Couple years ago, there was this adoreable white cat with lush green eyes... she was sweetest cat you'd ever meet. She came every time I called her name, she followed me wherever I went when I was walking. She'd be like a teddy bear, always snuggling up to me as I hugged her.
We called her DI. Literally \"Dee-eye\". It's her initials for \"D*** It\". Her name served its purpose. She loves to stand in front of people so when they turn around, they would trip over her.
On the morning of Dec. 4th, 2003, she didn't come when I called her. I was worried, but moved on. Went to school and came home. Then my dad told me that when he came back from dropping me off at school, he found DI on the side of the road. She was hit by a car.
I currently have two other cats, Freya, who came from the same litter with DI but with blue eyes, and Sohpia (whom my dad loves to call ugly because of her strange fur patterns). I love those two cats to death. We still let them outside since Freya was already used to being outside and Sophia came to our porch as a stray kitten.
Merlin, I'm very sorry to know what you had to go through, and I know how hard it is. *big hugs* Hang in there.