Original D2 Tracks

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Original D2 Tracks

Post by Badboy »

I thought this would be the right place to post this :) ...hope it is, anyway.

I have the original D2 Tracks 2 through 13 and I was making them available for download, they are directly from my original Descent 2 Setup CD. They sound awesome. Anyway heres the link, I wasnt sure if anyone had these out anywhere, so I made them available :D

http://nfz.v8web.com/content/downloads/ ... Tracks.zip
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Post by fyrephlie »

/me wonders if they are 'copyright' protected...

but rock on... if i didn't already have them on my ipod i would def. be all over that dl! :)
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Post by Badboy »

Cool, about the 'copyright' Developed by Parallax and im pretty sure there dead, and Interplays name is on it to but thats it. So I think theyre all dead :P .

Anyway I tried posting on IE and logging in after hitting post and logged in and it just refreshed the page, but it works on mozilla. Odd might be a security setting I have, hmm.
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Post by Ferno »

Anyone remember if Interplay released tracks to D2?
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Post by Badboy »

Im not sure, I went to Interplays website but all they have is things about who they are stuff. Not sure :?:
Thank You
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Post by DCrazy »

They did release the tracks, which can also be found here.

Parallax is still around; Interplay is gone.
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Post by Nikolai »

I don't have the original game CD, but I want to be able to listen D2's Redbook during the gameplay. Midi music was great in D1 because each singleplayer level had its own track. D2 is absolutely different: it has only 4 midi tracks that are cycling through all the game. After 8-12 levels these songs become quite annoying.

I've downloaded D2's official soundtrack. It has 16 songs in mp3 format (~60 minutes in total) and I suppose that they correspond to the content of the original game CD. After burning these songs as an audio CD D2X-XL says: \"Sorry. Cannot start CD music. Insert your Descent II CD and try again.\" I've already asked Diedel about this error. He he told me that it will take time to see what is wrong.

Well, for the time being I have nothing against listening this music in Winamp while playing. But for the full experience I need to know the correct sequence of tracks, i.e. which song to play on which level? how do they repeat? Can anybody help me in determining this?
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Post by MD-2389 »

Track 3 played on level 1. Then they just followed in sequential order and repeated. Track 2 is the menu track.
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Post by Valin Halcyon »

Bleh, double post.
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Post by Valin Halcyon »

Interplay held the copyrights for the D2 tracks, and I believe those are no longer valid.

Parallax did not hold the copyright to the Redbook music nor did they actually own the trademarks on the box and manual designs. ;) In fact, Interplay actually owned the entire thing...EXCEPT...Parallax STILL holds the right to determine when/if they will make another game in the franchise AND if to allow someone else to do it or not...no matter what Interplay wants to do.

Clear? :) At any rate, Interplay isn't really going to care anymore about trading the Music around. Not like it's going to hurt their D2 sales. :P
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Post by Top Gun »

Interplay themselves freely released the redbook tracks on their website a few months before they all-but-folded; that's when I submitted them to PD. Guess they just didn't care at that point.
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Post by Escorter »

Okay, the CD music is here. But is there a place where I can download the D2 movies (I only have the robot movies... :( )?
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Post by MD-2389 »

Get them off of the CD. Do a google search for MVE Extractor. I'd give you a link here, but its legality is in a rather grey area since Interplay gave Heiko (the creator of the tool) a cease and decist order after he released it as part of the Descent Manager tools set.
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Post by Escorter »

Unfortunately, I don't have the CD. I planned to buy it, but it's nearly impossible in the country where I live. And I don't have credit card, so I can't use eBay.
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Post by Jeff250 »

MD-2389 wrote:Track 3 played on level 1. Then they just followed in sequential order and repeated. Track 2 is the menu track.
If we count the data track as track 1, then wouldn't there be a credits theme track in there? I think it was between the menu and the level 1 track.
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Post by MD-2389 »

Jeff250 wrote:
MD-2389 wrote:Track 3 played on level 1. Then they just followed in sequential order and repeated. Track 2 is the menu track.
If we count the data track as track 1, then wouldn't there be a credits theme track in there? I think it was between the menu and the level 1 track.
That used one of the MIDI tracks if memory serves. There is no DEDICATED redbook credits track.
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Post by BUBBALOU »

Directly from Descent2.com

Descent 2 Full Version OST

The following tracklist is on the CD of the original release of Descent 2 Full Version (NOT Infinite Abyss or Definitive Collection) and also on the Destination Quartzon OEM:

Track 2: Title
Composed by Brian Luzietti
Mixed by Charles Deenen

Track 3: Crawl
Composed by Brian Luzietti
Mixed by Charles Deenen

Track 4: Glut
Composed by Ogre of Skinny Puppy & Mark Walk

Track 5: Gunner Down
Composed by Brian Luzietti
Mixed by Charles Deenen

Track 6: Cold Reality
Composed by Larry Peacock & Brad Cross & Leslie Spitzer
Mixed by Bob Brown

Track 7: Ratzez
Composed by Ogre of Skinny Puppy & Mark Walk

Track 8: Crush
Composed by Brian Luzietti
Mixed by Charles Deenen

Track 9: Untitled
Composed by Mark Morgan

Track 10: Haunted (Instrumental Remix)
Composed by Type O Negative
Original version available on their album \"October Rust\", published by Roadrunner Records

Track 11: Are You Descent?
Composed by Ron Valdez
Mixed by Johann Langlie

Track 12: Techno Industry
Composed and mixed by Johann Langlie

Track 13: Robot Jungle
Composed and mixed by Johann Langlie

Descent 2 Full Version - New Infinite Abyss and Definitive Collection CD2 Release

The Infinite Abyss CD 1 (the blue one containing the main Descent 2), has remixed versions of the original Descent 2 CD.

Track 2: Title
Composed by Brian Luzietti
Mixed by Charles Deenen

Track 3: Cold Reality - Extended Remix
Composed by Larry Peacock & Brad Cross & Leslie Spitzer
Mixed by Bob Brown

Track 4: Crawl - Extended Remix
Composed by Brian Luzietti
Mixed by Charles Deenen

Track 5: Gunner Down - Extended Remix
Composed by Brian Luzietti
Mixed by Charles Deenen

Track 6: Ratzez - Extended Remix
Composed by Ogre of Skinny Puppy & Mark Walk

Track 7: Techno Industry - Extended Remix
Composed and mixed by Johann Langlie

Track 8: Are You Descent? - Extended Remix
Composed by Ron Valdez
Mixed by Johann Langlie

Track 9: Robot Jungle - Extended Remix
Composed and mixed by Johann Langlie

Descent 2 Full Version - Vertigo Series Add-On CD and Definitive Collection CD3

The Vertigo Series CD also has songs: the four from Infinite Abyss remaining songs from Descent as remixes as well as two new songs and one from the Playstation version of Descent 1.

Track 2: Crush - Extended Remix
Composed by Brian Luzietti
Mixed by Charles Deenen

Track 3: Glut - Extended Remix
Composed by Ogre of Skinny Puppy & Mark Walk

Track 4: Haunted - Instrumental Re-Remix
Composed by Type O Negative
Original version available on their album \"October Rust\", published by Roadrunner Records

Track 5: New Song #1
Uses sounds and music pieces of the intro cutscene of Descent 1 - Playstation Version.

Track 6: Untitled - Extended Remix
Composed by Mark Morgan

Track 7: New Song #2

Track 8: New Song #3
Taken from Descent 1 - Mac/Playstation soundtrack

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Post by Jeff250 »

MD-2389 wrote:
Jeff250 wrote:
MD-2389 wrote:Track 3 played on level 1. Then they just followed in sequential order and repeated. Track 2 is the menu track.
If we count the data track as track 1, then wouldn't there be a credits theme track in there? I think it was between the menu and the level 1 track.
That used one of the MIDI tracks if memory serves. There is no DEDICATED redbook credits track.
No, I just remembered that I had the mp3's on this computer, and track 3 is most definitely the credits track. Track 4 is the first playtime track.
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Post by Nikolai »

Thanks for your answers everybody, but I'm totally confused now. Here is complete list if songs in downloadable soundtrack:
01. Brian Luzietti - Intro+Crawl (4:12)
02. Brian Luzietti - Crush (4:34)
03. Mark Morgan - Mark2 (3:50)
04. Larry Peacock - ColdReal (4:56)
05. Johann Lauglie - Techno (4:28)
06. Skinny Puppy - Glut (2:08)
07. Brian Luzietti - Gunner (3:29)
08. Mark Morgan - Mark1 (3:37)
09. Larry Peacock - Pain (4:17)
10. Johann Lauglie - Robot (4:21)
11. Skinny Puppy - Ratzez (2:14)
12. Type O Negative - Haunted (4:53)
13. Ronald Valdez - RUDescnt (3:36)
14. Skinny Puppy - Rusty (3:15)
15. Peter Rotter - Base Return (3:33)
16. Peter Rotter - Final Mission (2:29)
Can anybody tell confidently when each track is played?
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Post by BUBBALOU »

I'll update all the tracks listed above with the times.. so you can see what CD they pulled them all from.

your list is from the so called Interplay release and the track names/artists are incorrect

Below is the correct tracks names and artists, whomever uploaded this file should have checked the accuracy of the files...
01. Brian Luzietti - Intro+Crawl ( 4:12 )
02. Brian Luzietti - Crush ( 4:34 )
03. Mark Morgan - The Well ( 3:50 )
04. Larry Peacock - Cold Reality ( 4:56 )
05. Johann Lauglie - Robot Jungle ( 4:28 )
06. Ogre - Glut ( 2:08 )
07. Brian Luzietti - Gunner Down ( 3:29 )
08. Mark Morgan - Collision Dome Extraction ( 3:37 )
09. Larry Peacock - Artifact Research ( 4:17 )
10. Johann Lauglie - Techno Industry ( 4:21 )
11. Ogre - Ratzez ( 2:14 )
12. Type O Negative - Haunted ( 4:53 )
13. Ronald Valdez - RUDescent ( 3:36 )
14. Ogre - Urgian Kiln ( 3:15 )
15. Peter Rotter - Base Return ( 3:33 )
16. Peter Rotter - Final Mission ( 2:29 )
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Post by pATCheS »

Why do people keep calling the Infinite Abyss tracks remixes? It makes more sense to me to think of them as the original full-length songs (not all of them were created specifically for D2), and the original D2 ones had to be cut short to get them to fit onto the CD with the game data.
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Post by Nikolai »

BUBBALOU, thank you for correct song titles.

But still I want to know on which level each track is played. There are 24 levels in Descent 2, and only 16 songs in the soundtrack. CD owners - please help.
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Post by Suncho »

Interplay is not dead.
Parallax is not dead.
Volition is not dead.
Outrage is dead.

Hope that cleared things up for you guys. =)

Oh, and Interplay did release the tracks.
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Post by Suncho »

Nikolai wrote:BUBBALOU, thank you for correct song titles.

But still I want to know on which level each track is played. There are 24 levels in Descent 2, and only 16 songs in the soundtrack. CD owners - please help.
A couple of them are from the opening and ending movies. One is for the main menu. One is for the credits. The rest just cycle through so you hear all the tracks in all the levels.
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Post by Escorter »

Diedel, please tell me: can I use these files from hard drive with D2X-XL, or I need to burn them to a CD?
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Post by yourluvryourzero »

Suncho wrote:Interplay is not dead.
Parallax is not dead.
Volition is not dead.
Outrage is dead.

Hope that cleared things up for you guys. =)

Oh, and Interplay did release the tracks.
Technically, Parallax is dead. Parallax became no more when it split into two companies. Volition and Outrage. Outrage and Volition were then bought by THQ. Outrage is now gone, but Volition is still alive.
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Post by Diedel »

Escorter wrote:Diedel, please tell me: can I use these files from hard drive with D2X-XL, or I need to burn them to a CD?
What exactly do you mean?
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Post by yourluvryourzero »

I think they want to know if they can play them as mp3's with D2X-XL instead of redbook?!?!?!
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Post by Lovo formerly Alieo »

BUBBALOU wrote:I'll update all the tracks listed above with the times.. so you can see what CD they pulled them all from.

your list is from the so called Interplay release and the track names/artists are incorrect

Below is the correct tracks names and artists, whomever uploaded this file should have checked the accuracy of the files...
01. Brian Luzietti - Intro+Crawl ( 4:12 )
02. Brian Luzietti - Crush ( 4:34 )
03. Mark Morgan - The Well ( 3:50 )
04. Larry Peacock - Cold Reality ( 4:56 )
05. Johann Lauglie - Robot Jungle ( 4:28 )
06. Ogre - Glut ( 2:08 )
07. Brian Luzietti - Gunner Down ( 3:29 )
08. Mark Morgan - Collision Dome Extraction ( 3:37 )
09. Larry Peacock - Artifact Research ( 4:17 )
10. Johann Lauglie - Techno Industry ( 4:21 )
11. Ogre - Ratzez ( 2:14 )
12. Type O Negative - Haunted ( 4:53 )
13. Ronald Valdez - RUDescent ( 3:36 )
14. Ogre - Urgian Kiln ( 3:15 )
15. Peter Rotter - Base Return ( 3:33 )
16. Peter Rotter - Final Mission ( 2:29 )
Okay, I have heard different titles on the names of a few songs listed here.

#3: I heard that this one was called "Death"
#14: I'm almost POSITIVE that this one is called "Rusty"... as for the others like Mark2 etc. (the untitled ones) I never knew their names, except that #3... I heard somewhere that it's name was "death"... Where did you get the titles?

As for what level they belong to? The order I am used to was that of Descent Maximum (PSX version of D2, totally different levels but same story line)... it features the short version of these songs, and here's the track-level correspondance with this music and the Descent Maximum levels

Track#: (Descent Maximum Level#)
01: Intro(first part)/Credits(second part)
(This track is usually seperated.)
02: Level 10 & 23
03: Level 7, 20 & Secret Lvl 6
04: Level 8 & 21
05: Level 9 & 22
06: Level 1 & 14
07: Level 4, 17 & Secret Lvl 3
08: Level 13 ONLY
09: Level 12 ONLY
10: Level 3, 16 & Secret Lvl 2
11: Level 2, 15 & Secret Lvl 1
12: Level 6, 19 & Secret Lvl 5
13: Level 5, 18 & Secret Lvl 4
14: Level 11 & 24
15: Intro movie (duh)
16: Outro movie (duh)

This is what he's asking for, but I don't think this is the right track order for DESCENT II... this is for DESCENT MAXIMUM on playstation. Different Level layout (VERY elementary, mind you) and probably different track order. So using this format, what tracks correspond with the D2 levels in the PC? I'd kinda like to know myself.

Also, I am a BIIIG D1 music freak. Does anyone know the track-level correspondance? If so, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE reply to my long post about Track/Level correspondance. It's on the same old school descent page.
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Post by Escorter »

Diedel wrote:What exactly do you mean?
If I copy these files to my Descent 2 dir, can D2X-XL play these songs?
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Post by Nikolai »

Diedel wrote:What exactly do you mean?
We would like to see either mp3 playback support or at least custom audio CD playback (without need of connecting an audio cable from the CD drive to the soundcard). People that don't have the original game CD want to enjoy listening D2 redbook in-game.
Lovo formerly Alieo wrote:This is what he's asking for, but I don't think this is the right track order for DESCENT II... this is for DESCENT MAXIMUM on playstation. Different Level layout (VERY elementary, mind you) and probably different track order. So using this format, what tracks correspond with the D2 levels in the PC? I'd kinda like to know myself.
Thank you for this track order. It is better than nothing :-)
I hope someone will supply us with similar list for the PC version of D2.
Lovo formerly Alieo wrote:Also, I am a BIIIG D1 music freak. Does anyone know the track-level correspondance? If so, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE reply to my long post about Track/Level correspondance. It's on the same old school descent page.
Does D1 also have redbook audio? Or do you mean the midi music? If midi - I can give you all the music in Winamp playable format (all tracks with level # indication).
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Post by Lovo formerly Alieo »

Yes! D1 has redbook audio ONLY on the MAC version. It's also on the playstation version too. It also has this song I have never heard before. If you'll look at my post inside the \"Descent Old Skool\" category entitled: D1 MAC Trax, I have my whole questionaire written out there. Maybe someone can help.
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Post by Lovo formerly Alieo »

Yes! D1 has redbook audio ONLY on the MAC version. It's also on the playstation version too. It also has this song I have never heard before. If you'll look at my post inside the \"Descent Old Skool\" category entitled: D1 MAC Trax, I have my whole questionaire written out there. Maybe someone can help.
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Post by MD-2389 »

yourluvryourzero wrote:
Suncho wrote:Interplay is not dead.
Parallax is not dead.
Volition is not dead.
Outrage is dead.

Hope that cleared things up for you guys. =)

Oh, and Interplay did release the tracks.
Technically, Parallax is dead. Parallax became no more when it split into two companies. Volition and Outrage. Outrage and Volition were then bought by THQ. Outrage is now gone, but Volition is still alive.
Incorrect. Parallax retained only two employees when the split happened. Mike Kulas and Matt Toschlog.
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Post by yourluvryourzero »

MD-2389 wrote:
yourluvryourzero wrote:
Suncho wrote:Interplay is not dead.
Parallax is not dead.
Volition is not dead.
Outrage is dead.

Hope that cleared things up for you guys. =)

Oh, and Interplay did release the tracks.
Technically, Parallax is dead. Parallax became no more when it split into two companies. Volition and Outrage. Outrage and Volition were then bought by THQ. Outrage is now gone, but Volition is still alive.
Incorrect. Parallax retained only two employees when the split happened. Mike Kulas and Matt Toschlog.
Err......Mike Kulas is the president of Volition Inc and Matt Toschlog is(was) the president of Outrage Entertainment.
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Post by Nikolai »

I propose to create a separate topic for discussing which company is alive and which is not. In this topic we are talking about music.
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Post by Lovo formerly Alieo »

AMEN to that!
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Post by Suncho »

Valin Halcyon wrote:Interplay held the copyrights for the D2 tracks, and I believe those are no longer valid.
You'd be wrong. Copyrights take 75 years to expire.
Valin Halcyon wrote:Parallax did not hold the copyright to the Redbook music nor did they actually own the trademarks on the box and manual designs. ;)
Basically yeah, but I don't know if its quite that simple because Interplay used Parallax assets to create some of that stuff and it could be argued that they are derivative works of Parallax copyrights.
Valin Halcyon wrote:In fact, Interplay actually owned the entire thing...EXCEPT...Parallax STILL holds the right to determine when/if they will make another game in the franchise AND if to allow someone else to do it or not...no matter what Interplay wants to do.
What's your source on this? Parallax definitely holds copyrights on most of the game code and art (if you look up the official records). Now there were contracts signed between Interplay and Parallax that may have certain legal stipulations to which we are not privy.
Valin Halcyon wrote:Clear? :) At any rate, Interplay isn't really going to care anymore about trading the Music around. Not like it's going to hurt their D2 sales. :P
If someone makes millions of dollars off their music, they'll start caring. But in this case, they did release the tracks for free on their website. I downloaded them straight from there. So I think it's a safe bet to say you won't get in any trouble if you distribute them for non-commercial personal use.
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Post by Suncho »

yourluvryourzero wrote:
MD-2389 wrote:
yourluvryourzero wrote:
Suncho wrote:Interplay is not dead.
Parallax is not dead.
Volition is not dead.
Outrage is dead.

Hope that cleared things up for you guys. =)

Oh, and Interplay did release the tracks.
Technically, Parallax is dead. Parallax became no more when it split into two companies. Volition and Outrage. Outrage and Volition were then bought by THQ. Outrage is now gone, but Volition is still alive.
Incorrect. Parallax retained only two employees when the split happened. Mike Kulas and Matt Toschlog.
Err......Mike Kulas is the president of Volition Inc and Matt Toschlog is(was) the president of Outrage Entertainment.
You're wrong, yourluvryourzero. Parallax did not cease to exist. In fact, the following titles were released under the Parallax name after the companies had already split:

Descent for Mac
Descent for Playstation
Descent II
Descent II: Infinite Abyss
Descent: Maximum
Descent: Freespace (Also had a Volition logo on it)

If you read the Interplay SEC filings, you'll also see that Interplay continues to refer to the company as Parallax and not as Outrage/Volition even through Descent 3 and Freespace 2.
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Post by yourluvryourzero »

Suncho wrote: You're wrong, yourluvryourzero. Parallax did not cease to exist. In fact, the following titles were released under the Parallax name after the companies had already split:

Descent for Mac
Descent for Playstation
Descent II
Descent II: Infinite Abyss
Descent: Maximum
Descent: Freespace (Also had a Volition logo on it)

If you read the Interplay SEC filings, you'll also see that Interplay continues to refer to the company as Parallax and not as Outrage/Volition even through Descent 3 and Freespace 2.
Please do explain how Descent II was released after the companies had already split when the companies didnt split until after the release of Descent II :roll:

Descent for MAC was released in 1995
Descent for playstation was released in 1996
Descent II was released in 1996
Descent II Infinite Abyss was released in 1997
Descent Maximum was released in 1997
Descent freespace was released in 1998

Just to refresh, the split happened in 1997.....making three of your title examples more than impossible to have been released after the split and also making the two examples released in 1997 questionable.......and the only place I even see the word Parallax from anything that is Freespace is from PXO.

Even if I am wrong, I'm not going to listen to someone who can't grasp that it is impossible for a company to release games in 1995-1996 and say they were released after the 1997 split.