(I'd post it but it's rather large).. here's a snippet
Anyone know anything about this?[setup]
help = setup.hlp
; Place any programs here that should be run at the end of setup.
; These apps will be run in order of their appearance here.
caption = \"Windows Setup\"
exit = \"Exit Windows Setup\"
title = \"Installing Windows 3.1\"
options = \"In addition to installing Windows 3.1, you can:\"
printwait = \"Please wait while Setup configures your printer(s)...\"
copywait = \"Welcome to Microsoft Windows 3.1!\\n\\n - If you're new to Windows, see 'A Brief Tour of\\n Microsoft Windows' in the Getting Started book.\\n\\n - If you've used Windows before, see 'New\\n in This Version' in the Getting Started book.\"
copywait4=\"Make sure you register your copy of Microsoft Windows 3.1.\\nWhen you register, Microsoft will:\\n\\n - Notify you of product updates and new product releases.\\n\\n - Send you a FREE Windows newsletter.\"
copywait5 = \"\\n\\nThis would be a great time to remove the serial number label\\n from the inside back cover of the Getting Started with Windows\\nbook and place it on your computer for future reference.\"
; Disk space required
; <type of setup>= <Full install space>, <Min install space>
upd2x386full = 10000000,6144000 ; 10.0 Mb, 6.144 Mb
upd2x286full = 9000000,6144000 ; 9.0 Mb, 6.144 Mb
upd3x386full = 5500000,5000000 ; 5.5 Mb, 5.0 Mb
upd3x286full = 5500000,5000000 ; 5.5 Mb, 5.0 Mb
new386full = 10000000,6144000 ; 10.0 Mb, 6.144 Mb
new286full = 9000000,6144000 ; 9.0 Mb, 6.144 Mb
netadmin = 16000000 ; 16.0 Mb
netadminupd = 16000000 ; 16.0 Mb
upd2x386net = 300000 ; .3 Mb
upd3x386net = 300000 ; .3 Mb
upd2x286net = 300000 ; .3 Mb
upd3x286net = 300000 ; .3 Mb
new386net = 300000,300000 ; .3 Mb, .3 Mb
new286net = 300000,300000 ; .3 Mb, .3 Mb
; Defaults used in setting up and names of a few files
startup = WIN.COM
defdir = C:\\WINDOWS
shortname = Windows
welcome = \"Windows 3.1\"
deflang = enu
defxlat = 437
defkeydll = usadll
register = \"regedit /s /u setup.reg\"
tutor = \"wintutor.exe \"
NetSetup = FALSE
MouseDrv = TRUE
Version = \"3.1.040\"
; This is data needed by the MS-DOS half of setup so that it can copy the
; proper kernel and start Windows for the GUI portion of setup.
; ** MS-DOS documentation says that first byte of command line for 4a call
; ** should be space. ==> in execcmd RHS leave first space as it is now
execstd = \"dosx.exe \"
execcmd = \" krnl286.exe /b /q:\"
exechimem = \"xmsmmgr.exe\"
himemcmd = \"\"
Krnl386 = 2:krnl386.exe
Krnl286 = 2:krnl286.exe
dosx = 2:dosx.exe
; Names of the disks Setup can prompt for.
1 =. ,\"Microsoft Windows 3.1 Disk #1\",disk1
2 =. ,\"Microsoft Windows 3.1 Disk #2\",disk2
3 =. ,\"Microsoft Windows 3.1 Disk #3\",disk3
4 =. ,\"Microsoft Windows 3.1 Disk #4\",disk4
5 =. ,\"Microsoft Windows 3.1 Disk #5\",disk5
6 =. ,\"Microsoft Windows 3.1 Disk #6\",disk6
7 =. ,\"Microsoft Windows 3.1 Disk #7\",disk7
Z =. ,\"HP DeskJet Series v2.0 disk (from printer box or contact HP)\",diskz
Oh, is it safe to clean out the prefetch folder?