I was just playing through level 3 and came accross this area sealed off by a force field. I don't think have ever been able to figure out how to open it up.
Anyone know how it's done?
There's a room (perhaps through a secret door, I'm not sure - might even have been directly right of that spot) with four triggers in it. I'm not sure what the sequence was, but there aren't that many to try; when you get the right one a message plays and that cell opens up.
Throw the switches in both of the hallways at the bottom of that pic then go back across that large redish chamber you just came through. There is a door on the other side of it that should have opened.
There is a series of switches that you need to throw and when you \"do it right\" that blue forcefield drops. You will know when you do it right. You will get a very loud Com Message.
PS: 38 fps? what are you running that on? of rather what resolution are you using?
Duper wrote:
PS: 38 fps? what are you running that on? of rather what resolution are you using?
Thanks for the info guys.
hmm, I don't know why it was at 38. I went back through it and my framerate was around 200. But when I go outside it drops to about 50. Still very playable but I would think it should be higher than that. Im running it on a p4 3gig with a geforce 4 under linux. It may be because I am running two x servers on my machine (one for the xgl desktop and another when I play games).
hehe, yeah. I beat the game a few years ago but was just playing around this time. I was actually messing with the --framelimit option and a few other things.
hehe, it's always fun to mess with the .GAM files... I cheated when I was younger (and first started playing D3...) but I learned that it took the challenge out of it... but it's always fun to blow thing apart when you have every weapon!
LASER: Level 3 Green firing quads, uses .25 energy units per shot, firing @ 40 rps
Super Laser: Level 6 White firing all 5 ports, uses .50 units per shot, firing @ 55 rps
Vauss: alternating between 1, 3 and 5 ports @ 70-75 rps
MD: quads, no recoil, and no wait between shots
Napalm: all 5 ports, uses 1 unit every second from 100 total
Microwave: alternates 1, 3 and 5 ports, uses .33 e units, firing @ 30 rps
my tank fires dual mega's ATM. maybe ill give it quads or even all 5 points. MUHAHAHAHAHAAHH 5 mega's firing at once.........
and i have set everything to not use ammo at all, but that got boring just holding downt he trigger the entire time, so i set it back so i use controlled bursts.
Duper wrote:Geez, I remember when there was a hack for D1 that shot countless megas like a vulcan.
Heh, I joined a kali game of D1 years ago and someone in the game hacked it so they could poop out megas. The level got so full of megas you could hardly see anything.
Duper wrote:Geez, I remember when there was a hack for D1 that shot countless megas like a vulcan. It pushed your ship back so hard it was nearly unusable.
I once saw a class 1 diller's vulcan cannon ammo swapped out with merc missles. o_0 .. that was a bit ugly.
Dude, I modded the class 1 drone to fire gauss.....rapid fire. If it hit you, it smacked you across the level! I also modded the class 1 driller to fire flares at 3x its normal firing rate when it had vulcan. There was no mistaking where that sucker was.
"One spelling mistake can destroy your life. A Husband sent this to his wife : "I'm having a wonderful time. Wish you were her." - @RobinWilliams
Sirius wrote:Put a bunch of those in a room and you'd see disappearing objects pretty fast.
That, or you'd bring D2 to its knees. I remember one of CM_Fultz' levels that literally brought D2 to a crawl because the sheer size of it pushed the engine to its limit.
"One spelling mistake can destroy your life. A Husband sent this to his wife : "I'm having a wonderful time. Wish you were her." - @RobinWilliams
Okay, how do you edit how many things a weapon shoots out at once. I want my ship to shoot dual frags. Also dual MD would be nice too. How would I do that?
I forget exactly, but there should be an area where it says Weapon Index. There you have to enter the index # for Frag, and there is also a section that allows you to set the Gunpoints that it fires from.
BTW... if the best aim for MD is from the center gunpoint, then where are you going to fire the second blast from?
I forget exactly, but there should be an area where it says Weapon Index. There you have to enter the index # for Frag, and there is also a section that allows you to set the Gunpoints that it fires from.
BTW... if the best aim for MD is from the center gunpoint, then where are you going to fire the second blast from?
Since there are no tuts on just .gam files (I don't know of any...) I learned most of what I know by making some changes in the d3.gam file and seeing what it did in D3. Needless to say I get some interesting results...
Duper wrote:Geez, I remember when there was a hack for D1 that shot countless megas like a vulcan.
Heh, I joined a kali game of D1 years ago and someone in the game hacked it so they could poop out megas. The level got so full of megas you could hardly see anything.
I remember a cheat in D2 that gave you weapons that fired homing shots on ALL weapons. Is there a cheat for that in D3? It was kool to see the laser curving to the bot you were firing at