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Post by KompresZor »

I think this pretty much sums it up for me :P

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Post by Money! »

I think this kid doesn't care about reading "intense sex" in his thread. I think we should ask him how old he is and if he cares. I think TheCops has always been a little risque, and thats what makes him great and fun to read. He's a vital member of the DBB and I've always thought he was hilarious. Bringing him down would bring down my perception of the DBB.

Losing my virginity myself about a month after my 15th birthday, I really doubt that the kid cares about sex in his thread. I'm sure alot of people get some during the holidays. You guys need to remember how you were when you were 15 like I did; you were probably more mature than how you think of 15 year old kids now. But it hasn't changed.

On the other side, who gives a sh*t Cops? You seem pretty laid back... it doesn't matter if people don't know how much you got during Christmas. I'd be satisfied enough.
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Post by Flatlander »

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Post by Kiran »

Flatlander wrote:Image
lol!!! Mind if I use that icon? :lol:
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Post by Diedel »

TheCope wrote:koolbear
Its all gravy.

But I wouldn't give 2 squirts from a dogs nut to support "your way" of doing things. It?s ridiculous. You are trying to make a bible thumping bb and it's supposed to be about DESCENT! You friggin christians ruin it for everyone in every way. Oppressors. That?s why I **** her with hate... my Korean born Lutheran delusional idiot.
Now you are talking complete bulls. On a rampage, oops, crusade (pun :P) against Christianity even where it isn't?

You seem to be determined to make an issue of this. So have it. As KB has pointed out, your post was inappropriate, period. And personally I give a rat's patoot about the quality and time schedule of your sex life. It is about as important to me as your digestive processes. Now do us a favor and honor your thread title: STFU already. Bye bye.
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Post by Vindicator »

KoolBear wrote:The use of the word sex isn't the issue here, not at all. It was the inappropriate reply to a young kids thread, do you think he the kid wanted to hear about someones intense sex? No he wanted to hear about the decals you got, or the cool stickers or maybe you were lucky enough to get that neat figurine.

Now tell me, why would anyone need to **** on a kids nice "christmas loot thread" with talk about sex?
Thats very noble, except in that same post DarkFalcon said he also received a Family Guy DVD. If a 14 year old can watch Family Guy he can certainly be able to stomach the notion of an adult having intense sex.

Shitting on his thread? You cant possibly be serious. If Cops got sex for Christmas, why shouldnt he be able to say so?
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Post by Top Wop »

Cops you took it way to far, you need to STFU and quit being a drama queen. Mods edited other people's posts in the past many times before with more malicious result compared to this one. Or mayby you weren't around long enough for that idea to register to you? All you are doing is making a mountain out of a molehill.

And yea, read the agreement you clicked on when you first signed on for an account. Basically it says that to the mods and admins, you are their ★■◆●. And thats with any other forum you decide to participate in.

So really you need to STFU and take it like a man and not act like a pussy.
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Post by Gooberman »

People make ?goodbye posts? for one of two reasons. They either want attention, lonely, want people to say they miss them, etc -- or they are extremely bored.

In ether case; no way did you have intense sex last night.
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Post by Duper »

Vindicator wrote: You cant possibly be serious. If Cops got sex for Christmas, why shouldnt he be able to say so?
dude.. that kinda thing has always been limited to the NHB forum. Only in the last year or so have things gotten sloppy. I think it shows lack of class. That and all the tantrum about this is utterly rediculous.
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Post by Beowulf »

What's the big deal? Copsy, you know I love ya, but let it slide baby. Getting edited on this board means nothing. Besides, if you leave, I'm going to have to make ALL the flippant, sarcastic, and sexually implicit posts by myself, and forcing me to shoulder that load is not only unreasonable but selfish.

Now let's talk about why black caulk leaves white stains.
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Post by Diedel »

The only justification for this pathetic thread would be its entertainment value. But it doesn't really have one. Yawn.
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Post by Aus-RED-5 »


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Post by SilverFJ »

At Jack-in-the-Box we have a new meal called "The Big Deal" where you can get 2 chicken sanwiches, 2 tacos, and a small soda for $2.59.
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Post by Richard Cranium »

Unix wrote:Is it cold in here or is it just me?
"My peeps on the fritz"
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Post by Richard Cranium »

SilverFJ wrote:At Jack-in-the-Box we have a new meal called "The Big Deal" where you can get 2 chicken sanwiches, 2 tacos, and a small soda for $2.59.
Only a small soda? What if I want to have them 'Biggie Size' the order?
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Post by SilverFJ »

Sorry, that's the deal. but with Washington tax it would be like this:

$1.77 saved on all that delicious food.
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Post by Repo Man »

I just read this thread. Now, my brain hurts.
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Post by Sarge »

If I'm getting this right, Copsie's post was "Edited for Content"

You can't edit a post to say something else, despite the fact that this is a private board with no Free Speech protections.

You either delete the offending post in it's entirety and contact the offender, or delte the offending post and ban him. Period.

Yes, this bothers me. Xciter is correct, this isn't Barney's Playhouse and I don't like the direction this board has taken. The DBB has lasted years with a (basically) hands-off approach and I'd like it to stay that way.
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Post by Grendel »

Sarge wrote:The DBB has lasted years with a (basically) hands-off approach and I'd like it to stay that way.
Now, that's a thing of the past.. There's a lot mod meddling going on lately which is the reason I stay out of certain DBB forums ... If I don't have any forums left, well, I'll be gone I guess.
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Post by fyrephlie »

might i suggest a long needed overhaul to this?

-> policies.htm <-

just a thought. :D
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Post by Pun »

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Post by Zuruck »

Ack, if Cops leaves then 99% of the fun and humor on this board goes with. Only people left are stiffs.
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Post by woodchip »

We all have to forgive KB. Since he's newly returned he didn't understand the true meaning of "Backlash". :wink:
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Post by Sarge »

woodchip wrote:We all have to forgive KB. Since he's newly returned he didn't understand the true meaning of "Backlash". :wink:
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Post by Beowulf »

punisher wrote:
Simply awesome!
Oh yeah, and I legitimitely laughed out loud at that.
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Post by KoolBear »

Sarge wrote:
woodchip wrote:We all have to forgive KB. Since he's newly returned he didn't understand the true meaning of "Backlash". :wink:
Umm, there's a major difference between backlash and backtrash and backwash.
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Post by Diedel »

Zuruck wrote:Ack, if Cops leaves then 99% of the fun and humor on this board goes with.
Was he funny? :roll: And his reaction was humorous? You are the remaining 1%?
Zuruck wrote:Only people left are stiffs.
If you say so.
Grendel wrote:
Sarge wrote:The DBB has lasted years with a (basically) hands-off approach and I'd like it to stay that way.
Now, that's a thing of the past.. There's a lot mod meddling going on lately which is the reason I stay out of certain DBB forums ... If I don't have any forums left, well, I'll be gone I guess.
That has been so before, you just didn't feel it, obviously.
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Post by dissent »

LOL @ Aus-Red.

Now the stupid theme music is playing in the back of my head. Thx. :P :P :P
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Post by Whitewater »

You mods need to come to the realization that 14 and 15 year olds aren't innocent and unexperienced. I mean my god Koolbear you actually mentioned using stickers. Seven year olds use stickers, not kids who are close to being able to operate a vehicle.
Secondly, back in the day the DBB was more offensive then this and nothing was done. It also kept the DBB much more enjoyable to read and kept people laughing. How many times was Nirvana's Sheep fetish or the term jfc used. Simply suck it up and do what's best for the remaining members of the dbb by letting us have fun.
By the way, much <3 for the puppet.
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Post by WarAdvocat »

This whole conflict is ridiculous.

The editing was stupid, uncalled-for and trite

It was also trivial, and teh OP is being a drama queen

There was no graphical description of physical intimacy, someone got a prudish stick up their butt, and needs to remove it.
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Post by MD-2389 »

Oh for crying out loud, let the damn thing DIE already!

Hell, why is this thread even still open? Everything that was going to be said has pretty much already been said. More complaining isn't going to do any good. If he's going to stay then he'll stay. If not, then happy trails. Life is too short for this kind of crap.
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Post by Bet51987 »

Koolbear and The Cope

I hope I'm not butting in....

Last night I played a short game and \"The cope\" came in to play. I got real nervouse because I don't recall ever playing him. I mean he's like a legend.

Though he beat me, I did pretty good holding my own but I also didn't know what he would do taunt wise especially from what I heard some say about him in this thread.

Anyway, I found I was communicating with a perfect gentlemen who I enjoyed playing with and my take is that he's not a bad guy at all and it was fun although I was nervous going up against a legend.

But...with that said, and though I could care less about the words \"intense sex\", Koolbear was correct in pulling it out of that thread. It would have been fine anywhere else. I, on the otherhand would like to see inuendos like f*ck stopped, but thats another story. are both good guys and I hope TheCope doesn't leave so why not let this drop like MD2389 said....and meet me in the mines.

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Post by Fusion pimp »

I mean he's like a legend.
The new(er) players are so cute.
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Post by Unix »

Well, lets be honest, he is a legend
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Post by *JBOMB* »

I for one am glad to see TheCope go... hes always been nothing but problems around here from the get go...What with his constant posts...

I feel bad for the next community he falls into...tsk tsk...if they only knew what they were getting...

I too remember when this comminuty board was left to the community...Heres an idea...Drive all the creative free thinkers out of here 1 by 1 ok...

LOL....see you on the other side...
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Post by fyrephlie »

*JBOMB* wrote:I for one am glad to see TheCope go... hes always been nothing but problems around here from the get go...What with his constant posts...

I feel bad for the next community he falls into...tsk tsk...if they only knew what they were getting...

I too remember when this comminuty board was left to the community...Heres an idea...Drive all the creative free thinkers out of here 1 by 1 ok...

LOL....see you on the other side...
your avatar makes me happy.
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Post by Duper »

Bet51987 wrote:Koolbear and The Cope

I got real nervouse because I don't recall ever playing him. I mean he's like a legend.


LOL ...he's a D3 n00b. ;)

just an fyi Fyre (got it right that time.) That particular avatar is oh.. 3 years old? maybe 5? (just for "catch-up" sake.
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Post by fyrephlie »

Duper wrote:just an fyi Fyre (got it right that time.) That particular avatar is oh.. 3 years old? maybe 5? (just for "catch-up" sake.
umm... i don't care... most of em have been around since before the dawn of existence... but i spent 2 minutes staring at it before i realized it!!! :P
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Post by Pun »

I think we're done here. Great thread.