lungs. They did not.. do it properly that is. :P They got "at the top of your lungs" part just fine. It was so funny, noone ever bothered saying anything. The sad part is that she was almost good.
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Post by Money! »

punisher wrote:I'm with Genghis on this one. Go over and ask them to turn it down.
you don't live in east oakland
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Post by Pun »

Mobius wrote:scream their lungs out on the back porch to the tune of "Total Eclipse of The Heart",
I've done that! :P
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Post by fyrephlie »

someone did that here recently... i got fed up at about midnight when they were slaughtering the already horrid 'achy breaky heart'!!!

of course i just walked over and said... jesus its midnight... STFU!!! they were like ... oh ★■◆● sorry...

they were still a little loud, but it was much better after that.

at least no achy breaky.
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Post by Birdseye »

Mobius wrote:
fyrephlie wrote:i hate when my kids keep waking up because some arsehole is playing their music too loud too late... THANKS JERK!!! :P
I'm with you on this one bro. All people who are visited by noise control officers are total wankers. In the 21st century city, one of the few rights you have is to a good night's sleep (at least in NZ, there is actually a legal right to it) and ****wits who play loud music after 11pm, or scream their lungs out on the back porch to the tune of "Total Eclipse of The Heart", deserve to be fined at least $100 for every call out.
Funny thing is here in the US we have anti-fun ordinances. We had a party at our house the cops shut down and there were absolutely no complaints filed by neighbors -- the highway patrol apparently has a fill-up station down the street. We're barely zoned residential in a more industrial area of santa cruz. We have nobody on one side of us. Literally nobody for over a mile. Directly across the street are office buildings which nobody lives in. The neighbors right next to us planned the party with us. We knocked on the other four houses doors (the only other people in the remote area) and invited them to the party. After we got a spot fine of $800 for noise violation using a decibal metrer (no warnings) when we took it to court with ALL of our neighbors signatures that they were NOT bothered, and the judge still would not reduce the fine.

Even though the police admitted nobody filed a compaint, we were still fined, and without a warning.

So perhaps maybe not "all" mobius ;-)
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Post by fyrephlie »

Birdseye wrote:
Mobius wrote:
fyrephlie wrote:i hate when my kids keep waking up because some arsehole is playing their music too loud too late... THANKS JERK!!! :P
I'm with you on this one bro. All people who are visited by noise control officers are total wankers. In the 21st century city, one of the few rights you have is to a good night's sleep (at least in NZ, there is actually a legal right to it) and ****wits who play loud music after 11pm, or scream their lungs out on the back porch to the tune of "Total Eclipse of The Heart", deserve to be fined at least $100 for every call out.
Funny thing is here in the US we have anti-fun ordinances. We had a party at our house the cops shut down and there were absolutely no complaints filed by neighbors -- the highway patrol apparently has a fill-up station down the street. We're barely zoned residential in a more industrial area of santa cruz. We have nobody on one side of us. Literally nobody for over a mile. Directly across the street are office buildings which nobody lives in. The neighbors right next to us planned the party with us. We knocked on the other four houses doors (the only other people in the remote area) and invited them to the party. After we got a spot fine of $800 for noise violation using a decibal metrer (no warnings) when we took it to court with ALL of our neighbors signatures that they were NOT bothered, and the judge still would not reduce the fine.

Even though the police admitted nobody filed a compaint, we were still fined, and without a warning.

So perhaps maybe not "all" mobius ;-)
ok... in your EXTREMELY RARE AND "ALMOST UNBELIEVABLE" example, the fine sounds bunk.

in a NORMAL residential area, or apartment complex... a noise violation would fit well.

i guess it's like speeding and switching lanes without another soul on the freeway, still illegal i suppose. :D
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Post by SolidAir »

brian, that sucks dude

and ffs people, this thread was meant for entertainment purposes, not to start a huge discussion... :?
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Post by CDN_Merlin »


This is why I'd call the cops. Sad she died in this call.
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Post by Genghis »

Culture of fear, baby!

Most news stories are news because they are anomalies. I'll bet it's a lot more dangerous to drive a car than to ask someone to turn their music down. Too many of us make decisions based on percieved risk rather than actual risk. Well I for one am not going to stop treating other people decently unless they give me cause.
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

Genghis, problem is, this sort of thing is happening more often now.
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Post by fyrephlie »

Genghis wrote:Culture of fear, baby!

Most news stories are news because they are anomalies. I'll bet it's a lot more dangerous to drive a car than to ask someone to turn their music down. Too many of us make decisions based on percieved risk rather than actual risk. Well I for one am not going to stop treating other people decently unless they give me cause.
i perceive a risk and call the cops, and don't get shot? you see this as bad? hmm.
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Post by Lothar »

My neighbor out here was apparently playing her stereo too loud... the people upstairs from her came down and asked her to turn it down, and when she didn't they stomped on the floor. She got mad because the floor-stomping made something fall over and nearly hit her baby. They yelled at each other for about 20 minutes, and then one of them called the cops.

I think it was 1 AM when the cops were standing in the lady's door talking to her about how she needs to turn her music down and not bother her neighbors. What really sucked is the sound of the police talking carried straight through our door and into our apartment (funny acoustics right in here), so we could hear every word clearly. The cops said something about "in the interests of not alienating your neighbors" and I thought pretty seriously about coming out and saying "hey, in the interests of not alienating your neighbors, can we move this conversation somewhere where the sound won't carry straight into my living room?" I decided against it because I didn't want to give them anything else to worry about...
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Post by Money! »

Genghis wrote:Culture of fear, baby!

Most news stories are news because they are anomalies. I'll bet it's a lot more dangerous to drive a car than to ask someone to turn their music down. Too many of us make decisions based on percieved risk rather than actual risk. Well I for one am not going to stop treating other people decently unless they give me cause.
I agree with this immensely. It's why America is so fucked up :)
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Post by Genghis »

fyrephlie wrote:i perceive a risk and call the cops, and don't get shot? you see this as bad? hmm.
I was responding to Merlin's post. However, check out a couple of my quotes:

"I can see your point about complaintants worried about their personal safety. You're right, in some situations calling the cops might be the prudent thing to do."

"Well I for one am not going to stop treating other people decently unless they give me cause."

In your case, you first tried talking to them, giving them the benefit of the doubt. They then threatened you, giving you cause to stop playing nice. You rightly decided that there was a potential personal safety issue, so you called the cops.

This is exactly the course of action I would follow! I just don't want people's first reaction to be to call the cops unless it's clearly required. So you get a gold star from me!
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Post by Bad@sskow »

I live in apartments, and pretty much every friday night the peeps next door have a party.. it is loud, but its not the only noise. The people above us are Halo fanatics and you could hear them across the street screaming when they get headshotted. Anyways, it got to the point where the people across the hall from us called the cops on us at the party before the party actually began. We were all sitting in the apartment once, about 9:30pm... 6 of us, waiting for the people to show up (they usually arrive around 10:30 or 11) when they got that knock on the door. You know it is the cops because the knock just has that authority sound to it. We know it was the people across the hall from my place because that coming week we invited them to the party... even though noone knows who they are... and the next party we had (last weekend) had to be the biggest ever and loudest, but yet no cops. Funny thing is, those neighbors who always call the cops on us never showed up.

We've had the same cop show up so many times you get to actually know them, sadly. Truth is, they are almost annoyed as you are because they have to go all the way out there for some ridiculous call. I mean there could be a huge gang war going on down the street, and there he is.. stopping those terrorists who will kill us all with their loud music. :)
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Post by roid »

Genghis wrote:Culture of fear, baby!

Most news stories are news because they are anomalies. I'll bet it's a lot more dangerous to drive a car than to ask someone to turn their music down. Too many of us make decisions based on percieved risk rather than actual risk. Well I for one am not going to stop treating other people decently unless they give me cause.
sooo agreed. i think Michael Moore taught me that.
it bothers me when people seem to stare at me in fear when i'm walking around the street, they watch too much current affair and read too much newspapers (*cough* News Corp *cough*).
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Post by Diedel »

Birdseye wrote:Wow. How weak. I hate anyone who calls the cops on me. I have no interest in the police and would turn my music down if someone else didn't like it at a later hour.

Give people a chance!
As I read this I am asking myself why anybody would even need to bother telling you to turn your music down at a late hour because it's too loud. You should know yourself when it's not time for overly loud music (night, huh, when most ppl sleep?)

No problem with notifying ppl when they're doing something wrong, but I hate having to tell ppl something they should well know by themselves.
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

Diedel wrote: As I read this I am asking myself why anybody would even need to bother telling you to turn your music down at a late hour because it's too loud. You should know yourself when it's not time for overly loud music (night, huh, when most ppl sleep?)

No problem with notifying ppl when they're doing something wrong, but I hate having to tell ppl something they should well know by themselves.
Last line = bingo! It's YOU who should know when to draw the line. No one should have to tell you. If you live on a farm, play music till 4am I don't care cause your closest neighbour is a mile away at least. But in an appt building, the walls are paper thin.

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Re: just got a noise violation

Post by Heckler »

I just bought a new house, partly because I was tired of how noisy my old neighborhood was getting. Do you really have no idea how incredibly annoying being kept awake because someone wants to play loud music is?

One of my neighbors actually moved his family to an apartment because he could not afford to own 2 houses at once and did not want to wait for his house to sell.

I walked over and asked a couple of the noisy newcomers to turn down the music. They said they were sorry and turned it down but next week were at it again. A few of them are not here legally and are very scared of the police so it only takes one visit by the cops to convince them they need to quit keeping people up at night.

Now I just call the cops with no warning. I do so because I cannot fine them and the cops can. Any inconsiderate SOB that is so self absorbed they do not care about how many people they annoy as long as they are having a good time deserves a fine, the bigger the better.
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Post by Genghis »

I have neighbors that are as quiet as mice except maybe twice a year when they have a party on a weekend. Even if I'm trying to get to sleep, I can't justify shutting down the fun of all those people, because they're so considerate most of the time and because people deserve to have fun once in a while.
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Post by fyrephlie »

Genghis wrote:I have neighbors that are as quiet as mice except maybe twice a year when they have a party on a weekend. Even if I'm trying to get to sleep, I can't justify shutting down the fun of all those people, because they're so considerate most of the time and because people deserve to have fun once in a while.
365 days a year, i keep to myself there genghis... but let's say on feb 29th, the 366, once every four years... i come over and poke you in the forehead for 20 - 40 minutes. is that ok, since i don't bug ya any other time?
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Post by Birdseye »

fyrephlie wrote:
Genghis wrote:I have neighbors that are as quiet as mice except maybe twice a year when they have a party on a weekend. Even if I'm trying to get to sleep, I can't justify shutting down the fun of all those people, because they're so considerate most of the time and because people deserve to have fun once in a while.
365 days a year, i keep to myself there genghis... but let's say on feb 29th, the 366, once every four years... i come over and poke you in the forehead for 20 - 40 minutes. is that ok, since i don't bug ya any other time?

Those are not parallel analogies because you are talking about a 1 for 1 trade, he is talking 1 for 100. But really that's not what I wanted to discuss, so please ponder the following:

He is not debating any form of law. He is expressing that he is willing to sacrifice a night of sleep for the benefit of many others. This is altruism. Kudos, Genghis.
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Re: just got a noise violation

Post by Birdseye »

Heckler wrote:
Now I just call the cops with no warning. I do so because I cannot fine them and the cops can. Any inconsiderate SOB that is so self absorbed they do not care about how many people they annoy as long as they are having a good time deserves a fine, the bigger the better.
I think this is reasonable, because you have first made your request for volume levels on a regular basis in person. After their refusal to modify the behavior, I think that calling them is ok. And I hate dealing with cops.
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Post by fyrephlie »

and i'm discussing the fact that even twice a year i am not willing to be annoyed at all hours of the night, which seems fair to me, which is why it is protected by laws. and it's funny, cause i just don't do it to other people.

and for the record... to me, listening to some arse blast music at all hours is very much parralel to being poked in the forehead. (ugh... the bass, thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump)

should i come poke your forehead?
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