Ive managed to get a pretty decent set of rooms, energy centers, powerups, and goal areas all put together but one thing I'm finding particularly maddening is trying to get the %$#@%@ player starts to face the way that I want them too and to be right side up. I know about the two little lines that point forward and up but its maddening to get them to point where I want. Does anyone have any tips on getting them pointing where I want them too? I've read through all the basic tutorials and its still driving me nutz.
Oh BTW, if any one is curious, its going to be called \"Fuel depot\" and features these 4 annoyingly huge tank like rooms.
Heh... as often as I've moved the player start I usually hit the wrong key the first time...
But first, If you did not get this already, move the reference to the center of the player start, all three axis. Zoom in until you can see both the straight line that indicates up, and the arrow that points to the front of the ship. Then move left and right in the current 2D window are numpad 4 and 6, up and down are 8 and 2, twist left and right are 1 and 3, rotate left and right are 7 and 9. Press the green key button to see a list of shortcuts.
Now what's the difference between twist and rotate? Usually I watch all three windows and press numpad three. If it turns the wrong way, press 1. if it turns on the wrong axis, use 1 to return it, then press 7 or 9, or select a different window.
Well, you probably knew most of this already, so here's the tip: Patience! That's it, there's no easy way, just move a little at a time and verify if it's moving the way you want it to or not, and if not, move it back to where it was before proceeding. Watch all three windows to see the movement.
After some experimenting with 7 and 9 and the different view pains, I think I finally got my fingers to do what I wanted them too.
I now have the initial version of \"Fuel Depot\" up and running on my own server as a few players will attest too.
Feel free to play and comment to me on the level in private message if you like.
And yes the rooms are huge. Annoyingly huge. Very intentional.
BTW there is still alot more I want to do. It doesnt have all the CTF stuff and monsterball stuff in it yet so it can only run anarchy and there are a few more rooms I wish to add.