Ford Prefect wrote:....I find it scary that even while the folly of trying to impose a regime change on a foreign country is being proven again in bloody clarity the drums of war are beating for Iran and otherwise sensible people such as yourself Will are buying into it....
I'm not calling for war. I know there are those who will jump at the chance to invade any country that has brown people that act different, that's not me. I'm calling for people to recognize the Iranians (and Syrians) are by far and away the biggest threat we face when it comes to terrorism.
They are the mothership, without their involvement the worlds suffering at the hands of Islamic terrorists is reduced significantly!
So when Bush says Iran is part of the problem our boys face on the battlefield I want to hear people talking about how to deal with them instead of "
Yea, right! Bush is just lying again like he did about the WMD's"
I want to hear Nancy Pelosi and all our congressmen stand in front of the cameras and say something like:
" This news of Iranian material support for the enemy in Iraq is troubling and in light of the Iranian involvement for many decades in terrorist activities throughout the region they would be very wise to back off immediately because although we are divided over here on how to manage the war we are not divided on how to react when terrorists openly attack our people! At this point, with that said, Iran should consider itself duly warned of our united resolve to strike back with extreme prejudice against her for any harm she causes our troops in Iraq"
That's the kind of response I feel the Iranians should receive. Instead the democrats had been so in line with the Islamo-facsists agenda that they actually were criticized by them recently, complaining that the democrats have fallen down on their campaign pledge to end the war!! The f^@#ing enemy is chastising half of our congress for not helping them as fast as they had promised to in their campaign speeches!!
If the United States is divided by internal political debate on this issue and the threat posed by Iran is reduced to a polarizing rhetorical talking point then Iran will continue to operate under the radar.
While they have enjoyed that ability in the past it becomes a much, much, bigger problem in the near future because, where they used to send suicide bombers out with a small pack of dynamite on their belt they will soon have the ability to send out a small nuclear device instead!
So far I'm hearing people say things like 'Iran isn't really a threat because the U.S. could just stop meddling in the region...' or 'They won't use nukes because Israel has nukes too...'
Those two positions scare the hell out of me because if enough ignorant voters start repeating that line then the political leaders here will follow that lead so they can protect their incumbency.
I believe that Iran is going to build nuclear weapons and of all the nuclear weapons in the world theirs will be, by far, the most likely nuclear weapons to be used by terrorists.
Now if you believed that, as I do, you would be calling for people to stop clouding the debate with political rhetoric and instead treat it like the looming world changing catastrophe it is!
Someone is going to have to do something to stop Iran from building the devices or to make them unwilling to continue on their path of exporting terror. It better happen soon.
That will require any number of actions ranging from military strikes (be they surgical or all out war) to international blockades that result in starving Iranian children and of course you can throw in countless, toothless, U.N. resolutions and sanctions if it makes people feel better... but ultimately lots of people are going to die due to Iranian whack-jobs building nuclear devices. And as far as designing a strategy to, hopefully, cause most of those deaths to be Iranian instead of American it really doesn't matter one little bit how we actually share some blame for getting to this point.
When lower Manhattan is off limits for decades while we count down the half-life of the nuclear dust that some Islami-kazi spread there with his nuclear-bomb-rental-truck it really won't help to be able to say "
Yea, well we stirred the pot over there so I guess it had to be."
Waiting to react to their next move so we aren't seen as bullies is quickly becoming a completely unacceptable strategy.