Spiderman 3, your thoughts?
- DarkFlameWolf
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Spiderman 3, your thoughts?
Even though it seemed they tried to put too much into one movie, I still enjoyed it. I liked how although the two main villians (Sandman and Venom) took a good chunk of the show, they actually served a greater purpose as merely tools to finally end the full character arc of the triangle between Peter/MJ/Harry that was started in Spider man 1. So you could say all 3 movies were basically there to tell the overall arc of these three characters, Green Goblin/Dr. Octopus/Sandman/Venom are merely there as plot devices to move the story forward and create tension and relationship issues between these three main characters. So I personally like the final resolution they ultimately came up with to finally end the 3-movie story arc of the three. That's how I see it anyway.
I saw it yesterday with my buddy, and I really like it alot. I think they could have made it 4-movies and give Venom his own story since he was the primary villain against Spiderman. The really cheesy parts of the movie bothered me, but I know that the comic books were cheesy as well so they were keeping up with the theme for arts sake.
But anyway, I really liked the story and thought they wrapped it up nicely. I would like a 4th movie.
But anyway, I really liked the story and thought they wrapped it up nicely. I would like a 4th movie.
- []V[]essenjah
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Man, I have nearly had this movie ruined and I've been waiting all year. Because my friends decided to wait until the 18th, I didn't go this week, just to find out that they could go because the individual friend we are waiting for is going with his wife to the temple beforehand so we can't go with him. Then, I get to sit at work where they play trailers that are getting longer and longer constantly. A week ago I didn't even know Venom was in the film. I just figured it to be a pleasent surprise if he popped up for a couple minutes at the end. Now I know what he looks like, and that he dies at the end. :
Ah well, sounds lame. 140 minutes to tell 3 HUGE stories. And now they don't even follow the comics correctly. The only villain I've wanted to see in the series will get a very small cut. Venom isn't supposed to die from my knowledge. If I remember right, he is supposed to team up with Spiderman to kill Carnage. I was hoping that we would be introduced to the suite and his character in 3, 4 would be mostly about Venom and maybe some other enemy. And 5 he would team up with Spiderman to kill Carnage.
Ah well. Another comic book movie mutilated. :\\
Ah well, sounds lame. 140 minutes to tell 3 HUGE stories. And now they don't even follow the comics correctly. The only villain I've wanted to see in the series will get a very small cut. Venom isn't supposed to die from my knowledge. If I remember right, he is supposed to team up with Spiderman to kill Carnage. I was hoping that we would be introduced to the suite and his character in 3, 4 would be mostly about Venom and maybe some other enemy. And 5 he would team up with Spiderman to kill Carnage.

Ah well. Another comic book movie mutilated. :\\
- Jon the Great
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It was a great movie, but the ending, at least the part with Sandman could have been better. To go through all that and then just change his mind and blow away was kind of a cheap ending, like they ran out of time or imagination to make a better ending.
I never read comics much, so I don't know what he did in them.
I never read comics much, so I don't know what he did in them.
Mobius wrote:For the love of all that's decent - NOOOOOOOOOO!Duper wrote:there are at least 2 more movies in the works.
...yes Marge.. da lemon..
(reference to a very old donut commercial)
Have a look at this thread to get an idea of where this thread will go.
okay.. parts that I enjoyed.. the fight between peter and harry. The way it started was just nuts. dude was out for blood.
Black spidey being a jerk to Brock.. heh that was entertaining. it was funny seeing him not put up with Brock's crap.
Seeing Brock become Venom, and Venom itself in all his glory.. It was like seeing a good person become absolute evil. sure, the venom scene was short but this dude was insane. He looked like he was going to bite spidey's head in half and eat him. just like in the comics.
okay.. parts that I enjoyed.. the fight between peter and harry. The way it started was just nuts. dude was out for blood.
Black spidey being a jerk to Brock.. heh that was entertaining. it was funny seeing him not put up with Brock's crap.
Seeing Brock become Venom, and Venom itself in all his glory.. It was like seeing a good person become absolute evil. sure, the venom scene was short but this dude was insane. He looked like he was going to bite spidey's head in half and eat him. just like in the comics.
Ya know, this is really important in the Spiderman storyline. For the longest time Spiderman had this huge moral dilemma going on and was nice and a bit frightened of hurting anyone. .. then he kinda snapped and just got tired of others' stupidity and went on a rampage of being rather OVER cocky and a bit non-shelaunght about pounding someone's head to just shy or "mushy pulp" stage. Now, he's come a bit more full circle and has a lot more discretion ..er.. most the time. So really, this is again, about 20 years worth of comics condensed. ...the way it REALLY should have been done.Ferno wrote:Have a look at this thread to get an idea of where this thread will go.
Black spidey being a jerk to Brock.. heh that was entertaining. it was funny seeing him not put up with Brock's crap.
- CDN_Merlin
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I'm sorry, but 3 just flat out sucked. What's next, throwing in five enemies at once, and turning Gwen Stacy into Xena: Warrior Model/Princess and MJ into the singing Gabrielle? The acting was abysmal compared to the first two (both of which actually had a decent plot). Seriously, the plot holes in this movie make X-Men look feasible. Half the movie was MJ being treated like ★■◆● by the two guys that actually gave a damn about her. The other half was either Peter acting like he was on \"Dancing with the Stars\" or acting like an utter buffoon. (Though I admit that his \"pimp strutting\" was hilarious) And am I the only one that thought Sandman's sudden reversal made absolutely no sense? He goes from wanting to kill Peter and Harry to a crying softie. Then theres Venom.....goes from being made a fool of to wanting to kill Peter? (And don't say it was the symbiont suit, he was PRAYING in a CHURCH for Peter's death) Seriously, could they not think up something that might actually give him a legitimate grudge to want to kill Spidey? Spidey snapping Gwen's neck like in the comics would have done it for sure. (In the original comic, Spiderman accidentally kills Gwen by trying to arrest her fall from the Brooklyn Bridge instantly. Anyone with the least little bit of physics knowlege will agree that this is a VERY bad thing. Sudden stop = lots of g force. When Spidey shoots her leg with his silk, the sudden stop snaps Gwen's neck, killing her instantly.) The only person in this movie that actually had a legitimate grudge against Peter was Harry, over the death of his father.
Furthermore, since when did Harry's butler turn into CSI? How the hell would he know if those wounds were self-inflicted? For all he knew, Peter could have thrown that glider into him.
If 3 had been split into two movies, this might have been tolerable. (The Venom arc alone deserved its own movie.) As it is, Spidey 3 is an abysmal FAILURE. Even X-Men 3 made more sense than this movie....and thats saying something.
Furthermore, since when did Harry's butler turn into CSI? How the hell would he know if those wounds were self-inflicted? For all he knew, Peter could have thrown that glider into him.
If 3 had been split into two movies, this might have been tolerable. (The Venom arc alone deserved its own movie.) As it is, Spidey 3 is an abysmal FAILURE. Even X-Men 3 made more sense than this movie....and thats saying something.
What I don't get is how Harry convinced MJ to break up with Peter on that bridge. Is it because he threatened her? I think in that case MJ would have tried to warn Peter there's more behind what she's doing.
I also found the obvious stars&stripes flag waving thing extremely corny
And the piano scene in the jazzclub was the best part of the whole movie!
I also found the obvious stars&stripes flag waving thing extremely corny

And the piano scene in the jazzclub was the best part of the whole movie!
I have not seen the movie.... but I can answer some of the issues with personality changes.
The symbiote supposedly slowly takes the person over.... so while at first the union of person and suit takes on primarily the person's personality, with time the personality fades over to the suit's. Along with that, with time the suit begins to exhert it's will over the person (seen in not allowing the person to take it off) and the person's will becomes incapable of action.
This is supposed to have happened over time.
Also, I seem to remember there being a love triangle thing going on with Brock- his girl goes after Spidey/Peter, and that's what starts the revenge thing.... from there is just becomes a anger/revenge complex that in the end only exists out of a blown view of reality & a self-perpetuating quality. I'm pretty sure they couldn't develop this properly due to time constraints.
The symbiote supposedly slowly takes the person over.... so while at first the union of person and suit takes on primarily the person's personality, with time the personality fades over to the suit's. Along with that, with time the suit begins to exhert it's will over the person (seen in not allowing the person to take it off) and the person's will becomes incapable of action.
This is supposed to have happened over time.
Also, I seem to remember there being a love triangle thing going on with Brock- his girl goes after Spidey/Peter, and that's what starts the revenge thing.... from there is just becomes a anger/revenge complex that in the end only exists out of a blown view of reality & a self-perpetuating quality. I'm pretty sure they couldn't develop this properly due to time constraints.
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No I don't. I left plenty of detail in my first post. Not my problem that you can't read plain english.Ferno wrote:lol.. dude you'll have to go into more detail than that.
Honestly, I found his death not only predictable, but ironic as well. The biggest thing that bothered me is that Peter didn't bust loose on Venom after Harry got impaled. The way he acted, it was "just another fight" to him. I'm surprised that he didn't try to shoot him with the web and sling his ass around a bit!one part that did suck though.. is why did they have to kill off goblin jr? he turned into a good guy.. and good guys don't die.
you know better than to start slinging mud.MD-2389 wrote:No I don't. I left plenty of detail in my first post. Not my problem that you can't read plain english.
This movie has Batman and Robin beat by a mile. Batman and Robin made me want to tear my eyes out.
I thought blowing him to kingdom come worked. but whatever.Honestly, I found his death not only predictable, but ironic as well. The biggest thing that bothered me is that Peter didn't bust loose on Venom after Harry got impaled. The way he acted, it was "just another fight" to him. I'm surprised that he didn't try to shoot him with the web and sling his ass around a bit!
- []V[]essenjah
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Well, I'm going to see it tommorow. Sadly, I hated to find this much out about the movie, but at the same time, I'm glad as I won't be expecting it to be as good as my expectations led me to believe.
I guess I sort-of expected it though when I saw that three villains would be in this one. REALLY bad move.
Sadly, it appears that Toby and Dunst are leaving the set.
Toby said something to the effect that the plot couldn't really go any further and stay interesting from an article I read. Apparently, he didn't pay attention to the story behind Venom. :
I figured 3 would be the turning point. We would see Spiderman rip off the suite and get in a brief fight at the end with Venom and nearly die, leaving us on some sort of cliff-hanger. The rest of 3 would focus mostly on Sandman, Harry, Peter's personal problems and the suite. I figured it needed two villians for 3 since it would be a little boring to just throw another Goblin character at us. But 3? I mean, Venom would have been interesting, but as a character we see briefly introduced at the end of the movie. I figured that 3 would be closure to the first two films and an opening to the Venom/Carnage part of the story for the next two films. Sad really. :\\
I guess I sort-of expected it though when I saw that three villains would be in this one. REALLY bad move.
Sadly, it appears that Toby and Dunst are leaving the set.
Toby said something to the effect that the plot couldn't really go any further and stay interesting from an article I read. Apparently, he didn't pay attention to the story behind Venom. :
I figured 3 would be the turning point. We would see Spiderman rip off the suite and get in a brief fight at the end with Venom and nearly die, leaving us on some sort of cliff-hanger. The rest of 3 would focus mostly on Sandman, Harry, Peter's personal problems and the suite. I figured it needed two villians for 3 since it would be a little boring to just throw another Goblin character at us. But 3? I mean, Venom would have been interesting, but as a character we see briefly introduced at the end of the movie. I figured that 3 would be closure to the first two films and an opening to the Venom/Carnage part of the story for the next two films. Sad really. :\\
I'm going to have to go with Jon Stewart on this one. I've always had a difficult time following the whole Symbiote, Madame Webb, and Venom plot (not that I've seen Spider-Man 3 - I only have the animated cartoon to go on). It's ironic because, for some reason, the concept of getting bitten by a radioactive spider and acquiring spider powers doesn't seem far-fetched to me. It's when it swelled into this whole destiny/conspiracy/origin thing that the plot completely lost me.
Of course, you try running with the same concept for 20 years and you'd probably crack too.
Of course, you try running with the same concept for 20 years and you'd probably crack too.

Thats the problem with you people and your high expectations (using YOU figuratively). You expect someone to make a movie as YOU would like it, but you cant enjoy it as it is because it didnt fit your take on it so you call it crap. Thats what drives me nuts, all the comic book people cant enjoy it for what it is.[]V[]essenjah wrote:I figured 3 would be the turning point. We would see Spiderman rip off the suite and get in a brief fight at the end with Venom and nearly die, leaving us on some sort of cliff-hanger. The rest of 3 would focus mostly on Sandman, Harry, Peter's personal problems and the suite. I figured it needed two villians for 3 since it would be a little boring to just throw another Goblin character at us. But 3? I mean, Venom would have been interesting, but as a character we see briefly introduced at the end of the movie. I figured that 3 would be closure to the first two films and an opening to the Venom/Carnage part of the story for the next two films. Sad really. :\\
you gotta admit.. spiderman 2 was a bit of a fluke.
and for the people who wonder why two enemies were thrown at spiderman at once, I have this to say: did you really expect spiderman to fight everyone one on one? See, that's the thing. the hero HAS to face impossible odds, otherwise it would get boring fast.
There are story arcs where the hero faces off against three, four or more bad guys. because that's what the bad guys do. they tag-team, double-team, triple-team the hero. anything to gain an edge and kill the hero.
but the hero always prevails. that's how it works.
and for the people who wonder why two enemies were thrown at spiderman at once, I have this to say: did you really expect spiderman to fight everyone one on one? See, that's the thing. the hero HAS to face impossible odds, otherwise it would get boring fast.
There are story arcs where the hero faces off against three, four or more bad guys. because that's what the bad guys do. they tag-team, double-team, triple-team the hero. anything to gain an edge and kill the hero.
but the hero always prevails. that's how it works.
- []V[]essenjah
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Well, I went in last night, TW, expecting at least a good ride out of the movie. I figured, you know, they don't have to follow the comic books. If they did that, in a way it would be boring because it would be predictable. So, I'll see it and enjoy it for what it is. Just like X-Men 3 and a few other movies I have gone through.
However, this movie I have very mixed feelings about. It had REALLY good parts and REALLY REALLY AWFUL parts. It wasn't that the story, the characters, and plot were bad. It was how they were chopped up and meshed together. It just looked bad.
The thing is, for a 140 minute movie, two villains is ok. I actually wanted 3 to have two villains. Why? Because another Goblin would become boring. The same bad guy showing up repeatedly in every film would be a terrible move. So they had Sandman, and that was fine along with Parker's internal demons. But they weren't FLESHED OUT!! They squished them together and tossed in Venom on top of it all.
Dunste looked like she was lip-sinking. I didn't like that jaz scene. It was funny, yes. But it didn't look right and didn't fit at all.
However, I really liked the evil version of Spider-Man. I thought he was rather funny to watch. Especially the fight with Harry.
Venom was a little disappointing. He was poorly fleshed out, his moment of glory was very brief, the voice was more weasily and less frightening than I would expect and he seemed a little too small to me. We never got a feel for how dangerous Venom was, because we never saw him kill anything. :I really liked Harry's death.I thought it was a very good way to tie up his part in the storyline. In the end, he played a very valuable role. It seemed appropriate. More so to me than a Venom/Spider-Man team up.
The plot was very good through the second half. But the way they ended Sandman.... just didn't make any sense.
He just walks up at the end, and breaks into tears and tells Spider-Man how sorry he is for what he did. This is only a couple minutes after he was brutally and mercilessly pummeling Spider-Man, trying to viciously murder him. The second Venom died.... this is all he did? This was his reaction? He was a tougher and more brutal enemy than Venom was in the movie from what I saw....
And the Venom sound wave weakness wasn't explained at all. :\\
However, this movie I have very mixed feelings about. It had REALLY good parts and REALLY REALLY AWFUL parts. It wasn't that the story, the characters, and plot were bad. It was how they were chopped up and meshed together. It just looked bad.
The thing is, for a 140 minute movie, two villains is ok. I actually wanted 3 to have two villains. Why? Because another Goblin would become boring. The same bad guy showing up repeatedly in every film would be a terrible move. So they had Sandman, and that was fine along with Parker's internal demons. But they weren't FLESHED OUT!! They squished them together and tossed in Venom on top of it all.
Dunste looked like she was lip-sinking. I didn't like that jaz scene. It was funny, yes. But it didn't look right and didn't fit at all.
However, I really liked the evil version of Spider-Man. I thought he was rather funny to watch. Especially the fight with Harry.
Venom was a little disappointing. He was poorly fleshed out, his moment of glory was very brief, the voice was more weasily and less frightening than I would expect and he seemed a little too small to me. We never got a feel for how dangerous Venom was, because we never saw him kill anything. :I really liked Harry's death.I thought it was a very good way to tie up his part in the storyline. In the end, he played a very valuable role. It seemed appropriate. More so to me than a Venom/Spider-Man team up.
The plot was very good through the second half. But the way they ended Sandman.... just didn't make any sense.
He just walks up at the end, and breaks into tears and tells Spider-Man how sorry he is for what he did. This is only a couple minutes after he was brutally and mercilessly pummeling Spider-Man, trying to viciously murder him. The second Venom died.... this is all he did? This was his reaction? He was a tougher and more brutal enemy than Venom was in the movie from what I saw....
And the Venom sound wave weakness wasn't explained at all. :\\
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Actually, it was.....kind-of. If you watched carefully when Peter was trying to tear off the symbiont suit, you see a "head" briefly form as it "scream" when the church bell rang. Peter also noticed that Venom had an adverse reaction to the pipes falling, and remembered what happened when the bells rang....and took advantage of this. (Hell, they even had a flashback pointing this out!)[]V[]essenjah wrote:And the Venom sound wave weakness wasn't explained at all. :\\
- DarkFlameWolf
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- DarkFlameWolf
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- []V[]essenjah
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From what I understand Sam Raimi hates the Venom character. Which probably explains why this movie sucked. If he didn't like Venom, he shouldn't have been the director. Sadly, Dunste will only work with him. Sounds like if Raimi works on the next movie, he is planning to use a Vampire named Morland as the next villain. Rumor has it. Sounds retarded to me. :\\ Vampires= done to death. If he likes Vampires, he should go work on Underworld or Blade. :\\ Spiderman is all about Venom and Goblin.
Yeah MD, I caught onto that, but non-fanboys might not catch that if they didn't look carefully. I thought it was ok. I just thought we saw the face because he was ripping the suite off. They should have toyed with it more in the lab. Not to mention, the one armed science professor was supposed to use that symbiont to attempt to regrow his arm back, thus becoming The Lizard. He was in two different movies and I *think* mentioned in the first movie.
We saw Brock's skeleton disintegrate. So, no more Venom, no Lizard (well I suppose they could bring him in), and no Carnage. :Raimi needs to be fired. Apparently Toby and Dunste won't be back for 4. *sarcasm* Hey, but we get to have Morland the Vampire! WHEEE!! /*sarcasm*
It should have been:
1. Green Goblin
2. Doc Oc
3. Sandman and New Goblin (with a very brief Venom scene at the end.)
4. Venom and Lizard
5. Venom and Carnage
Yeah MD, I caught onto that, but non-fanboys might not catch that if they didn't look carefully. I thought it was ok. I just thought we saw the face because he was ripping the suite off. They should have toyed with it more in the lab. Not to mention, the one armed science professor was supposed to use that symbiont to attempt to regrow his arm back, thus becoming The Lizard. He was in two different movies and I *think* mentioned in the first movie.
We saw Brock's skeleton disintegrate. So, no more Venom, no Lizard (well I suppose they could bring him in), and no Carnage. :Raimi needs to be fired. Apparently Toby and Dunste won't be back for 4. *sarcasm* Hey, but we get to have Morland the Vampire! WHEEE!! /*sarcasm*
It should have been:
1. Green Goblin
2. Doc Oc
3. Sandman and New Goblin (with a very brief Venom scene at the end.)
4. Venom and Lizard
5. Venom and Carnage
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- TIGERassault
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Perhaps you mean Morlun, who isn't a vampire but can absorb other's life scources.[]V[]essenjah wrote:Sounds like if Raimi works on the next movie, he is planning to use a Vampire named Morland as the next villain. Rumor has it. Sounds retarded to me. :\\ Vampires= done to death. If he likes Vampires, he should go work on Underworld or Blade. :\\ Spiderman is all about Venom and Goblin.
The only vampire-villan I know of is the man who got bitten by a radioactive bat and turned into a half-vampire-bat at night. IIRC, that was also around the time Spiderman grew an extra four arms, so that might also be a possibility.
- []V[]essenjah
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