File this under *A* for anal but isn't there a set of emoticons we can plug into the DBB where they all appear to have been done by the same artist? As it stands, some are shaded, some are flat, some are animated, some static and some are redundant. The new board looks very neat (as in ordered and consistent, not neato) but the emoticons just look sloppy to me and my favorite has always been lame. Can we shop a new emoticon set or are we hardcoded to what is currently available?
My searches have only turned up the usual fare. I'll keep looking. Perhaps it might be easier to just redo the offending emoticons to match the first set in an icon-maker app. Hmm.
Yea, I found the ones roid posted and passed on 'em. Lots of lame emoticon sets out there. The one that is eluding me is a simple, basic set like the top row in my first post. It's too bad there isn't a Descent character that would be appropriate if altered. Bots just don't make very good emoticons.