Apologies/Sorry thread

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Apologies/Sorry thread

Post by Sapphire Wolf »

I want to make a thread where we can have a little cwy and apologies for all the times we have been complete jerks.

I would like to apologise to DarkFlameWolf for being annoying to her and nag at her in the past. I'm sorry
And I'm also sorry for overposting stuff in the past. I'm also sorry for that.
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Post by Krom »

I think most people here should have already accepted that I am a total arrogant elitist to the core, and everyone should most definitely take everything I say completely personally. ;)

Sapphire Wolf: You really shouldn't mind what anyone says and does on an internet BB like this. Pretty much everyone will act rougher and less guarded on an internet board then they would in person or in public. There is absolutely no reason to apologize simply for being yourself and crossing blades with only one or two people along the way, it happens to everyone. If it was really a problem I guarantee you would have known it immediately.

Otherwise, for everyone on the board that feels they have something to apologize for...
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Post by Foil »

Actually, I *do* have something to apologize for.

Over the last few months, I've been a complete a$$ a few times in multiplayer D3 games. I'm normally an even-keel guy, but I've gotten out of control in-game a number of times. In my frustration/anger (mostly at connect issues which are no one's fault) I've said things I regret, things I normally don't even say out loud.

Anyway, that's an open apology to anyone who's seen me like that in a game of D3 recently.
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Post by TIGERassault »

Me too. I apologise for not being particularly awesome last week. It's just that I'm a bit put off because I have to go to French College for three weeks soon...
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Post by Kilarin »

Krom wrote:You really shouldn't mind what anyone says and does on an internet BB like this.
I'm not certain how society has gotten this idea that if it happens online, it doesn't count. Being rude is rude, whether you do it to someones face, or in a snail mail letter, or on the web.

Yes, it's something we've ALL done, but it's not something we should consider unimportant.
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Post by Duper »

I've had weeks like that too. Something just crawled under my skin while I was sleeping and died. No idea why.

I really take most stuff here with a grain of salt once I shut the tab down.
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Post by Firewheel »

I apologize for making all those \"Star Trek vs. Star Wars\" threads back in the DBB's earlier years. :o

At least I managed to overcome my horrifying nerd tendencies.
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Post by DarkFlameWolf »

I honestly don't remember any of that Sapphire Wolf! but Apology accepted! :lol:

I will apologize for the way I've acted towards Diedel.
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Post by Diedel »

La Li Lu
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Post by Diedel »

Krom wrote:You really shouldn't mind what anyone says and does on an internet BB like this.
This is not true, and the problem is that many people using online forums think it is and act on this completely wrong premise.
Krom wrote:I think most people here should have already accepted that I am a total arrogant elitist to the core, and everyone should most definitely take everything I say completely personally. ;)
Don't let this get too close, or there'd be nothing left of you.
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Post by Genghis »

Once, in Hawaii, I had sex with a hundred-and-two-year-old male turtle. It would be hard to argue that it was consensual. I would like to apologize to the turtle, his family, the Kahala Hilton Hotel, and the hundred or so diners at the Hilton's outdoor cafe. I would also like to apologize to my loyal wife Karen, who had to endure the subsequent news item in the \"Also Noted\" section of the Santa Barbara Women's Club Weekly.

In 1987, I attended a bar mitzvah in Manhattan while wearing white gabardine pants, white patent-leather slippers, a blue blazer with gold buttons, and a yachting cap. I would like to apologize to the Jewish people, the State of Israel, my family, who have stood by me, and my wife Karen, who has endured my seventeen affairs and three out-of-wedlock children.

I would also like to apologize to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, for referring to its members as \"colored people.\" My apology would not be complete if I didn't include my new wife, Nancy, who is of a pinkish tint, and our two children, who are white-colored.

Finally, I would like to apologize for spontaneously yelling the word \"savages!\" after losing six thousand dollars on a roulette spin at the Choctaw Nation Casino and Sports Book. When I was growing up, the usage of this word in our household closely approximated the Hawaiian aloha, and my use of it in the casino was meant to express \"until we meet again.\"
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Post by Diedel »

Why don't you just apologize for being a complete jerk.
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Post by d3jake »

Genghis wrote:...who had to endure the subsequent news item in the "Also Noted" section of the Santa Barbara Women's Club Weekly.
And why would that be? Santa Barbara is in Cali...
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Post by Top Wop »

I would like to apologize to the moron in a riced-out Acura I smoked at a stoplight last week. Sorry, but you are not cool, and you have a small penis.
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Post by JMEaT »

I'm sorry for not playing more D3. There I said it.
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Post by Diedel »

I am occasionally asking myself whether people commenting on other people's penis sizes have a problem of their own, one way or the other ... :roll:
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Post by Hattrick »

Like Krom posted.
\"You really shouldn't mind what anyone says and does on an internet BB like this.\"

True words indeed.

BB's can be a great source for information and friendship, on the other hand it allows people to post words anonymously and therefore not need to take anyones feelings into consideration.
When using any BB you need to remember to let the posts that bother you \"roll off your back\".

oh and to stay on topic:

I apoligize for stepping on that spider was on our front porch this morning. I'm sure I left thousands of spiderlings orphaned and I feel bad.
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Post by Diedel »

Ach, Du schon wieder.
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Post by Krom »

I think Hattrick gets it.

What I mean is you should not take things said on the internet personally because people will say things on the internet that they wouldn't say in person. It does not mean that the internet is open season to be rude or antisocial to everyone and anyone, it just means that some people will act that way regardless of what you think. Don't expect that just because you acknowledge one's actions on the internet have a real impact on people that everyone will be polite and thoughtful too.

Additionally: there are already MORE THAN ENOUGH STUPID PEOPLE that will take everything on the internet DEEPLY PERSONAL and cause internet riots and flame wars to erupt around them all the time. We don't need any more of them.
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Post by Kilarin »

I apologize if I misunderstood Krom. :lol:
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Post by Diedel »

Why would people say things on the internet they wouldn't say in person ... there's a few inconvenient truths imminent ...
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Post by fliptw »

Diedel wrote:Why would people say things on the internet they wouldn't say in person ... there's a few inconvenient truths imminent ...
then you missed the point of the internets.
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Post by Diedel »

Oh no, my friend.

Being easily abused w/o having to fear consequences doesn't make easy abuse the point of the inet. And it says everything about those people who think it is.

That's exactly where you are going wrong, just as Krom.

Btw, this thread may probably need a split to the E&C area.
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Post by Palzon »

Genghis, I too had sex with a sea reptile, but I regret nothing.

I accept your apology on behalf of the Jews, but submit that you should show a little remorse for not inviting me to either of your weddings as the representative of the Jewish delegation.
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Post by Top Wop »

I am occasionally asking myself whether people who pester at other people on message boards have a problem of their own, one way or the other.
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Post by Money! »

I apologize for taking offense at Diedel's unrelenting belief in his own opinions and subsequent need to make them heard. I apologize for saying that he is currently ruining this thread.

And I apologize for being gone from the DBB for so long! Good to see you guys.
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Post by Duper »

Top Wop wrote:I am occasionally asking myself whether people who pester at other people on message boards have a problem of their own, one way or the other.

Duuuude ..... wait.. what?
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Post by Admiral Thrawn »

I apologize for the 20,000+ times I owned U noobs in the mines and then taunted you with my picture which was contained on the game cd and my voice saying \"Another Soul Korrupted\".

I don't apologize killing you hippies that take up my precious time chatting in the mines when you should have been fighting. And yes, I did replace the keyboard icon with the bulleye.

Some of the names I killed you with.
Admiral Thrawn
Triple Phat Fusion
Another Soul Korrupted
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Post by Diedel »

Money! wrote:I apologize for taking offense at Diedel's unrelenting belief in his own opinions and subsequent need to make them heard. I apologize for saying that he is currently ruining this thread.

And I apologize for being gone from the DBB for so long! Good to see you guys.
See Krom's first post.

I could apologize for your complete lack of tolerance towards other people's beliefs and their issuing them while taking it as a personal privilege for yourself. I could also express my being sorry for your touchiness and incapability for coping with anything you don't like to hear because your petty personality can't take it. I might even ask for forgiveness for your need to flame people who dare to reply to what other people posted in a public message board. I even wondered whether to ask publicly for mercy for chosing such a miserable way to make a comeback to this forum in your place.

But I won't. ;)

Too good you don't believe in any of your opinions and never need to make them heard anywhere.
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Post by roid »

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Post by Money! »

Diedel wrote:
Money! wrote:I apologize for taking offense at Diedel's unrelenting belief in his own opinions and subsequent need to make them heard. I apologize for saying that he is currently ruining this thread.

And I apologize for being gone from the DBB for so long! Good to see you guys.
See Krom's first post.

I could apologize for your complete lack of tolerance towards other people's beliefs and their issuing them while taking it as a personal privilege for yourself. I could also express my being sorry for your touchiness and incapability for coping with anything you don't like to hear because your petty personality can't take it. I might even ask for forgiveness for your need to flame people who dare to reply to what other people posted in a public message board. I even wondered whether to ask publicly for mercy for chosing such a miserable way to make a comeback to this forum in your place.

But I won't. ;)

Too good you don't believe in any of your opinions and never need to make them heard anywhere.
Haha! Just proving my point bro. Boo-fu ckin'-hoo, who gives a sh1t about your rant? :P
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Post by Topher »

I apologize for stepping on that butterfly that one time. I had no idea I would kill Spore.
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Post by Diedel »

Money! wrote:who gives a sh1t about your rant? :P
You, obviously. Do you happen to have a small penis?

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Post by DigiJo »

i apologize for flipping the wrong switch when i was on vacation in tschernobyl 1986, man i thought it was the table-light, really.
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Post by Bet51987 »

I apologize for all the complaining I do to keep fwords out of games.

I apologize for all the complaining I do about the bad language creeping into this forum and this thread.

I apologize for calling these people low-lifes.

I apologize for tagging those people as belonging to the clone forum.

I apologize to Sapphire Wolf for having to apologize.

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Post by Testiculese »

Apologizing is not the same as learning how you are offending and stopping said behavior.
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Post by TIGERassault »

roid wrote:NO REGRETS!!! HUZZAH!!
Really? Not even that you didn't nuke the state of Texas when you had a chance?
Bet51987 wrote:I apologize for calling these people low-lifes.
I apologise for not interrogating Bettina enough to know who 'these people' are.
Well, if by 'these' she means the people she was just talking about, then I'd say she means... the bad language? Are those people too?
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Post by Foil »

Testiculese wrote:Apologizing is not the same as learning how you are offending and stopping said behavior.
That's the best post in this thread so far!

Words are cheap; changing one's own behavior is the point. I of course include myself and what I apologized for in this; if anyone witnesses me 'flying-while-enraged' again in D3, feel free to report me here.
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Post by Duper »

Testiculese wrote:Apologizing is not the same as learning how you are offending and stopping said behavior.
Exactly. This is known as repentance. .. there's hope for you yet Testi! ;)
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Post by WillyP »

I am truly sorry I read this thread!
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