Ever consider suicide?

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Ever consider suicide?

Post by BigSlideHimself »

Has anyone here ever let the notion of suicide invade their brain? That is, thinking on how you'd do it etc. Did this last for long periods of time, and how did you get past it?
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Post by Capm »

yes, no, and I just realized that any problem I was having was only temporary, and that in time things would change for the better. After all, when you're at the bottom, you have nowhere to go but up.

Turns out I was right ;)
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Post by Lobber »

Why are you asking this morbid question?
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

I've thought about it when I was a teenager as my home life sucked really bad. But I always knew I never had enough guts to go through with it. I also believe commiting suicide is the cowards way out of a problem.

It's best to talk to someone (friend, counsler etc) and not hide anything from these people. If you are thinking about this only once in a blue moon, it's normal, but if you think about this on a daily basis, get some help now.

Things will get better. But you need to work at making them better. It may be tough but it's worth it.
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Post by Flabby Chick »

CDN_Merlin wrote:I also believe commiting suicide is the cowards way out of a problem.
What a dickish thing to say!

Personally...yes. Puberty, drugs, women and alcohol are not a merry mix to make.
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

Flabby Chick wrote:
CDN_Merlin wrote:I also believe commiting suicide is the cowards way out of a problem.
What a dickish thing to say!

Personally...yes. Puberty, drugs, women and alcohol are not a merry mix to make.
Why is it dickish? Cause it's the truth? WTF is it with people who can't handle hearing the truth?

Geez, grow some skin and stop sucking on momma's tit.

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Post by Testiculese »

I did, in youth. I visualized a few scenarios, but they were pretty brief. Knife to the heart, gun to the head. Not very creative, I know... I got over it pretty quick because there's no point to it unless you are terminally ill. Any other problem is pretty mild when you come down to it.

It's a dumb, selfish, shortsighted thing to do anyway.
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Post by Flabby Chick »

CDN_Merlin wrote:Why is it dickish? Cause it's the truth? WTF is it with people who can't handle hearing the truth?
Truth i can handle, another dickish cliche i can't.
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

I know some are fed up with cliche's but they speak volumnes for me.

Maybe I'm just to blunt for some people to handle.
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Post by Immortal Lobster »

Im with CDN, it is the cowards way out.
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Post by Duper »

I thought about it but never considered it. when I was in my teens and had several sides closing in, the thought nudged at me. ...literally. I thought about it without seriously concidering going through with it. I came to the conclusion that if I killed myself, there was NO chance of things ever getting better.
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Post by Herculosis »

Personally, I don't really think of it in the sense of being a coward. That is, I don't believe that a person contemplating, attempting, or actually committing suicide does it out of cowardice, but out of a sense of hopelessness. I DO think that ultimately it is the quintessential SELFISH act, and hurts many more people and more deeply than the person intends.

Between my extended family and acquaintances, there have been three suicides, one very recently and two about 25 years ago. In all cases, the survivors were left devastated. The ones 25 years ago were both first cousins of mine from different families, and the pain left lives on still today.

If you talk to people about it, particularly older people than you, you might be surprised to find out how many have suffered very bad times in their lives when things seemed completely lost. Some suffer for years before they get themselves out of it, but most do. Those that don't tend to live in such a way that they keep dwelling on whatever it was that got them there in the first place. You may also be surprised to learn that for most, they consider that time in their lives a tremendous learning experience. They end up stronger, better balanced, and much better equipped to deal with the realities of life ahead.
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Post by Will Robinson »

Don't do it! Talk to someone who is skilled in helping people work through it. If I knew more I'd certainly share it with you but my gut tells me I've already given the only 'good' advise I have.

And if you don't want to talk to someone about it then develop some serious procrastination skills ;)
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Post by Dedman »

Yes I have. It comes and goes. I realize that it is a fairly permanent solution to a fairly temporary problem. The math just doesn't add up.
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Post by dissent »

Well stated, Dedman.
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Post by Testiculese »

LOL Will :D
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Post by Lothar »

I've never seriously contemplated suicide. I've also never faked my own death.
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Post by Firewheel »

Suicide has never seemed even remotely worth it, to me, even in bad times. Besides the fact that there's way too much stuff to look forward to - guitars to be played, music to be heard, video games to enjoy... killing yourself also usually hurts.
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Post by Verran »

Yes, but as a preparation for the unexpected. For example, would you take your own life to save another, or because you know you're doing to die already (remember 9/11)? I have only thought of the circumstances that would justify why I, personally, might consider facing such a thing. Being prepared may (or may not) be a good reason to consider it (I think).
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Post by Dakatsu »

Yes, thought about it plenty for three years. Attempted twice. Of those two, one would of been successful if our guns didn't jam so easily.

Those feelings have gone past though, and I am so happy. I love my girlfriend very much, and would only attempt it again if she died, or if it would save her somehow.
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Post by Ford Prefect »

Through early morning fog I see
visions of the things to be
the pains that are withheld for me
I realize and I can see...

That suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
and I can take or leave it if I please.
Those are the lyrics to the theme song of MASH the hugely popular TV show many years hence. The theme was strictly musical on TV but the lyrics were used in the movie.
As a teen (in the early 60's) I suffered from low self image and was bullied regularly. I seriously doubted that I would live into my 20's. To add to it all the world was going to hell in a hand cart. War, pollution, greed, all the worst that humanity had to offer was getting the upper hand. I figured that one day I would shut it all down. But you know what? This is the only life you get, your going to end up dead anyway but why hurry it along? The birds sing, the sun rises and colours the sky with beauty. There are things to see, do and hear all over the place. You can listen to a song that will move you to tears. What a wonderful experience that is. Here we are today and war, pollution, greed and all the worst that humanity has to offer still have the upper hand. So what? Go volunteer with a humanitarian organization and make a difference in someone else's life. That will make your life worth living.

But this crap about it being the coward's way out gets my goat. Hopeless is the feeling not fear. Not running away from anything just tired of the pain and suffering.
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Post by Bet51987 »

Seriously, when I was 10, I wanted to die. At first, I tried in a childish way by holding my breath till I began coughing then trying to suffocate myself with my pillow or hold my head underwater in the tub but nothing worked. When I was 11, I held a knife several times to where I thought my heart was but was too scared to do it and at one point I remember the sharp tip pinching me and I cringed and dropped it.

I wasn't very brave and the thought of cutting my wrists made me sick. I was in deep depression for a few years and even though I haven't had any of those thoughts since I was 13, the doctor still keeps me on that medication but I think he's just bilking my dad out of money.

I look at it now as something ridiculously stupid but I also know and understand why some kids like me achieve that state of mind that suppresses the fear and allows them to carry out what they perceive as the only peace there going to get. Lots of kids can't cope with what they see in the world or what others see in them and its sad that they didn't live long enough to get over that hump like I did.

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Post by Foil »

Ford Prefect wrote:[Referring to the "coward's way" line] Hopeless is the feeling not fear.

When I hit my "low point", I was in college, so although the thought crossed my mind a time or two, I was old enough to know it wasn't a reasonable option. However, I do remember the sense of hopelessness. It's not a fear of the situation, it's a feeling that "it can't get better".
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Post by dundun »

havent all? when they hit a low point in life!!
problems are to be solved, or they go over by them self in time, but the easy way out is never the answer
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Post by Sirius »


I do remember morbid anxiety kind of depression (mostly thanks to some medication I used to take), but not anything along the lines of suicidal depression. Firstly, I've never been in a situation that I considered even particularly bad, never mind hopeless; secondly, I don't consider that one can truly ever be trapped. Well, not unless your goals place you at the mercy of circumstance.
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Post by DarkFlameWolf »

Yes, many times. Not so much anymore though.
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Post by TIGERassault »

Suicide? No! I never had a problem that I thought couldn't be fixed if I try hard enough and wait long enough!
Dakatsu wrote:I love my girlfriend very much, and would only attempt it again if she died
For your sake, I hope that that's just a quick comment, and that you weren't being truly serious...
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Post by Beowulf »

Yes, but I always just put myself in a good situation and let my emotions stabilize and it passes.
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Post by Grendel »

Lets hope the GF didn't find the thread w/ her photo.. :wink:

Just look around you, there are always people nearby in a much worse situation (as well as people in a much better one..)
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Post by ccb056 »

You guys do know, that after you commit suicide, successfully, you're dead.

Who the f*ck wants to be dead?
I haven't lost my mind, it's backed up on disk somewhere.
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Post by TIGERassault »

ccb056 wrote:Who the f*ck wants to be dead?
My girlfriend wants to be a vampire. Does that count?
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Post by Lothar »

TIGERassault wrote:
ccb056 wrote:Who the f*ck wants to be dead?
My girlfriend wants to be a vampire. Does that count?
That's "undead".
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Post by Will Robinson »

Lothar wrote:
TIGERassault wrote:
ccb056 wrote:Who the f*ck wants to be dead?
My girlfriend wants to be a vampire. Does that count?
That's "undead".
Word! She's trying to cheat the system, must be a republican, better dump the greedy witch! ;)
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Post by Dakatsu »

TIGERassault wrote:
Dakatsu wrote:I love my girlfriend very much, and would only attempt it again if she died
For your sake, I hope that that's just a quick comment, and that you weren't being truly serious...
I am. I have thought about it for almost five years. I attempted to kill myself because she rejected me, and like I posted above, the gun jammed or misfired or something, and that is the only reason I am still alive. If she dies, I will never be happy again. I would give my life or risk it to save hers. For me, she is everything.
Grendel wrote:Lets hope the GF didn't find the thread w/ her photo..

Just look around you, there are always people nearby in a much worse situation (as well as people in a much better one..)
I never posted her photo, or mine, or anyones photo for that matter.

Also, to me she is the only reason to end my life for. I could have pain every day, I could be poor, I could be worse off than starving african children. If I still had my love, I would continue on living.

But, I could have millions, be a rockstar, an astronaut, anything, but if she were to suddenly die, all the money, friends, anything, wouldn't ever make me happy. It would mean nothing.
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Post by Testiculese »

You sound about 13 years old. If you feel it necessary to kill yourself over a woman, then you don't have long to live. You're going to be a very, VERY sad man.
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Post by ccb056 »

Testiculese wrote:You sound about 13 years old. If you feel it necessary to kill yourself over a woman, then you don't have long to live. You're going to be a very, VERY sad man.
I haven't lost my mind, it's backed up on disk somewhere.
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Post by Grendel »

Dakatsu wrote:
Grendel wrote:Lets hope the GF didn't find the thread w/ her photo..

Just look around you, there are always people nearby in a much worse situation (as well as people in a much better one..)
I never posted her photo, or mine, or anyones photo for that matter.
This thread is not about you. I was refering to a thread started by the same person starting this one.
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Post by Bakdraft »

roid wrote:haha







fyad is leaking
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Its a ruse...

Post by Space-Invader Klein »

You see, instead of wanting to kill yourself, you should trick someone to do it for you. There is no satifaction in killing yourself, I've pondered this many a time, I'm 'suicidal' but have come to terms with certain factors that would make it seem a pain in the ass to commit suicide, for I am lazy.
For example:
1) If I wanted to die, killing myself is TOO EASY. This is something I ALWAYS have the chance to do, and unless I'm in the mood to stir up something its not worth it.
2) In the event I AM in the mood to stir something up emotionaly, then would killing myself solve anything. No. Would it make people happy, maybe some, but I can't just die in a corner, its too cliché. I would have to go rob a bank, or steal a car or two.... I mean if I'm going to die, it might as well be doing something I've always wanted to do and haven't done yet. Perhaps skydiving with no parachute...nvmd.
3) Why kill myself, if anyone believes in karma, you'd know that killing yourself is NO way to obtain a better state in the afterlife, by killing yourself you could be getting into something that you dread and would rather be living if it wern't for memory loss due to being alive. And apon remembering that being dead sucks worse for you than living, you can't kill yourself twice... that would be eradication. And you can't eradicate yourself, you must rely on other outside forces to ballance your eradication, therefore.... You must get someone else to kill you and have that reside on their karma.
4) Perhaps killing yourself is not the answer, but the solution to what? You could deem change in EGO a suicide, and the old you would be dead, and the new you would rock socks.
5) Try drugs, some people would very disagree for good reasons, but in my book, if you reached the end, clean the gutter. Marijuana is a very relaxing herb and could change one's outlook on life, perhaps mood swing you to giggly happyness and wanting to commit suicide could be replaced with wanting to smoke a bowl. If that hasn't cut the turkey, try some hallucinigine like LSD or mushrooms(they're natural), people have been doing them for years, and recent studys show that psilocybin (the active ingreadiant in Mushrooms) could have positive effects on depression/insomnia/bipolar issues as well as OCD. The trip you could have could change your outlook on your life, and maybe make it enjoyable in ways you've never though possible.

I would consider all these things in the event of wanting to commit suicide. I've considered it many a time, and everytime I want to do so, I do one of those things i've always wanted to do, and it usually gets better.
(Space-Invader Klein)www.myspace.com/spaceinvaderklein (Memory_Theif)
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