Sorry Ive been out for abit. Ive been making a website and definatly taking longer than anticipated.
Im almost finished with the fan and a couple other textures,Ill get them up as soon as I get something good.
Tempest, thanks much man ,I sure appreciate it.Its been a blast seeing the game begin to evolve abit.
Thank goodness we have D2X-XL

Dynamite, Im not sure what the prob is/was, I Dled it and it worked ok for me, maybe the server had issues or somethin.Hopefully the one from Diedels site will work.sorry man
on a creation note.
Im hopin to get some stuff up to check out over the weekend.

I almost forgot
Novacron wrote:Wow man, you really have some good things going here. I like how you created a gradient for the alien panels imitating a glass refelection, makes it stand out a lot more. I am also enjoying your power ups! I just wish I had more time...
Also, if you guys are willing to send me your finished texutures, I will add them to my texture pack and give proper credit/add you to the team on my site.
EDIT: Never mind, didn't realise you had your own site. Carry on
DUDE!! Novacron, hey man thanks for the game textures and the inspiration along with it, sweet work..

you take it easy man, and good luck with the music