I don't believe there is any specific issue with this mission; it's really the way that the game as a whole handles the waypoints of mission-designer-controlled ships, particularly in the case of large capital ships like the Orion. Depending on how the ship's waypoint node points are aligned, it may manage to overshoot the end of its path; it then spends anywhere from a few minutes to an infinite stretch of time slowly revolving about its center of mass, trying to get back on course.

Like I told Jonathan, and at least in terms of Volition's main campaign missions, this is an occurrence that sometimes happens only once in a long while, so replaying the mission once or twice would most likely be in his best interests. Failing that, waiting around for long enough sometimes allows the ship to catch its last waypoint and jump out. I'm not sure if this is an issue the FS2 Source Code Project has ever looked into. At any rate, I'll have to try replaying the mission myself; I don't remember any specific instances of this happening to me, but I guess it may have back when I last played FS1.
Jonathan, unfortunately, cheat codes won't do you much good here, since you'll be unable to progress in the main campaign if you use them. If you keep replaying this and getting the same error, I could take a crack at editing the mission file to adjust the waypoints such that the Bastion has a better shot at jumping out. If you keep having trouble, I'll also make a post over at
Hard Light Productions, the main FS community, to see if anyone there can give you a hand; if you feel like it, you could make a post there as well in the General Freespace forum.