Few bugs(or rather, three bugs)

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Sapphire Wolf
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Few bugs(or rather, three bugs)

Post by Sapphire Wolf »

Here are the bug that I found Diedel:
1. If you shoot at a fly through trigger such as the Wind tunnel/Speed Boost trigger from your Speed! level, it takes an effect like it pushes you forward or backward.

2. Once again, the object triggers aren't working(Try playing Dynamite's Rig Satellite level).

3. The ambient sounds such as the Boss loop can be heard from far away.

P.S. If you fix these issues, you can lock(or close, or whatever ;)) this topic if you want to. :)
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Post by Aus-RED-5 »

Diedel wrote:Bug reports
  • If posting a bug report, please make sure the bug has not been fixed already by reading the D2X-XL version history.
  • If the bug doesn't seem to have been addressed, create a support ticket in the D2X support system on SourceForge.net. You can post screenshots to display a problem (max. 800x600). Demo files are however neither required nor desired. I will ask for further information if needed.

    Bug reports posted at any other location will be ignored!
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Sapphire Wolf
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Post by Sapphire Wolf »

Oh, sorry about that.
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