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Post by Gooberman »

In the end, you could use a mini-gun to defend yourself if you have to; you'd only get yourself killed and a lot of other people if you tried to use plutonium in the same manner.
Like I have said above fliptw, if you could show me one case example where if a man had this mini-gun instead of a riffle/handgun, or shotgun, I would find that very interesting.

My argument is that neither of them are used for protection. As I said to lothar, you can fabricate situations where the mini-gun is used for protection, but I can do the same for nukes. I will agree that they are completely different beasts, however both situations where they are used for protection are still nothing more then far as I have been shown thus far...
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Post by Lothar »

I don't think you have read my posts. <b>-Lothar</b>
Yes, I have. You're just not comprehending what I'm saying. You think I'm arguing against certain points of yours that I'm actually not saying anything against, and you think I'm trying to argue certain points I'm not even interested in.

What I'm doing in this thread is I'm forcing you to clean up your anti-large-gun argument, because you were attempting to state a very strong and unwarranted conclusion using your plutonium counterexample, when you could have been stating a nearly-as-strong conclusion that *was* warranted by asking about truck bombs (in other words, I was pushing you into asking your modified question.)
You seem to think it's impossible for someone to be pro-gun but anti-weapons-grade plutonium. <b>-Lothar</b>
This was a brain fart by me. I should have said "pro-large-gun". You seem to have been arguing it's impossible to be pro-large-gun but anti-plutonium. I demonstrated it's possible someone can be, though, which forced you to clarify your position.
The intent of introducing the weapons grade plutonium to the argument is to see how the "absolutely no gun control" crowd reconciles allowing certain weapons that can be used for mass homicide but not others.
And I gave a possible reconciliation, at least for your first counterexample -- plutonium isn't the sort of thing that you can fire off "for fun" on a firing range. It's neither recreational, nor useful for protection, except in absurd cases.
You missed the intent of my argument
No, I understood the intent of your argument. I was just forcing you to modify your statement to more closely match your intent. So, now you've modified it -- instead of asking about weapons grade plutonium, you're asking about something more on the order of truck bombs. It means your argument is better now. You should be thanking me, rather than calling me a question-dodger.
You seem to be arguing that "obviously a nuke couldn't be used for protection," I am arguing, "show me where a mini-gun can be used for protection".
I think pretty much every one of your "opponents" has said that a minigun isn't useful for protection, but it is fun on the firing range. What I was arguing is that "obviously a nuke couldn't be used in either scenario". That's different. (I would also say, a minigun is useful for protection against actual military forces, or against an angry mob you know is coming for you. A nuke is not useful here.)
You have shown no contrast between the two here.
Yes, actually, I have. Follow the logical structure more carefully -- a minigun is useful on the firing range, and (as I just added) for protection against large forces if you have time for prepare, but not for protection against home intruders. A nuke is useful for none of these. Therefore, from the perspective of the anti-gun-control people who have spoken before, nukes don't fall under the category of weapons they've said should be allowed -- they're not useful either for protection or for recreational use.
I believe that in their arguments against weapons grade plutonium they will only end up providing the exact same arguments that the "gun-control" crowd provides against these mini-guns.
Except that my argument against weapons-grade plutonium was different. I came up with that in like 30 seconds. I'm pretty sure they'd come up with similar arguments if they took your question seriously (which is part of why I'm trying to force you to ask a more relevant question.)

Now, once you start asking about miniguns vs. truck bombs or blackhawks, I don't know if they'll be able to give a reasonable distinction. That's a question for them, not for me. You keep saying I avoided your question -- but your question isn't relevant for me, since I'm not pro-gun or anti-gun-control. I'm just forcing you to clean up a weakness in your argument, thusly:
should every citizen be allowed to purchase [a blackhawk] fully equiped with hell fire missles? What about A-10's?
That's a good question for the no-gun-control-at-all people (if such people exist) or for the gun-control-only-on-things-larger-than-miniguns people. That's what I was pushing for.
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Post by AceCombat »

at least lothar made a justifiable launch at his opinions and then just now defined them.
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Post by Lothar »

except that I haven't actually given my opinions, I've just explained where someone else's argument is flawed.
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Post by Will Robinson »

Just to touch on the no-gun-control-at-all scenario...
I think the laws controlling raw materials ie;weapons grade plutonium, can control that without setting a precedent that could infringe on the right to bear arms. They won't be able to ban raw materials used to build handguns and rifles based on the ban on plutonium.

As to Blackhawks and other large weapon equipped vehicles or missiles etc....
If you can afford it, buy it, but the U.S. has a right to demand you move it outside the twelve mile limit in the name of national security. Bill gates could afford to create the Microsoft army/airforce but he'll have to do his training and storage outside the U.S.

The second ammendment already protects the individual citizen from having his personal weapons banned in the name of national least that was the intent before liberalism. I don't think the intent of the second ammendment will be circumvented by disallowing the equivalent of a private army from being fielded within our borders.

Some will say the advance of modern weapons has made it necessary to allow citizens to have tanks, missiles etc. to be able to match the governments weapons. I disagree, without the infrastructure, command and control etc. no band of citizens could fight them off even if they had access to all the same weapons. The fact that the military is comprised of citizens is the greatest deterent against a massive military coup or slaughter of fellow citizens. You won't get very far ordering Sgt.Billy Joe from Texas to take his men and wipe out a town full of his fellow countrymen. Unlike China for example, you can't scare the soldiers into killing innocent civilians out of fear of the general killing the soldiers family.

We need small arms to protect ourselves against individuals and small groups of evil men. To protect against the whole U.S. army we have the system set up to maintain civilian control over the military.
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Post by Gooberman »

Lothar, your entire post above was simply an admission to avoiding the question I wanted answered! So why did you take offense when I said that I expected you to do so? You just admitted that you had no intention of answering the question I was posing, instead your only intention was to derail the argument momentarily so that it could fit in a nicer box. As I said, I only amended it so that you could better understand itâ??s intent. An intent that you have now admitted to avoiding. You either still don't understand the intent of my argument, or you dodged it! One of my accusations was fair.

I am interested in how they apply their arguments to weapons grade plutonium.

"which forced you to clarify your position. "

I amended my argument for you in hopes that you would continue it, (read the words precisely as they were written, I amended it for you so that you can better understand the intent), but since you have shown no interest in arguing that side I will go back to weapons-grade plutonium and ignore your momentary derailing as you have admittedly acknowledged no intention of continuing the argument.

I even stated, "I really don't have to ammend my argment, since it is still not the bomb that is unsafe, it is the person that sets it off. "

The arguments against the mini-guns I have been provided: (Will I havenâ??t read your response yet, I will do so now)

"I know many people who legally own automatic weapons"

One could legally own a nuke and simply not use it! This argument is set to establish that one can own such a weapon and not use it for homicide. One could likewise own a nuke and never set it off.

"99.9% of violent criminals couldnâ??t afford to own one"

This would of course be consistent with the nuke.

"The ownership of these â??heavy weaponsâ?
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Post by Warlock »

look at places where guns are band and look at there crime rate, all of the outlaws have the guns but the police and other people dont so the crime rate is really high.

if they ban guns here in the US i am ganna put up one hell of a fight cause im not giveing them over
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Post by Will Robinson »

Gooberman wrote:Can't the same argument be applied for nukes? Couldn't the U.S. just say it can't be used within a much larger scale range outside of the U.S.?
Certainly, in fact we already go way beyond our borders and jurisdiction to bully other people into giving up their nukes. Or at least we try to, I can't think of one right off the top of my head who we know for sure has disarmed...maybe Libia. Also we just captured Saddam and removed him from power because he wouldn't show us he had disarmed. As bad as he was he did have legal right to run Iraq and we went all the way over there to basically enforce gun control of the 'big gun' variety.

So the answer regarding nukes is, sure, buy one, but we want you to keep it outside the solar system ;)
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Post by AceCombat »

Warlock wrote:if they ban guns here in the US i am ganna put up one hell of a fight cause im not giveing them over
AMEN TO THAT :!: :!: :!: :!:
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Post by Top Gun »

"...pry it from my cold, dead hands!"--Charlton Heston :D

On-topic, though, I doubt that I'll ever be a gun owner, but I have absolutely no problems with gun ownership. As previous posters have stated, the vast majority of legal firearms owners are among the most responsible members of society. You're not talking about Homer Simpson, here :P. Regarding the minigun, I also see no problem with ownership of it. It would be almost completely impractical for a criminal to use one, due to its difficulty of mobility. I think comparing owning one to owning a nuke is ridiculous. Here's a hint: can you destroy several square miles of city with a minigun? I didn't think so. As long as weapons such as these stay in legitimate hands, there should be no restrictions on their ownership. Note, however, that I am not advocating private use of bazookas, howitzers, or anything heavier; that's just a bit of overkill :P.
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Post by AceCombat »

Top Gun wrote:Note, however, that I am not advocating private use of bazookas, howitzers, or anything heavier; that's just a bit of overkill :P.

yet there are plenty of people out there just like my uncle who own such things. now my uncle does not own any types of rocket launchers or bazooka's, and even at that many people own "Napalm" Flame Throwers, petrolium powered flame throwers....ETC ETC things that COULD be used in a mobile situation so burn people to their deaths which in my opinion would be the most horific death any one person could face. the point is, why compare such a weapon system to one that can destroy a entire city and even at that about 35 square miles of terrain...........thats just alittle outragious. of course people arent going to buy weapons grade plutonium... i mean jeez that stuff is what.....couple million dollars per shipment....?

yes mini-guns are expensive aswell, but well worth the investment for "private" recreational uses.
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Post by Lothar »

Gooberman wrote:Lothar, your entire post above was simply an admission to avoiding the question I wanted answered! So why did you take offense when I said that I expected you to do so?
Because you meant it in a different way than I did. You meant it like "how dare you not answer my question?" -- as if my not answering was a sign of your superior argument skillz or something, and as if you were sure I couldn't possibly stand up to your amazingly well-thought out point. I meant it as "your question isn't relevant to me" -- I'm trying to improve your argument, not respond to it. If I wanted to argue the other side, I could give you considerably more trouble than I have -- but I'm not interested in arguing the other side because I don't think they're right. What I'm interested in doing is correcting a mistake in your argument, because it's actually fairly decent, but you're hurting your own position by making an absurd comparison.
You just admitted that you had no intention of answering the question I was posing, instead your only intention was to derail the argument momentarily so that it could fit in a nicer box.
My intent wasn't to derail the argument. Again, you're not understanding. My intent was to enhance the discussion by forcing you to clarify your position for your opponents, and to move away from an absurd comparison (plutonium != minigun) to a more apt comparison (apache ~ minigun).
I only amended it so that you could better understand itâ??s intent. An intent that you have now admitted to avoiding.
I didn't admit to "avoiding your intent". I just admitted to showing that you didn't argue your intent as effectively as you could have. You keep trying to pull this question-dodger angle on me, instead of shutting up and listening to what I'm saying, and improving your argument accordingly.
I amended my argument for you in hopes that you would continue it, (read the words precisely as they were written, I amended it for you so that you can better understand the intent), but since you have shown no interest in arguing that side I will go back to weapons-grade plutonium and ignore your momentary derailing as you have admittedly acknowledged no intention of continuing the argument.
Then it's your loss, because you're not listening to me. You think I'm trying to derail you, instead of recognizing that I'm trying to improve your position. You think my forcing you away from weapons-grade plutonium weakens your position, instead of recognizing that it strengthens it. Go back and re-read what I wrote, and this time, don't respond until you understand it. If you feel like using the words "derail" or "dodge" you didn't understand, so read again.

If you go back to arguing plutonium, all the pro-large-gun guys are going to go right back to ignoring you, because (like I demonstrated) plutonium doesn't have very much in common with a minigun. It's like someone arguing about necropedophilic incest in a gay marriage debate -- everyone on the other side is just going to go "this guy doesn't have any clue what he's talking about" and nobody is going to bother to answer. It's an absurd comparison. You're trying to paint your opponents as irrational wackos who either 1) think plutonium should be legal or 2) have an inconsistant position. But your opponents are (mostly) neither irrational or wacko -- and as many of them have demonstrated, they can consistantly hold that plutonium should be illegal while still allowing for miniguns to be legal.
Lothar, you have still not shown the contrast.
Then you haven't read carefully enough. You just quoted it:
"It's neither recreational, nor useful for protection, except in absurd cases." <b>-Lothar</b>

Whether or not something is recreational is a matter of opinion lothar! Who are you to say that bill gates spending 40billion to legally purchase one would have no enjoyment in going out somewhere over the pacific and setting one off?
I didn't say it wouldn't be *enjoyable*. I said it wouldn't be SAFELY ENJOYABLE. Setting off a nuke in the south pacific is still dangerous to people other than the nuke-set-offer. It's likely that setting off a nuke on the moon would be dangerous. So a nuke cannot be safely used for entertainment (which makes it different than a minigun) and it can't be safely used for defending a person's house from an angry mob (which makes it different than a minigun.) Or, like Will said, you can buy a nuke as long as you keep it out of our solar system -- that's the only way it can be safely used for recreation.

Remember Drakona's "erasing the distinctions" post? You're trying very hard here to erase the distinctions between nukes and miniguns, and it weakens your own position. You want very badly for there to not be any differences, so that you can say anyone who thinks miniguns should be legal is as absurd as a person who thinks nukes should be legal. You want your opponents to be wacko irrational people. But that's not really a reasonable position to take, and the sooner you recognize it, the sooner you'll be able to take a position that *is* reasonable and force your opponents to actually defend themselves, rather than having them simply laugh you off.
You have failed at establishing, upon numerous requests to do so, where a minigun has been used for protection
Of course I did -- because the question isn't relevant. All I intended to do, and all I needed to do, was to demonstrate that a minigun is different from plutonium. I did so simply by mentioning recreational use. Showing that it might also be useful for protection was icing on the cake. Showing that one has actually *been* used for protection is not an interesting question to me -- we don't make laws based entirely on the past; we make laws based both on the past and on the future. If one of the pro-large-gun people wants to go find such a case, they can feel free, but it isn't necessary for dismantling your argument.

Let me state my main point one more time:

Goob, you have a decent position you're arguing from -- you think weapons should only be allowed if they reasonably can be used for protection. But, you're weakening your position by pretending that miniguns and plutonium are equivalent (heck, even AceCombat thinks that's absurd and "alittle outragious".) Such pretending is not respectful to your opponents -- it assumes they're irrational wackos, when in reality it's likely they've put as much thought into this as you and have come to fairly reasonable conclusions. It's also not likely to convince anyone of your position. So, if you want to strengthen your position, you should drop the "plutonium" angle and argue something more reasonable.
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Post by Fusion pimp »

Here, Goob... a mini-gun used for protection. ... fault.html

Moving along.....

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Post by AceCombat »

thats war time fusion.....comon
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Post by Gooberman »

Because you meant it in a different way than I did. You meant it like "how dare you not answer my question?" -- as if my not answering was a sign of your superior argument skillz or something, and as if you were sure I couldn't possibly stand up to your amazingly well-thought out point.
Wow! all that from one sentence! You must know me better then I! Seriously Lothar, your emotions seem to be dictating your argument. Instead of immediately taking offence reread what I said, and then the response you gave. Intent over the internet is quite often misconstrued. I said I would of bet the farm that you would of answered my questions with your questions, you did. And that you wouldn't supply the answer, you didn't and have argued that you have had no intention of doing so, thus avoiding the question. You can argue some mythical intent of "leading me to the answer", but that is still not answering the question! I asked for an answer not a quest. You have completely assumed and completely missed my intent of everything in the thread. Please reread the thread in its entirety. Look at your own words and look at all the grouse assumptions you are making.

I do not care to show that they are wackos or inconsistent, irrational. That is your false assumption that you have made and no where have I said such. In fact quite the contrary, as I responded on the first page I think it is quite reasonable for most if not the vast majority of these gun owners to be completely law abiding citizens. Did you skim or ignore that part? Because you have certainly not made the case that my intent was to show them to all be wackos.

I seriously think you have let your emotions become way too involved for an internet BB.

My entire intent was to show that all of their arguments have a stopping point. That the argument of "guns do not kill people, people kill people." Indeed has a stopping point. As I have said, and you ignored, someone could simply purchase a nuke and simply never use it. My intent is to show that these arguments such as suggesting to me that, "breathing be outlawed", are ludicrous in nature since they themselves have a weapon, weapons grade plutonium, in which they undoubtedly would not support someone being able to casually purchase. I could go on with this, but my arguments are summed up in my last post.
(heck, even AceCombat thinks that's absurd and "alittle outragious".) Such pretending is not respectful to your opponents -- it assumes they're irrational wackos
Bypassing the insult to ace and myself, I never said they are the same. I said that you have failed to show contrast. In which you have, certain nukes can be created to have little or no harmful effect on human life if detonated. However, all nukes can have little or no harmful effect on human life if they are not detonated.
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Post by Lothar »

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Post by Ferno »

heh. joe sixpack owning a nuke. that's funny.
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Post by Drakona »

Goob, if you can't recognize constructive criticism, you're never going to be able to refine your argument or convince anybody of anything. Lothar isn't emotionally attacking you, and he isn't 'dodging' your question because he isn't arguing the other side.

But if you're looking for an answer, here's one: you can't own a nuke because it's too powerful, and having people running around with them would be too dangerous for society. "Doesn't a minigun fit that same description?" you might ask. Maybe it does, and maybe it doesn't--that's a judgement call.

Just because there's a continuous stream of ever-more-dangerous weapons running from a handgun up through a nuke doesn't mean that since you can own one, you can own the other. To pin down the principles by which people can decide things, it might be good to ask questions and see where they draw the line--Should you be able to own a machine gun? A sniper rifle? A grenade launcher? Etc. At some point people are going to go from answering "yes" to answering "no", and then you can ask them why.

Just the same, you shouldn't ignore the fact that continuity doesn't mean there have to be princiipled distinctions. School dress codes sometimes say you can wear a skirt, but it has to be long enough to cover your knees. Why draw the line there? Is there something hyper-erotic about kneecaps? No, but ankle-length is clearly fine, and high-hip is clearly too short. There may be a continuum, but the law has to draw the line somewhere--where it ends up doesn't have to be grounded in principle.
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Post by Gooberman »

Drakona, that is entirely my argument. I never stated Lotharâ??s assumption that, "since we are allowed to have miniguns, then we should logically be allowed to have nukes." I only asked the question of why shouldn't we have nukes. I asked that I am curious how they will reconcile the difference within their arguments provided. I even said, "I will agree that they are completely different beasts -Goob"

I was not trying to show, and it was not my intent to show, that one logically implies the other. Those were the arguments he gave me.

As I said above, I simply wanted those who are against all gun control to acknowledge that their arguments have a stopping point. That they make the identical judgment call, and for similar reasons, that even people who are against all guns make, only at a different location! A nuclear weapon is still an effective means of showing that. You can safely own a nuclear weapon if you never detonate it.

I have said so much, from above, "I am interested in how they apply their arguments to weapons grade plutonium. -Goob"

The argument, "since we allow miniguns, then we should have appachies," that lothar was handing to me may or may not be valid. He may or may not have offered me constructive criticism for that argument should I choose to entertain that argument. But however valid his criticisms may be, it was not my argument!

My argument was that most reasonable people argue that "Guns don't kill people, people kill people," I definitely see the complete logic in that argument and tend to believe it as a â??catch phrase,â?? but there is a catch!

..that it is our societal duty to prevent a person from achieving mass terror.

Similar arguments that people have provided me, in this thread, and as I listed above,

"I know many people who legally own automatic weapons"

"99.9% of violent criminals couldnâ??t afford to own one"

"To ban something because it may have the potential to be harmful is not the way we do things here. "

"Since when do we go around banning everything we don't need just because it could potentially cause harm? "

I am arguing that most of these common NRA "catch phrases," do not wrap things up. I wanted to see how they argue against nukes in the context of these arguments. That there are scenarios in which they would ban something because it can potentially cause harm. That the only difference is where we choose to draw our lines, and that it is not ridiculous in itself that gun-control people draw these lines. I myself do not draw the line at, "no guns" and have numerously stated such. It is a disagreement of location, not a disagreement that the â??liberalâ?
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Post by Capm »

I have a simple solution to all of this.

No weapon should be owned by stupid people.
Let everyone else buy what they want, as long as they are licensed for that kind of weapon. You should be able to obtain a concealed carry license also.

altho I do agree the line should be drawn somewhere before a nuclear warhead.

The key here is to let the law-abiding citizens have their weapons, and take the weapons out of the hands of criminals, which is the opposite of what is being done now.

Think about it, if you go into a store with a gun, and you think about robbing it, Are you going to be more likely to decide to rob it if:
1)It is quite possible everyone in the place is armed with a gun.
2)It is quite possible that nobody in the place is armed with a gun.

If you pick 1, then you're an idiot. ;)

On the other hand, If you are a criminal, having a criminal record, you should under no circumstances be allowed to possess a firearm of any kind.

Other things could disqualify a person from owning a gun, like say, a long history of violence when intoxicated, and a person who had a misdimeanor twelve years ago when he was 16, probably shouldn't have that held against him. Things like that would have to be clearly defined.

There should be rules and harsh punishments for using a gun in the process of a crime. But let the law-abiding people have their guns.

Yea, someone could go nutz and try to mow people down with a minigun, thats not the point. The point is, that anyone with their mind set on committing a crime involving a gun, will find a way to get the gun, either by purchasing or stealing it, they won't CARE if it is illegal or not, how can you get permission to do a damned illegal thing? BUT, when that person does do that, would it not be better to let the citizens have at least a chance at defending themselves if or when it happens?

There is something for you to chew on. ;)
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Post by Drakona »

Ah. I see. That makes more sense, then. It's still worth noting that the *degree* of possible mass homicide you could cause with a minigun as opposed to with a nuke is probably enough to draw a distinction.

That's all interesting to think about--it isn't a subject I'd thought about much. I like Will's take on it up above.
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Post by Capm »

Probably a distinction?

I'd say definately a distinction:

Minigun = kills 10's and hundreds at a time (unarmed crowd... I doubt you'd get real far with an armed crowd of people)
Nuke = kills millions and 10's of millions at a time.

I'd say there is a definate distinction there.
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Post by snoopy »

So what does it burn down to? There are different classes of weapons for a reason, and each class has a certain validity, and a certain lack of validity in different types of people's hands. You can't outright ban guns- why? because, even if by some miracle, you managed to destroy every single gun ever made, people would still be able to kill each other. So, how about those weapon ranks: I see basically 2 criterion: 1) the amount of damage it can do in a given amount of time. 2) the non-destructive utility that the object has. So, while a knife is a weapon, its a very low rank one- it can't do much damage at all, and it has a very high non-destructive utility. You can go so on and so forth till you get to stuff like nukes- that can do massive damage, and non-destructively amount to a really big paperweight. So, where is the line between what the common citizen should have, and what they shouldn't? I'm not sure. I would say that any firearm that is too powerful for hunting will also be more than you need for self defense. (a shotgun is nice, but its also a little bit of overkill if you have any clue about aiming a gun) I personally think that the heavy limitation should be on personal armor, rather than weapons. If you take away a person's defenses, life is generally easier to preserve (because their resistance to non-lethal tactics is greatly reduced). And, while people can argue that they like shooting guns, there are few who would be able to honestly admit to enjoying wearing body armor.
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Post by AceCombat »

Capm wrote:Minigun = kills 10's and hundreds at a time (unarmed crowd... I doubt you'd get real far with an armed crowd of people)

wanna bet, ive seen mini-guns mow down crowds of armed people, take Somolia for instance, the BlackHawks and the Little Birds were armed with Mini-Guns and flying roof top level, and they constantly mowed down armed somolians with a 10 second burst of fire. that were well within ranges of AK-47's doing some pretty heafty damage to both helo and persons
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Post by TheCops »

AceCombat wrote:
Capm wrote:Minigun = kills 10's and hundreds at a time (unarmed crowd... I doubt you'd get real far with an armed crowd of people)

wanna bet, ive seen mini-guns mow down crowds of armed people, take Somolia for instance, the BlackHawks and the Little Birds were armed with Mini-Guns and flying roof top level, and they constantly mowed down armed somolians with a 10 second burst of fire. that were well within ranges of AK-47's doing some pretty heafty damage to both helo and persons
you haven't seen a mini-gun mow down a crowd of people. dude, you are delusional.
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Post by Capm »

Okay, let me clarify. I wasn't meaning the technological supremely trained utimately superior forces of the military mowing down a bunch of underarmed untrained mob of people.

I was specificly referring to some whacko here in the US terrorizing a crowd with a minigun. But you are right, I might have been a little low on that estimate, but then it also depends on the density of the crowd....

Jeez, I shouldn't have to spell crap like this out.

The point still remains: A minigun does not hold a candle to a nuke, and a whacko with a minigun still won't get as far with an armed crowd as he would with an unarmed one... Understand?
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Post by kurupt »

this was mentioned earlier in the thread about people attaining guns in a bad neighborhood.

for 1, miniguns, assault rifles, automatic shotguns, what have you, are damn near impossible to find in the ghetto. its the ghetto for a reason, nobody has any money. you can find hand guns without a whole lot of trouble, but they dont come cheap. as previously stated about the $16 magnum, never. nope. cant get a magnum for 16 bucks in the ghetto. maybe, just maybe, if it didnt work and was beyond any hope of repair. but probably not. people in the ghetto sell things as high as they can, even ★■◆● that doesnt work, and 16 bucks isnt worth the trouble. people dont suck dick for 16 dollars worth of crack, thats all the movies.

theres only 1 type of person around here that would ever have a minigun, the type that was planning to rob a bank. people in the ghetto cant afford them, so they arent common. they're not useful in home protection either, they'd destroy half the ★■◆● in your house trying to shoot at a burgular. thats not protecting your home. you might as well let him have it if you're just gonna mow it down with a minigun.

i dont think its very likely that someone will go on a mass murdering spree with a minigun, but i am all for gun control. i think they should be even harder to acquire for the reason goob pointed out. if the guy in his apartment building had one, it would have been alot worse.
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Post by woodchip »

Kurupt, they are hard to obtain as you need a class 3 license to purchase any fully auto firearm. Go to the ATF homepage and find out what you have to do to obtain a class 3 license.
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Post by AceCombat »

TheCops wrote:you haven't seen a mini-gun mow down a crowd of people. dude, you are delusional.
yah okay....
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