I.E. 7

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I.E. 7

Post by Duper »

Has anyone tried the beta yet?

Pros? cons?

I'm thinkin' about installing it.
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Post by Flatlander »

I've been using it, no major issues here. Still don't think tabbed browsing is such a big deal, but whatever.
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Post by Krom »

Tabbed browsing is a big deal once you get used to it.

/me has 3 tabs open right now.
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Post by DCrazy »

Ever use multiple sheets in an Excel workbook? Tabbed browsing is good for the same reason: it offers another level of hierarchy. But unlike Excel's tabbed worksheets, tabbed browsing is completely optional. I tend to have anywhere from 1 to 20 webpages open at once, and it's nice to be able to group related pages in one Firefox window and only have four Firefox buttons on my taskbar, so that as I'm switching back and forth between applications (usually programming, with a bunch of reference manuals open in Firefox and AIM running in the background) I don't have a sea of tiny taskbar buttons or unnecessary popup menus on the taskbar -- chances are the page I want is the active tab in Firefox, and unlike Windows' built-in taskbar grouping, it doesn't take me an extra click to get there.
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Post by Duper »

Speaking of tab browsing, I just noticed yesterday that tabs in FF are drag and drop! :D I occasionally open an entire folder (8 to 10 sites). It's nice for grouping them with comparing data.

Does IE 7 allow this out of curiousity?
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Post by Sir Sam II »

I havn't noticed the ability to do individual grouping in it yet. Tab browsing is convenient just will take some time to get used to as I always Alt Tab. The Beta seems pretty stable so far, works good with PDF's & linking. Have to hit \"ctrl\" alot more to open links with the built in pop blocker. Seems to block more then the original IE 6 SP2.
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Post by Topher »

I like having a multi-tab homepage and multi-tab favorites.

Sam, try middle clicking with the wheel mouse, it opens links in new tabs instead and I think it should by-pass the popup blocker.

I also like the \"new tab\" button to the right of the other tabs.
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Post by Canuck »

I installed it on a legacy P3 800 and it slowed slightly. Nothing incredibly great in my opinion.
Tabbed browsing, multi home pages, scrolling through favs...

Has an anti-phishing feature which is interesting.
I can see that being readily abused in the future by redirecting unsuspecting surfers to \"the correct purchase sites\". Not like MSN ever did it :roll:

It popped up when I went to my supplier's online order system so it was snoopin...

:idea: Meh now I want to un-install it.
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Post by Jagori »

Hah, that anti-phishing thing popped up when my friend was testing out a site I'd made for a class. Apparently my e-criminal career is off to a poor start :lol:
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Post by Duper »

oh hey, you Drag&drop tabs in FF from one window to another too.
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Post by Krom »

Topher wrote:Sam, try middle clicking with the wheel mouse, it opens links in new tabs instead and I think it should by-pass the popup blocker.

I also like the "new tab" button to the right of the other tabs.
Alternately, hold down the control key while clicking a link. Shift+click > open in new window, control+click > open in new tab, alt+click > save link as...

Also in Firefox, double click a blank space next to a tab to open a new tab.
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Post by Mobius »

The fact that Duper is considering installing IE7 beta should be enough of a warning to others! ;)

I simply don't understand why ANYONE would be even remotely interested in trying a product that implements only a fraction of what FF already has, and then doesn't do as good a job as FF.

If thousands of extensions and dozens of themes, all in the same place, plus the fact that there's an extension for just about anything you could possibly want to do, doesn't convince you which is the superior product, well... frankly, there's no hope for you.

Additionally, choosing IE7 is clearly a vote of confidence in Microsoft, and ask yourself this question: DO YOU REALLY WANT TO DO THAT?
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Post by Robo »

I only came into this topic to see if you had posted something about Firefox, moby. When are you going to get out of bed with that browser?

I'm a firefox user myself, but I don't splooge over it :P
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Post by Krom »

Who wants to make the automatic stfu mobius firefox extension?
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Post by MD-2389 »

heh, I've got an extention that works in any modern browser.



[Kromedit: oh yeah, I can do that :mrgreen:]
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Post by Duper »

Mobius wrote:The fact that Duper is considering installing IE7 beta should be enough of a warning to others! ;)

LMAO.. perhaps. :mrgreen:

I will say that I still US I.E at times as some sites have code in them that is not FF freindly. (ActiveX bs I assume) so I'm forced to use it from time to time.

I have my own dislike for MS and their antics. Once I.E. 7 is out, it will be necessary to have it to view most commercially hosted sites. :\\ .. that is.. sites made by folks that no nothing of linux or anyting but their $3000 MS webpage software. ;) (yes, that's an exageration)
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Post by Kyouryuu »

At work, we run an annoying Microsoft \"wiki\"-like software that doesn't behave with Firefox. IE7, at the very least, makes it bearable. Even though Firefox has already \"been there, done that,\" IE7 is finally a respectable update from Microsoft. I'd recommend it if you have to deal with moronic sites that don't support Firefox. For security reasons, I'd never make IE a default browser again, though.
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