Yeah itwould be nice if user icons were actually limied to 15k. Also, there ought to be an option somewhere that has the BB code show a link to a large pic instead of auto-displaying the actual image. This would really help for those of us who use modem either as a main connect or occasionally.
If you use Mozilla Firefozzle instead of MS Internet Exploiter, a right click over any pic enables you to block images from that domain. Very handy. Get with the times, guys (he says, one week after switching to Firefox ).
Vader wrote:Yeah itwould be nice if user icons were actually limied to 15k. Also, there ought to be an option somewhere that has the BB code show a link to a large pic instead of auto-displaying the actual image. This would really help for those of us who use modem either as a main connect or occasionally.
Actually, the avatar problem wouldn't even be an issue if SOMEONE *cough*Xciter*cough* would make avatars upload only like he said he would. As far as auto-linking big pictures, yeah that'd be nice, but that would slow down the board bigtime since it would have to check EVERY image embedded to see if it exceeded the limit. (that includes smilies) However, its not like it requires alot of effort to just use the URL bbcode to link the image in the first place.
Well, at least I wont have to ever fix my avatar again and I wont have to bother with it when my ISPs webspace goes down. I swear my ISPs servers are down more often then my own FTP/HTTP server that I run here on a overclocked computer without redundant power!
i generally only give a brief glance to the left of every post, i will always first see the icon, and generally if i recognize it i will not bother reading the name. it's all instant/instinct.
i mean, the new icon still looks like mine at a glance, but it's fine now.
it's good and bad conscience ^_^
(this is quite ironic because my icon is "KID", a split personality. he has blue eyes. kano (the original owner of the body, has green eyes) with red eyes would be either "dark" or "red" (these are both people/personalities) it's quite complex )
oy.. if someone bitches because an avatar is too big.. they either need to get a decent ISP or a life. this is 2004 for cripes sake, where broadband is readily available! get with the times!
I guess it's easier for people to whine and complain than to get off their ass and actually do something about it...
Not everyone on this forum lives in a big city, and not everyone has the money for a good ISP.
I'm in a decent neighborhood in Seattle where I can get cable internet for cheap -- but my brother is in Frederick, CO connecting at 26,400 baud over dialup when he's lucky.
Broadband is readily available to most of us, but not to everyone.
600k avatar * 20 posts per page = almost 12 megs per page assuming unique posts. Sure you could argue that somebody else can front the hosting costs, but that has a bunch of problems in and of itself.
Of course it's not like I really care about file size. I'm just happy to get rid of the slow/misconfigured/nonexistant hosting problems. Making a bunch of new HTTP connections isn't exactly the fastest thing in the world either.