I obviously get a real kick out of these facts, being a dedicated space nut. Also, one of my very earliest memories is of watching TV when Neil Armstrong took his small step onto the Moon in 1969. (Who knows how accurate that memory is, it may or may not have been live at the time; NZ had about 8 hours of TV a day, on one black and white channelThe satellite was launched into synchronous orbit on April 6, 1965. It was placed in commercial service on June 28. Early Bird's design stemmed from the Syncom satellites Hughes had built for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to demonstrate the feasibility of communications from synchronous orbit. On station in orbit 22,300 miles above the equator, Early Bird provided line of sight communications between Europe and North America. As a communications repeater, Early Bird handled communications that were representative of all types of common carrier network traffic, including telephone, television, telegraph, and facsimile transmissions.
As the forerunner of a synchronous satellite system that would furnish communications to all the populated areas of the world, Early Bird, with capability of 240 circuits or one TV channel, successfully demonstrated the concept of synchronous satellites for commercial communications.
While designed for an operational lifetime of only 18 months, the satellite was in continuous, full-time service for nearly 4 years. It was placed on reserve status in January 1969, but recalled into service in June of that year for use during the Apollo 11 mission. Two months later the satellite was again retired from active service and placed in orbital reserve by COMSAT. The satellite is currently inactive.

What significance, does your birthday have? Were you born on the same day as your Mom or Dad? Someone famous? Infamous? Some historic event, or something strangely to do with your interests now? Come on - spill it.