Here are the things I wish to do with my simplistic D2-ish type D3 levels:
- Have that big reactor model be the reactor and upon destruction, have an escape sequence and a exit to each and every level.
- Have color-coded doors to blue, yellow and red keys.
- Have exploding walls either based on robots planning an ambush or secret walls that lead to secret rooms.
- Have control panels that activate walls or doors or matcens.
- Have triggers that activate matcens.
So basically, almost everything that was done in Descent 2 levels, I want to be able to do. But not more than that. I'm not planning elaborately scripted levels. This mission set will be just plain 'ol robot-fragging fun. But I need help on the only thing that's stopping me: scripting.
Furthermore, doors seem to be a pain in the ass to implement. I long for the days of single wall type doors. Any help on door implementation would be helpful too. Thanks again.
I may simply make the levels and then pass them off to someone who knows how to do them. Since I ONLY want several scripting jobs in each level, shouldn't be a huge deal/job for anyone who takes up the offer.
okay, once semester is over, its time to create D2 levels for D3. (I'm gonna go grab various pre-made objects from the original levels (like monitors and generators and pipes, etc.) and plop them as I see fit in the D2 structures. That way there will be SOME eye candy. But not enough to not classify it as a non-d2-ish level. )
I also just HAD to show everyone a prefab I made. I'm trying to recreate a D2/D1 feel, so I am making prefabs I can easily copy and paste and use time and again in my levels.